
Friday, September 26, 2014

1909 Advertisements Show How the New Development of Pelhamwood Was Marketed to New Yorkers

Nestled just north of the Pelham station on the New Haven Line is the lovely neighborhood known as Pelhamwood.  Almost triangular in shape, the neighborhood is bordered on the north by Lincoln Avenue, on the west by Harmon and Highbrook Avenues, on the south by the railroad tracks and on the east by the New Rochelle border.  In 1909, Clifford B. Harmon & Co. bought from the Winyah Park Realty Company this one-hundred acre tract and began development of Pelhamwood. 

Periodically I have written about Clifford B. Harmon and Pelhamwood.  For those interested in a comprehensive history of the development, see Bell, Blake A., The Early Development of Pelhamwood, The Pelham Weekly, Vol. XIII, No. 37, Sept. 17, 2004, p. 12, col. 2.  For earlier postings about Clifford B. Harmon and Pelhamwood, see:

Sat., Jan. 25, 2014:  Putting the Finishing Touches on the Lovely New Church in Pelhamwood in 1923.  

Mon., Feb. 1, 2010:  Obituary of Richard B. Ferris of Pelhamwood

Thu., Oct. 11, 2007:  Biographical Data and Photographs of Clifford B. Harmon Who Developed Pelhamwood

Tue., Jul. 10, 2007:  An Early Event in the History of Pelhamwood

Thu., Jun. 21, 2007:  Information About "Aeronautic" Exploits of Clifford B. Harmon Who Developed Pelhamwood in Pelham

Thu. Aug. 10, 2006:  The New Development of Pelhamwood Gets Approval for its Proposed Sewage System in 1912

Tue., Nov. 15, 2005:  Plaque Dedicated at the Historic Pelhamwood Clock Tower

Mon., Sep. 12, 2005: Pelhamwood Association Celebrated its 30th Anniversary in 1942

Thu., May 12, 2005: Clifford B. Harmon, Developer of Pelhamwood.

Today's posting to the Historic Pelham Blog provides two important newspaper advertisements published in 1909 that urged New Yorkers to move to Pelhamwood, a new New York City suburb located in the heart of the Town of Pelham.  The images and marketing prose used in the advertisements provide glimpses of the intent behind the real estate development and how it was designed to fit into the landscape rather than modifying the landscape so a development could be placed upon it.  Clifford Harmon intended the new development to be a rustic, country getaway convenient to New York City where elegant homes would be built into the rustic landscape with as little modification to the landscape as possible.  This meant that instead of broad and closely clipped lawns, large and elegant homes were built onto hillsides, among trees and boulders to give the development a woodland feel only minutes away from New York City.

The advertisements below emphasize the rustic feel of the development, the elegance and exclusivity of the new suburb, and the speed with which one could commute to and from New York City for work or play.  To see a larger and more legible version of each advertisement, click on the images below for a magnified view.  (Click again on the larger image for an even higher resolution version of the image.)  To facilitate search, I have transcribed the text of the two advertisements at the end of today's posting.  

Source:  The Story of Pelhamwood [Advertisement],
The Evening Telegram - New York, Apr. 8, 1909, p. 13, cols. 1-3.

Source:  Pelhamwood [Advertisement], The Evening Telegraph - New York,
Apr. 10, 1909, p. 16, cols. 1-5.





Wise Restrictions

Our property is high class and we wish it to remain so; therefore some restrictions are necessary.  

No buildings shall be allowed for any purpose offensive to a high-class residential section.  The cost of homes will be restricted according to location, the minimum being $4,000; in the larger portion of the property restrictions are $6,000 and $7,000.

High-Class Improvements

Substantial cement walls will be laid in front of lots.  Streets will be graded and macadamized.  Water and gas and electric lights will be installed at our expense.  Police and fire protection.

Title Insured

To us, and our title will be acceptable to all Trust Companies.

$24,500 in Gold

To stimulate building, cash prizes are offered.

First 10 villas costing not less than $10,000  $500 EACH
First 10 villas costing not less than $8,000  $400 EACH
First 10 villas costing not less than $6,000  $300 EACH
First 10 villas costing not less than $4,500  $200 EACH

To come under this offer houses must be started before Sept. 1, '09 and completed before Feb. 1, '10.

Free Car-Fare for One Year

To the head of each family who begins building before June 1st, 1909, and completes before January 1st, 1910.

Free Deed

in case of death.  Our contract protects your wife and children.  No taxes for one year.  12% discount for casy 30 days; 10% discount for cash 60 days.

No Dirt -- No Smoke

No dust; no cinders; no strap hanging; no overcrowding; seats for all.


34TH ST. AND 5TH AVE., 11.45 A.M.

PRINTED matter and pictures tell only part of the story of Pelhamwood -- and a mighty small part.  All we've said of the place -- all we've printed for you to read, we want to prove.  and there's only one way to do it.

We Want You to SEE Pelhamwood!

We want you to see its superb location -- want you to see its beautiful, wonderful trees -- want you to see the improvements under way -- to note that it takes but 33 minutes from Grand Central Station -- want you to enjoy the clean, dustless ride there.  Every assertion we've made we want you to prove -- for we want you to have the same belief in Pelhamwood -- the same enthusiasm for this superb property -- as we have!  And when you do see it, your belief will be as solid as your enthusiasm!

Free Inspection of Pelhamwood To-morrow


Come as our guest -- and bring your wife.  Write, phone, or call at our office for tickets -- we're open on Sunday -- or come to Grand Central Station after 1 o'clock, and ask our representative at the train gate.

Glad to have you come -- glad of the opportunity to prove to you that Pelhamwood is all we've said it is -- and more!

