
Thursday, April 23, 2015

Augustine James Frederick Prevost of The Shrubbery in Pelham Manor

Augustine James Frederick Prevost, known as Frederick Prevost, was a stepson of Aaron Burr (the third Vice President of the United States who killed Alexander Hamiliton in an infamous duel on July 11, 1804 near Weehawken, New Jersey).  Frederick Prevost lived in a grand 18th century home that once stood in Pelham Manor along today's Split Rock Road.  Known as "The Shrubbery," the home stood until the late 19th century when it was destroyed by fire.

According to genealogists, A. J. Frederick Prevost was a son of James Marcus Prevost and Theodosia Bartow who was the only daughter of Theodosius Bartow of Shrewsbury, New Jersey.  James Marcus Prevost, who was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the British Forces in the Province of New Jersey during the Revolutionary War, died in the West Indies in 1779.  Thereafter, Theodosia met and married Aaron Burr who became A. J. Frederick Prevost's stepfather.  According to one family genealogy:

"7.  COL. JAMES MARCUS PREVOST, a native of Geneva, followed his brother, General Augustine, to England, and was afterward with him in Savannah in the war of the Revolution.  He was appointed Commander-in Chief of the British forces in America in the province of New Jersey, and died in the West Indies in 1779.  He married Theodosia, only daughter of Theodosius Bartow, of Shrewsbury, New Jersey.  The widow of Theodosius Bartow married Pierre de Vismes, of a noble French family in England, and Theodosia lived with her mother and half-brothers and sister at a place called the Hermitage, near Paramus, N. J.  Here Col. Aaron Burr met her, and after the death of Col. Prevost married her and brought up her two boys as his own sons.  Col. James Marcus Prevost and Theodosia, his wife, had two children, as follows:

11.  i.  AUGUSTINE JAMES FREDERICK PREVOST, usually known as Frederick Prevost, Esq.  He lived on his estate at Pelham, N. Y., which he afterward conveyed to Major George William Prevost.  He married twice, left several daughters, who settled West, but has no descendants of the name of Prevost.


Source:  Bartow, Evelyn, "The Prevost Family in America" in The New York Genealogical and Biographical Record, Vol. XIII, No. 1, pp. 27-28 (New York, NY:  Jan. 1882).

The Shrubbery passed from A.J. Frederick Prevost to another member of the Prevost family, Major George William Prevost.  (Major George William Prevost is interred in the graveyard located next to St. Paul's Church National Historic Site in Mount Vernon, New York.)  His only son, also named George Prevost, formerly of Poole, Southampton, succeeded his father in ownership and resided in The Shrubbery for a number of years.  See id. at p. 27.   

"The Shrubbery," a Home That Once Belonged to Augustine
James Frederick Prevost and Stood Along Today's Split
Rock Road in Pelham Manor.  Source:  Courtesy of The
Office of The Historian of The Town of Pelham.

A different genealogy, one recounting the history of the Bartow family, provides a little more information about the family.  It says:

"THEODOSIA BARTOW, only child of Theodosius Bartow, born in 1746, m. 1st in 1765, Col. Frederick Prevost, a near relative of Lt. Gen. Sir George Prevost, Baronet, of Belmont, co. Hants, and Gov. General in North America, son of Major Gen. Augustine Prevost of Geneva.

Col. Prevost, dying in the West Indies, in 1779, his widow m. 2ndly, July 2, 1782, Col. Aaron Burr.

Children of Theodosia and Col. Frederick Prevost:

i.  James Augustine Frederick Prevost [sic, should be "Augustine James Frederick Prevost'], b. 1766, lived at Pelham on the place now the residence of his cousins, the Misses Prevost, daughters of Major George William Prevost, of Pelham, b. 1767, the son of Major Gen. Augustine Prevost, who d. at Catskill.  Frederick Prevost m. 1st, *** Hunt, by whom he had Frances Anna, and others.  By his second wife, he had several daughters.  His family, I beileve, is extinct.

ii.  Hon. John Bartow Prevost, b. 1768; Member of Congress, Recorder of New York, and District Judge of the United States for Louisiana.  He m. a da. of Dr. Samuel Smith, President of Princeton College, N. J., and had four children:  1.  Marcus Prevost, d. y.  2. Stanhope Prevost, d. in Lima, Peru, leaving children.  3. Frances Prevost, m. John C. Breckenridge of Kentucky, and has one son and two daughters.  4 Theodosia Prevost, b. 1810, lived near Englewood, N. J.; d. unm. Dec. 14, 1864."

