Historic Pelham

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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

More on the Martha Emmons Weihman Memorial Park: The Landscape Designer

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Regular readers of this Blog have read much about the history of the Martha Emmons Weihman Memorial Park located on the Esplanade at Boston Post Road behind Huguenot Memorial Church. I have been doing research on the history of the park to assist The Junior League of Pelham, Inc. That organization is engaged in an effort to raise funds to restore the park. Recent postings on the topic include:

Wed., July 20, 2005: The Pelham Manor Village Board Decides To Dedicate Park as "Martha Emmons Weihman Memorial Park" on September 8, 1941.

Mon., June 6, 2005: Martha Emmons Weihman Memorial Park in Pelham Manor - Origins of the Idea to Create a Park.

Thu., June 2, 2005: Obituary of Martha Emmons Weihman From The Pelham Sun, August 16, 1940.

Tue., May 31, 2005: The June 6, 1940 Fire That Destroyed the George M. Reynolds Mansion (Part I of II).

Wed., June 1, 2005: The June 6, 1940 Fire That Destroyed the George M. Reynolds Mansion (Part II of II).

Tue., May 24, 2005: Clifford and Martha Weihman of Pelham (Part I of II).

Wed., May 25, 2005: Clifford and Martha Weihman of Pelham (Part II of II).

Today's Blog posting will provide the latest additional information regarding the park that I have been able to assemble: the identity of the landscape designer who prepared the design for the Park. The information comes from an article published in the September 26, 1941 issue of The Pelham Sun and is reproduced in its entirety below.

"Planning Board to Meet Tonight for Park Plans


Work next week on grading and layout of the Martha Emmons Weihman Memorial Park on the property on the Boston Post Road and the Esplanade, Pelham Manor, awaits approval of proposal plans by the Village Planning Board meeting tonight in the village hall.

The offer to defray the cost of landscaping the property, which was the site of the three-story frame apartment building which was gutted by fire in June, 1940, was made to the village board last month by Clifford T. Weihman, of Monterey, husband of the late Mrs. Weihman of Monterey avenue, as a memorial for his wife. The village had recently purchased the property, which has a 250-foot frontage on the Post Road and a 250-foot frontage on the Esplanade, for improvement as a park site.

Tonight the Planning Board will discuss plans for grading and layout, which have been made by Willard W. Gay, architect of New Rochelle. Mr. Gay has drawn up the complete design for the park, including several paths, a central pool surrounded by flagstones, and layout of various shrubbery. Village Engineer Julius J. Dworschak is getting bids from contractors on grading and excavating of the old apartment house foundation and expects to award the contract next week. The Planning Board is headed by Village Trustee C. Furnald Smith and includes Miss Evelyn Longley, Lockwood Barr, Lucius Greve and Engineer Dworschak."

Source: Planning Board to Meet Tonight For Park Plans, The Pelham Sun, Vol. 31, No. 25, Sep. 26, 1941, p. 5, col. 1.

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