Come!  Spend the afternoon at Pelhamwood -- and breathe the air of the country!

$10 DOWN Secures Any Plot.  Balance 1% Monthly.
Prices $440 AND UPWARD




For 22 years Mr. Harmon has had a large share in the development and success of more than 100 suburbs in the big Eastern cities, and his customers have shared in his success.


The Growth of New York.

Has always been northward.  WHY?  Because it lies in the line of least resistance -- no ferries, no bridges.  There is nothing to retard the northward growth.

The Completion of the Subway

Added thirty-one millions of dollars to values to the Bronx alone.  The electrification of the New Haven Road is causing values in the vicinity of Pelhamwood to increase in proportion.  NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY.

50,000 People

Moved from Manhattan into the Suburbs last year, and the largest number went northward into Westchester County.  You should follow in their footsteps.


Now has electric train service, and is as close in time as the upper section of New York City.  You have none of the inconveniences of city travel.

Trolley Connections

From New York City and to Long Island Sound, one mile away, and all parts of Westchester County.  

Accessible from City

On the main line of the New Haven Road.  Fifteen miles from Grand Central Depot; thirty-three minutes by electric train.

You Will Never

get rich by saving.  Fortunes have been made by the wise purchase of Real Estate.  Prices will never be lower and the opportunity will never be greater than now.  See our property at once."

Source:  THE STORY OF PELHAMWOOD [Advertisement], The Evening Telegram - New York, Apr. 8, 1909, p. 13, cols. 1-5.  

Office, 5:00 P.M.
Pelham Station 5:51 P.M.

A beautifully wooded, restricted property, in a high class residential district, within easy access of New York.

You May Leave Your New York Office at 5 P.M. and Play Tennis at Pelhamwood by 6 P.M.

¶ Why did 50,000 New Yorkers move to the new suburbs last year?  Because they were tired of merely existing -- and wanted to LIVE!

¶ They were tired of high rents, cramped quarters and vitiated air -- and out they went, where the big broad country remedied every evil.

¶ You can LIVE at Pelhamwood -- you have practically every city convenience, combined with the wholesomeness of the country -- you can get to or from New York in 33 minutes -- you can buy at once -- then build -- and all you need to start is ten dollars --

$10 Down Secures Any Plot  Prices $440 and Upward.  Balance 1% Monthly.

¶ Last Sunday we ran our first free inspection train to Pelhamwood -- and sold $122,872 worth of property.  Those who came believed in Pelhamwood's present no less than its future -- knew that it was destined to be the most wonderful investment and home suburb near New York.  And if YOU see, you, too, will believe.

¶ We want you to come to Pelhamwood to-morrow -- and bring your wife.  Spend Easter Sunday close to nature.  You are not obligated to us in any way -- all we want is for you to come and SEE!  Then you'll spread the good news!


Our Free Inspection Train Leaves Grand Central at . . . 2 P.M. and Stops at the 125th Street Station 10 Minutes Later.

Get tickets at our office or ask our representative at either station half an hour before train time.

'Pelhamwood is the place to dwell, Between Mount Vernon and New Rochelle.'


For 22 years Mr. Harmon has had a large share in the development and success of more than 100 suburbs in the big Eastern cities, and his customers have shared in his success.

[Text Below is from the left column of the advertisement.]

Wise Restrictions

Our property is high class and we wish it to remain so; therefore some restrictions are necessary.

No buildings shall be allowed for any purpose offensive to a high class residential section.  The cost of homes will be restricted according to location, the minimum being $4,000; in the larger portion of the property, restrictions are $6,000 and $7,000.

High Class Improvements

Substantial cement walks will be laid in front of lots.  Streets will be graded and macadamized.  Water and gas and electric lights will be installed at our expense.  Police and fire protection.

Title Insured

To us, and our title will be acceptable to all Trust Companies.

$24,500 in Gold

To stimulate building, cash prices are offered:--

First 10 villas costing not less than $10,000............$500
First 10 villas costing not less than $8,000..............$400
First 10 villas costing not less than $6,000..............$300
First 10 villas costing not less than $4,500..............$200

To come under this offer houses must be started before September 1, 1909, and completed before February 1, 1910.

Free Car-Fare for One Year to the head of each family who begins building before June 1, 1909, and completes before January 1, 1910.

Free Deed in case of death.  Our contract protects your wife and children.  No taxes for one year.  12% discount for cash 30 days; 10% discount for cash 60 days.

No Dirt -- No Smoke

No dust; no cinders; no strap hanging; no overcrowding; seats for all.

[Text Below is from the right column of the advertisement.]

Accessible from City

On the main line of the New Haven Road.  Fifteen miles from Grand Central Depot; thirty-three minutes by electric train.

The Growth of New York

Has always been northward.  WHY?  Because it lies in the line of least resistance -- no ferries, no bridges.  There is nothing to retard the northward growth.

The Completion of the Subway

Added thirty-one millions of dollars to values in the Bronx alone.  The electrification of the New Haven Road is causing values in the vicinity of Pelhamwood to increase in proportion.  NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY.

50,000 People

Moved from Manhattan into the Suburbs last year, and the largest number went northward into Westchester County.  You should follow in their footsteps.


Now has electric train service and is as close in tim as the upper section of New York city.  You have none of the inconveniences of city travel.

Trolley Connections

From New York City and to Long Island Sound, one mile away, and all parts of Westchester County.

You Will Never

Get rich by saving.  Fortunes have been made by the wise purchase of Real Estate.  Prices will never be lower and the opportunity will never be greater than now.  See our property at once."

Source:  Pelhamwood [Advertisement], The Evening Telegraph - New York, Apr. 10, 1909, p. 16, cols. 1-5.

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