Source:  Bartow, Evelyn P., Bartow Genealogy:  Containing Every One of the Name of Bartow Descended From Doctor Thomas Bartow Who Was Living at Crediton, in England, A.D., 1672 With References to the Books Where Any of the Name is Mentioned, p. 158 (Baltimore, MD:  Innes & Company, 1875).

What follows is the text of an interesting article in which the author claims to have in her possession a Prevost family bible providing more information about the family in Pelham.  



Wanted information regarding the parentage and birthplace of Prudence Lockwood, born Oct. 30, 1795 (perhaps in Greenwich, Conn. or perhaps in Poundridge, N. Y.) died Dec. 19, 1855 in Mount Sterling, Ill.  Prudence Lockwood was the younger sister of Catharine (Lockwood) Minor.

The Prevost family Bible (in my possession) records Prudence Lockwood's marriage to Augustin [sic] James Frederic [sic] Prevost in Pelham, N. Y. on Oct. 30, 1813.  The ceremony was performed by Rev. Theodorius [sic] Bartow (a cousin of A. J. F. Prevost, the groom) and rector of Trinity Church, New Rochelle, N. Y.  Three guests at the wedding were named 1. Simeon Hinman Minor, Esq. (Prudence's brother-in-law, husband of Catharine Lockwood for whom she [portion missing].  [2.] Aaron Burr, Esq. (step-father of A. J. F. Prevost).  Aaron Burr married Mrs. Theodosia (Bartow) Prevost, wido of Col. Jacques Marc Prevost in 1782 who died in 1794.  3.  Abraham Thorpe.

Prudence Lockwood had one sister Cathatine Lockwood for whoms she named her 2nd daughter (Catharine Lockwood Prevost) which record is also in the Prevost family Bible.  Catharine, her sister, married Hon. Simeon Hinman Minor, a lawyer of Stamford, Conn. and died young in 1819.  So far this account is recorded family history.  

Omission of Prudence Lockwood in Lockwood Genealogy

The Colonial and Revolutionary History of the Lockwood Famil in America from 1630, by Frederick A. Holden and E. Dunbar Lockwood, states that Eliphalet Lockwood born March 23, 1753 and Prudence Skeldinjg were married Jan. 16, 1776 and that they had only one child, Catharine Lockwood, who married Hon. Simeon Hinman Minor of Stamford, Conn. and that she died in 1819, leaving several children whose histories are given in detail.  Catharine's birth date is not given.

In my opinion there is substantial evidence that Prudence Lockwood, myu grandmother, was the sister of Catharine (Lockwood) minor and the daughter of Eliphalet and Prudence (Skelding) Lockwood, but I cannot prove it in print.

Might not the omission of Prudence's name be explained by the fact that Catharine  died in 1819 and was buried in Stamford, Conn., while Prudence and family who had lived in Pelham and Cooperstown, N.Y. in 1834 moved to Illinois.  Then, 68 years later when the Lockwood genealogy was compiled in 1887, perhaps the living Lockwoods and Minors had lost all trace of Prudence and her descendants?

Snag.  The lapse of 19 years between the marriage ofr Eliphalet and Prudence Skelding Lockwood and the birth of Prudence, Oct. 30, 1795 (Catharine's birth date is not given.)  Does it not seem unusual for a couple in that day to have one child or even two so many years after marriage?  Has a generation been skipped?

From another source I have heard that Catharine and Prudence were the daughters of Israel Lockwood and Grace Thorpe of Poundridge, N. Y.  Israel Lockwood was a ship's carpenter.  In the Prevost Bible, Abraham Thorpe  was numbered as a guest at the wedding of Prudence (apparently only the important male, out-of-town connections were considered worth recording).  He may have been Prudence's grandfather or uncle, if Israel Lockwood and Grace Thorpe were her parents.  In which case what was Simeon Hinman Minor doing there?  (Simeon Hinman Minor was her brother-in-law.)

