
Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Legislative History of the 1775 Statute Authorizing Construction of City Island Bridge

A few days ago I wrote about the statute passed by the Colony of New York on April 3, 1775 authorizing Benjamin Palmer and Samuel Rodman, Sr. to build a draw bridge from Rodman's Neck on the mainland to City Island.  See Fri., Oct. 03, 2014:  1775 Statute Authorizing Construction of City Island Bridge.

A review of the legislative history of the statute suggests that in 1774, Rodman and Palmer sought and obtained the support of residents of the Manor of Pelham, the settlement of New Rochelle, and the borough and town of Westchester to urge the General Assembly of New York to enact a law authorizing the construction of a free draw bridge from the mainland to City Island.  

The Journal of the General Assembly of New-York reflects that on March 10, 1774, a petition signed by a number of the freeholders and inhabitants of Pelham, New Rochelle and Westchester "was presented to the house and read, praying a bill may be brought in to enable Benjamin Palmer and Samuel Rodman, to build a free draw-bridge over the Narrows from Miniford's Island to said Rodman's Neck."  

The house ordered representatives Thomas and Van Cortlandt to prepare and present such a bill.  Later in the day, Representative Thomas presented to the house the bill entitled "an act to enable the persons therein named to build a free bridge over the Narrows from Minfords island to Rodman's Neck.  The bill was read to the house and a second reading was ordered.

Below is the text from the entry of the Journal of the General Assembly of New-York on March 10, 1774.

"Die Jovis, 10 ho. A. M. the 10th March, 1774.

Theengrossed bill from the council, entitled 'an act for the amendment of the law for prevention of frauds and perjuries,' was read the second time, and committed to a committee of the whole house.

A petition of a number of the freeholders and inhabitants of the manor of Pelham, New-Rochelle, and the borough and town of Westchester, was presented to the house and read, praying a bill may be brought in to enable Benjamin Palmer and Samuel Rodman, to build a free draw-bridge over the Narrows from Miniford's Island to said Rodman's Neck.


That a bill be brought in pursuant to the said petition, and that Mr. Thomas and Mr. Van Cortlandt prepare and bring in the same.

Mr. Wilkins, from the committee appointed the 8th inst. to prepare the draft of an address to his Excellency the Governor, pursuant to a resolution entered into on that day, reported, that they prepared a draft accordingly; which he read in his place, and afterwards delivered it in at the table, where the same was again read; and thereupon it was


That the said draft be referred to the consideration of a committee of the whole house.

Mr. Thomas, according to order, presented to the house a bill, entitled 'an act to enable the persons therein named to build a free bridge over the Narrows from Minifords island to Rodman's Neck,' which was read the first time, and ordered a second reading. . . ."

Source:  Journal of the Votes and Proceedings of the General Assembly of the Colony of New-York, from 1766 to 1776, Inclusive / Reprinted in Pursuance of a Joint Resolution of the State of New York, Passed 30th April, 1820, p. 90 (Albany, NY:  Printed by J. Buel, Printer to the State, 1820).

Map of Town of Pelham with Inset of City Island, 1868.
Source: Beers, F.W., Atlas of New York and Vicinity, p. 35
(NY, NY: Beers, Ellis & Soule, 1868).

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To read more about Benjamin Palmer, Samuel Rodman, City Island and early efforts to develop the City Island bridge, see:  

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