Historic Pelham

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Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Second Page of the May 12, 1902 Issue of The Pelham Republican

Yesterday I published to the Historic Pelham Blog a posting entitled "Front Page of the May 12, 1902 Issue of The Pelham Republican". The posting was a follow-up to my September 5, 2005 posting entitled "The Pelham Republican: Official Newspaper of The Villages of Pelham and North Pelham in 1902". In yesterday's posting I presented an image and a transcription of the contents of the front page of the May 12, 1902 issue of the newspaper. As promised at the conclusion of yesterday's post, today I will present an image of the second page of the newspaper as well as the text of the page.

"purchase of a hose cart and organizing a fire company. They can join Liberty Hose Company for a limited time for a course of instructions. The drill season is now almost here, and all firemen will be put through the mill.

At the regular monthly meeting of the Liberty Hose Company held at the company rooms last Monday night, Philip D. Stuart and McDonald Croff were unanimously elected members.

Relief Hook and Ladder Company hold their regular monthly meeting at the fire house to-night.

Liberty Hose Company's fire horse is dead.


Didn't Sell His Horse.

Fran Bienz had an exciting experience with an Italian by the name of Patune, of Mount Vernon, last Tuesday. Bienz is on the market for a couple of food horses for the express business and the above named party, having heard of this, brought a horse over and offered it to him cheap. Bienz wanted to try the animal and Patune consented. He hitched up the horse to the express wagon and proceeded to the station to get a trunk. Everything went all right until he started to go. The horse, perhaps, did not understand English, as he refused to go when told to.

Frank struck him with the whip and immediately the hindquarters of the horse became active. You could not tell whether his hind feet were four, six or eight.

After considerable difficulty he succeeded in dragging the animal back to the yard where Patune was waiting for the money. Bienz refused to accept the horse and Petro wanted three dollars for his services. Frank told him the horse was spavined, knuckled, foundered, balky, etc., but it was no use, he refused to leave the yard.

Constable Robinson was sent for and when the officer arrived, Patune suddenly changed his mind. He says Pelham is a poor field to sell horses in.


Mrs. Hazen's school commencement will be on the first Thursday in June.

A family from New York has taken the Johnson house.

Mrs. Corlis gave a most delightful Tea to a number of friends on Saturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Black are expected to arrive from Europe the latter part of the month.

Mr. George H. Reynolds has been seriously ill with rheumatic fever at the Flower Hospital.

Mr. and Mrs. Penfield and Major and Mrs. Walker expect to return to Pelham Manor for the summer.

The Pelham Manor Junior Base Ball team defeated the Trinity Place school team, of New Rochelle, last Saturday.

The Pelham Manor regular base ball team will open the season on the twenty fourth with the New Rochelle High School team.

The Rev. Mr. Robinson officiated as moderator at the installation of the new pastor of the Presbyterian church, Portchester, on Sunday last.

Mrs. Beecroft and daughter, May, have returned from a three month's sojourn in Cuba, and are now residing in New York. They expect to go to Chicago.

A lawn party and dance will be given next Monday evening and night at Straehle's Pelham grove by the Young Folks Tribune Club of New Rochelle.

The Manor club is being greatly improved externally. The present color is more agreeable than the dark color. The tea room is in excellent order and already in use.

Mr. J. H. Dey, elder of the Presbyterian church, has been appointed commissioner to the general assembly, which begins its meetings on Wednesday the 14th, and will continue for ten days.

Herbert Barker's eight years old son Jack fell from a tree in Mr. John Godfrey's yard last Tuesday and broke his arm. Dr. Ives, of Mount Vernon, was called and set it. He is at present resting easily, and will no doubt be around in a few weeks.

Dimmick, the nine-year old son of Charles Smith, of Third street, North Pelham, met with a very painful accident last Tuesday. While fishing for suckers up the brook his hook caught in the palm of his hand. Dr. Knapp cut it out and he is now able to be about.


Suicide in Reservoir.

Two men who were fishing in Kensico Lake discovered in a strange way the body of a man in the water. One of them had his line caught and at first thought it was a large fish at the end of it, but further investigation proved it to be a decomposed body. The coroner was notified after the body was towed to shore. A gold watch was found on the dead man but outside of that there was nothing by which to identify him.

It is believed to be a case of suicide.


Killed on the Railroad.

Two well dressed men were killed last Tuesday on the New Haven railroad near Portchester.

The men were walking on the track and they left one track to avoid an approach[ing] freight train. As they did so an express train came rushing on the track they had just stepped on and they became so frightened that they were powerless to move. They clung to each other and were killed instantly.


An Italian named Nicholas Gallia was killed on the Harlem Railroad near White Plains, on the same day. He seemed to be dazed when he saw the engine approaching.


Badly Injured on the Railroad.

James Cairigan and James McKay were struck by a train near Harrison and are badly injured.

They were taken to the New Rochelle hospital. McKay, who comes from Manchester, N. H., had both legs cut off. He is only eighteen years of age. The other man had his legs and one arm badly crushed.






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