
Friday, December 12, 2014

Parade and Housewarming Hosted by Pelhamville Fire Department in 1894

On Wednesday, May 16, 1894, much of Pelham gathered for a parade, a dinner, and a housewarming to celebrate the opening of the new firehouse in Pelhamville housing Relief Hook and Ladder Company No. 1 and Liberty Hose Company No. 1.  The parade began at Eighth Avenue and Fourth Street [today's Lincoln Avenue] and proceeded along "the principal streets and avenues of the village."

The parade route was decorated and Pelhamites popped out of their homes and businesses and lined the route with cheers.  In addition to the members of the two companies whose new firehouse was being celebrated, other marchers included the Fire Commissioners, invited guests, and the members of the Independent Hook and Ladder Company of Pelham Manor.

At the end of the parade, marchers and supporters gathered in the new firehouse for a tour, including a tour of the two companies' apartments.  Additionally, the following delivered remarks to the crowd:  the President of the Board of Fire Commissioners, W. H. Sparks, Foremen W. S. Harrison and C. A. Barker and Fireman John Young. Following the remarks, everyone gathered for food prepared by women associated with the celebrants and dancing until midnight.

The tiny settlement of Pelhamville was justifiably proud of its new firehouse.  The celebration was worthy of the work and effort put into the development and construction of the new firehouse.

Below are two images showing both the firehouse and the two companies of Pelhamville firefighters that it housed, both taken barely a year after the firehouse was built.  There after is a transcription of an excerpt of an article that describing the parade, housewarming and party to celebrate the new firehouse.

Men of the Liberty Hose Company No. 1 Standing in
Front of the Original Pelhamville Fire House in 1895.
Presumably the Three Men in Suits Behind Them Are
Several of the Fire Commissioners.  NOTE:  Click to Enlarge Image.
Source:  Image Enhanced from Image Offered for Auction Via eBay.

Men of the Relief Hook and Ladder Company No. 1
Standing in Front of the Original Pelhamville Fire 
House in 1895.  NOTE:  Click to Enlarge Image.
Source:  Image Rendered Grayscale and Enhanced
from Image Offered for Auction via eBay.

Pelhamville. . . . 

A grand jollification parade and housewarming was given by the fire department on Wednesday evening the 16th inst.  The Relief Hook and Ladder Co. formed in line in front of the engine house and ex-chief Barker in behalf of the young ladies of Pelhamville presented the assistant chief, Walter Barker with a beautiful new helmet.  The companies then repaired to Eighth avenue and Fourth street where under the command of Chief B. F. Crewell the line formed, headed by the Board of Fire Commissioners, consisting of Messrs. W. H. Sparks, I. C. Hill, W. J. Evert, Vincent Barker and C. A. Barker; next came the invited guests, the Independent Hook and Ladder Company of Pelham Manor in command of Foreman B. F. Turner, followed by the local companies, Liberty Hose Company and Relief Hook and Ladder Company.  The line of march covered the principal streets and avenues of the village, and the beautiful decorations along the route excited the enthusiasm of 'the boys' which was frequently evidenced by rousing cheers.  It is to be regretted that the line of march was not published, had it been known the decorations would have been more general.  At the completion of the parade the members of the department and the invited guests repaired to the engine house where the ladies sustained their reputation by the bountiful collation which they had prepared.  Appropriate and pointed remarks were made by the President of the Board of Fire Commissioners, W. H. Sparks, Foremen W. S. Harrison and C. A. Barker and Fireman John Young.  The house was beautifully and tastefully decorated and both companies deserve commendation for the taste displayed in furnishing their separate apartments.  Dancing was indulged in until twelve o'clock.  This report would not be complete were no mention made of the discipline, marching and etc., manifested by all participating."

Source:  OUR NEARBY NEIGHBORS -- Pelhamville, The Chronicle [Mount Vernon, NY], May 24, 1894, p. 4, col. 3.  

*          *          *          *          *

Below is a list of prior Historic Pelham Blog postings that touch on firefighting and the history of fire fighting units within the Town of Pelham.

Thu., Jul. 24, 2014:  Dedication of the New Fire Headquarters in the Village of Pelham on December 29, 1927.

Wed., Jul. 02, 2014:  Election Shenanigans Involving Fire Commissioner Election in 1898.

Thu., Apr. 24, 2014:  Information About the History of Fire Departments in the Town of Pelham Published in 1927.

Fri., Jan. 24, 2014:  Early Days of Organized Fire Fighting in Today's Village of Pelham.

Fri., Jan. 15, 2010:  Photograph of Augustine C. McGuire, President of the Board of Fire Commissioners of the First District Fire Department in 1913.

Thu., Jan. 14, 2010:  1913 Report of the Firemen's Benevolent Association in Pelham.

Thu., Dec. 10, 2009:  More 19th Century Baseball and Firefighting References.

Tue., Dec. 08, 2009:  The Darling Triplets: Three Brothers Among Pelham's Earliest Firefighters.

Thu., Oct. 08, 2009:  Firefighting Units on City Island in Pelham During the Early 1890's.

Mon., Aug. 31, 2009:  Contest in 1891 To Determine Which Steam Fire Engine Company Could Throw a Stream the Greater Distance.

Fri., Aug. 28, 2009:  Reorganization of the Minneford Engine Company on City Island in February, 1891.

Thu., Aug. 06, 2009:  Brief History of the Fire Department in the Village of North Pelham Published in 1913.

Wed., Aug. 05, 2009:  Pelham Manor Fire Chief Pleads for Taxpayers to Authorize Purchase of Village's First Fire Engine.

Wed., July 15, 2009:  Liberty Hose Company Election in 1898.

Thu., Jan. 19, 2006:  Pelham Manor's Earliest Fire Fighting Equipment.

Mon., Aug. 01, 2005:  An 1896 Inspection and Drill of the Fire Department in Pelham.

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