Prudence Lockwood, aged 18, married Augustin [sic] James Frederic [sic] Prevost, a widower with six young daughters, Oct. 30, 1813 presumably at the 'Shrubbery,' the home of her residence, built by Joshua Pell, a relative by marriage to A. J. F. Prevost, was situated near the Boston Post Road (on Split Rock Road, I believe) near New Rochelle.  It was not far from the International Garden Club formerly the Bartow Mansion.  A. J. F. Prevost received this property from Aaron Burr.  I have a copy of the deed executed in 1790 from Aaron Burr to A. J. F. Prevost fro 155 acres including the 'Shrubbery' with 'no consideration (except 10 shillings) but for the love I bare [sic] him.'  A. J. F. Burr's [sic] step-son was then 24 years of age.  I have a photograph of the 'Shrubbery.'

A. J. G. Prevost [sic] and family lived at the 'Shrubbery' from 1790 to 1817 when he sold the home and 140 acres to George William Prevost, a relative, whose descendants lived in the house until it burned about 1907.  In 1817 the A. J. F. Prevost family moved to Cooperstown wherre their four children were born and the daughters by his first wife, Euphemia (Hunt) Prevost were married.  About 1825 the family moved to Westford, N. Y. and bought a sheep farm and in 1834 they moved to Morgan County, Ill. and cleared a 250 acre farm.  A. J. F. and Prudence were buried in Illinois.  

While A. J. F. Prevost lived in Pelham, N. Y. he attended St. Paul's Episcopal church in Eastchester, now Mount Vernon.  His first wife, Euphemia (Hunt) Prevost is buried in the cemetery yard.  He was married to Prudence Lockwood by the rector of Trinity Church, New Rochelle.  Prudence may have attended that church or Rev. Theodosius Bartow may have been asked to perform the ceremony because of his relationship to A. J. F. Prevost.  There is a large Lockwood family lot in the Trinity church cemetery, however.

Would like to correspond with descendants of Euphemia (Hunt) Prevost who probably live in or near Cooperstown and Westford, N. Y., or with descendants of Simeon Hinman Minor who may live in Stamford or New York City.

Mrs. Marie Oliver Watkins,
1190 Collingwood Ave., 
Detroit, Mich."

Source:  MOHAWK VALLEY GENEALOGY AND HISTORY QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS - LOCKWOOD, St. Johnsville Enterprise and News [St. Johnsville, NY], Jun. 27, 1946, p. 7, cols. 1-2.  

*          *          *          *          *

I have written about Augustine J. Frederick Prevost and the home in which he lived -- called the Shrubbery -- before. (Prevost was the step-son of Aaron Burr.) For examples of such earlier postings, see the following:

Tue., Sep. 30, 2014:  Pelham Resident Recorded His Impressions of Meeting Aaron Burr.

Fri., Feb. 7, 2014:  Early History of The Pelham Home for Children, an Early Pelham Charity (Notes that The Pelham Home for Children first occupied the Shrubbery before the building burned in the 1890s).

Wed., Aug. 1, 2007:  1805 Real Estate Advertisement Offering Prevost Estate in Pelham for Sale.

Mon., Jun. 4, 2007:  Abstract of 1797 Will of John Bartow, Sr. Who Owned Land in Pelham and Whose Family Became Early Pelham Residents.

Wed., Jan. 31, 2007:  A Large Distillery Once Stood on the Prevost Farm in Pelham During the 1790s.

Tue., Jul. 18, 2006: Aaron Burr Tries to Pull a Fast One in the 1790s and Must Sell His Farm in Pelham.

Wed., Jun. 14, 2006: Text of Deed by Which Aaron Burr Acquired Pelham Lands in 1790

Thu., Apr. 14, 2005: The Pelham Home for Children that Once Stood on Split Rock Road

Mon., Oct. 2, 2006: The Revolutionary War Diary of Loyalist Joshua Pell, Jr. of the Manor of Pelham

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:35 PM

    To: Blake A. Bell.
    I am always interested in following the news and history of Pelham on your site. I am the direct descendant of Sir George Prevost, Bt., Governor-General of Canada who was the nephew of Jacques Marc Prevost who married Theodosia Bartow.
    Christopher Prevost(UK)
