
Wednesday, July 09, 2014

Record of the Celebration of the Silver Anniversary of the Mason Lodge of Pelham: Winyah Lodge No. 866 F. & A. M.

I have written before of the early history of the Masonic Lodge known as Winyah Lodge No. 866 F. & A. M. (and its temple) established in 1909.  For example, see:  

Mon., May 30, 2005:  Early History of the Winyah Lodge U.D. of Pelham, New York.

Wed., Mar. 08, 2006:  The 1939 Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Dedication of the Masonic Temple in Pelham, NY.

On November 1, 1908, a group of Masons headed by Village of North Pelham druggist Seth T. Lyman, met in the meeting room of Hiawatha Lodge No. 434 F. & A. M. in Mount Vernon to organize a new masonic lodge in the Town of Pelham to be known as Winyah Lodge.  

Winyah Lodge purchased the former club house of The Pelham Village Club in the Village of North Pelham and dedicated it as the Pelham Masonic Temple on Labor Day, September 6, 1909.   

For many years, the Winyah Lodge commemorated the opening of the Temple with special celebrations held on special anniversaries including the 25th Anniversary and the 30th Anniversary.  

Post Card View of the Village Club Building in North Pelham
Acquired by the Winyah Lodge and Opened as its Temple in 1909.

Cover of Program for the 30th Anniversary Celebration
of the Dedication of the Masonic Temple in Pelham, New York,
Five Years After the Silver Anniversary Celebration Described
Below.  Source:  Collection of the Author.

Today's posting to the Historic Pelham Blog transcribes an article published in 1934 that detailed the silver anniversary celebration of the establishment of the Winyah Lodge.  The text of the article is followed by a citation to its source.

"Masonic Leaders Congratulate Winyah Lodge at 25th Anniversary Program
Charles G. F. Wahle, Franklin T. Davis and Harry Aikenhead, Tell of First Meeting of Masonic Lodge.

Commemorating the twenty-fifth birthday of Winyah Lodge No. 866 F. & A. M., two hundred Master Masons gathered at the Masonic Temple on Tuesday night.  An inspiring program was presented by outstanding members of the craft who have been associated with the lodge since it received its charter on June 1, 1909.  The speakers included Charles G. F. Wahle, Past Judge Advocate of the Grand Lodge of New York; Franklin T. Davis, Past District Deputy Grand Master, and Harry Aikenhead, Past District Deputy Grand Master, who took part in the first meeting of Winyah Lodge.  Others who spoke included David A. Embury, Past District Deputy of the First Manhattan District, and Robt. L. Donovan, of New Rochelle, who was recently elected District Deputy of the Second Westchester-Putnam Masonic District.  Kneeland S. Durham, Master of the lodge presided at the ceremonies.

The Rev. Herbert H. Brown, rector of the Church of the Redeemer offered the Invocation, Secretary Robert M. Fenwick read the minutes of the first meeting of the lodge.  James Corrican, President of Winyah Fellowcraft Club presented a set of leather officers' aprons as gifts of his organization to the lodge.

William R. Montgomery, Past Master of the lodge read the roll class of charter members and Past Masters.  He delegated the Rev. Mr. Brown to present a Holy Bible gift of the Past Masters.  The Master announced that the ensuing officers will present a set of ribbons for the new Bible.  This presentation will be made in the near future.

In his anniversary salutation to Winyah Lodge, District Deputy Donovan expressed the following wish:  'May the best that has come to Winyah in the last 25 years be the worst that it will receive in the next 25 years.'

Judge Wahle, who was largely responsible for the organization of the Winyah Lodge and who has officiated at all but one of the installation ceremonies of Winyah Lodge, recalled many incidents in the history of the lodge and paid high tribute to the late John T. Logan, for many years an honorary member of the lodge.  Seth T. Lyman, first Master, and to the late Mrs. Logan and Mrs. Lyman.  He reminded many members of incidents which happened in their youth, and told of the experience of the lodge in its early days.  He congratulated Winyah on its silver anniversary and promised to be present at its golden jubilee.  

In an inspiring address, Robert L. Donovan called attention of the lodge to its duty to its community, state and nation.  He urged that the lodge, as an organization, interest itself in good government, and to campaign against lawlessness and racketeering.  He said that fraternal organizations can do much toward directing public attention and creating sentiment in favor of honest government regardless of politics. 

The Rev. Dr. Willard P. Soper, pastor of the Huguenot Memorial Church, pronounced the Benediction.  

After the meeting, refreshments were served in the dining room of the Temple.  A musical program was presented by Frederick T. Kennett, James Kennett and Joseph Towne."

Source:  Masonic Leaders Congratulate Winyah Lodge at 25th Anniversary Program, The Pelham Sun, Jun. 8, 1934, p. 2, cols. 2-3.

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