
Thursday, December 18, 2014

Huguenot Memorial Presbyterian Church Celebrated its 25th Anniversary in 1901

On October 13 and October 14, 1901, the congregants of Huguenot Memorial Presbyterian Church celebrated the silver anniversary of the "Little Red Church" located at today's Four Corners.  The celebration was lavish and festive with many notable addresses by speakers who described the history of the little church.

Today's posting to the Historic Pelham Blog transcribes the text of a brief article that appeared in The New Rochelle Pioneer and described the festivities.  It is followed by a citation to its source.  

A Glass Lantern Slide Created by Pelham Town Historian
William Montgomery Between December 10, 1916 and June 10, 1917.
It Depicts the "Little Red Church," the Predecessor Building to
Today's Huguenot Memorial Presbyterian Church Sanctuary.
The Little Red Church was a "Centenary Church" Opened in
July 1876 in Part to Commemorate the Centennial of the
Signing of the Declaration of Independence.


The congregation of the Huguenot Memorial Church, at Pelham Manor, celebrated the twenty-fifth anniversary of the church on Sunday and Monday last [Oct. 13-14, 1901].  The church and parlors were handsomely bedecked with branches of trees, the autumn coloring of which made a novel and entrancing effect.  

The religious services on Sunday morning and evening were well attended.  The Sunday school services at 10 a.m., consisted of choir and congregational singing, prayers, a historical narrative by Mr. A. L. Hammett; reminiscent addresses by Rev. Henry R. Waite, Ph.D., Wm. P. Stephenson, Miss H. M. Mitchell, and Mr. E. B. Dumond, of Fishkill.

The memorial services at 11.15 o'clock included anthems, scriptural reading, an anniversary hymn and the memorial sermon delivered by the pastor, Rev. Harris Adriance.  'The Church History,' ably presented by Mr. John H. Dey, was followed by prayer and benediction.  A memorial communion service was held at 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

The anniversary reception in the chapel on Monday evening was a scene which will not be forgotten by any one fortunate enough to face the severe storm to be present.  Festivity, gaiety and good nature went hand in hand,, every one feeling that they must be merry in honor of the joyous occasion.  The evening was one of general rejoicing, intermingled with able addresses, excellent music and bounteous refreshments.

The committees in charge of the affair consisted of the following:

Reception Committee -- Messrs. John H. Dey, Wm. K. Gillett and James Herbert Ferris.

Refreshment Committee -- The Woman's Association, of which Mrs. G. H. Ferris is the honored president."

Source:  ANNIVERSARY OF HUGUENOT MEMORIAL CHURCH, PELHAM MANOR, The New Rochelle Pioneer, Oct. 19, 1901, p. 8, col. 2.  

*           *          *          *          *

Periodically I have posted items to the Historic Pelham Blog regarding the fascinating history of the church known today as Huguenot Memorial Presbyterian Church in Pelham Manor.  For a few of many such examples, see

Fri., Nov. 07, 2014:  Huguenot Memorial Presbyterian Church Migrated to a "Free Pew" Seating System in 1919.

Fri., Aug. 22, 2014:  Brief History of Huguenot Memorial Presbyterian Church in Pelham Manor Published in 1963.

Thu., Mar. 06, 2014:  An Account of the Dedication of the Little Red Church at Four Corners on July 9, 1876.

Fri., Feb. 28, 2014:  Brief History of the Role Churches Played in the Growth of the Pelhams Published in 1926

Tue., Sep. 18, 2007:  Installation of the First Full-Time Pastor ofHuguenot Memorial Presbyterian Church in Pelham Manor in 1877

Fri., Aug. 31, 2007:  Announcement of the First Services Held in the Little Red Church of the Huguenot Memorial Presbyterian Church on July 9, 1876

Thu., Aug. 16, 2007:  Biographical Data About Rev. Charles EliphaletLord Who Served as Acting Pastor of Huguenot Memorial Presbyterian Church,1874-79

Tue., Jun. 19, 2007:  A Brazen Burglary at The Little Red Church in 1904

Mon., Jan. 1, 2007:  Dating an Undated Glass Lantern Slide Showing the Little Red Church (Huguenot Memorial Presbyterian Church)

Wed., Oct. 25, 2006:  A Biography of the Rev. Henry Randall Waite, Ph. D., a 19th Century Pastor of Huguenot Memorial Presbyterian Church

Thur., Jun. 29, 2006:  A Biography of Lewis Gaston Leary, Early 20th Century Pastor of Huguenot Memorial Presbyterian Church in Pelham

Thu., Mar. 2, 2006:  A Lecture in 1877 to Raise Money for the New Huguenot Memorial Church in Pelham Manor

Fri., Jan. 27, 2006:  Lectures to Raise Money to Build the"Huguenot Memorial Forest Church" Building in Pelham Manor

Mon., Jul. 25, 2005: The Columbarium at Huguenot Memorial Church in Pelham Manor.

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