
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Young American Hero James Swinnerton, Badly Wounded in the Battle of Pelham

For some time I have been reviewing Revolutionary War pension applications of former American soldiers who served in the Battle of Pelham on October 18, 1776.  These pension applications seem to be an overlooked source information about the battle.  They may be overlooked because so many of the records refer to the battle in ways that make it difficult to find the material.  For example, various of the many applications I have reviewed refer to the battle as the Battle at Eastchester, the battle near Eastchester (or, "East Chester"), the battle near Frog's Point, the battle at Pell's Neck, etc.

Today's posting to the Historic Pelham Blog centers around excerpts from one such pension application submitted in 1820 by James Swinnerton of Ohio.  As the application materials make clear, Swinnerton was badly wounded during the Battle of Pelham.  A wealth of information is available about Swinnerton because he survived and eventually became a pioneer settler in Ohio.  

James Swinnerton was a seventeen-year-old boy who enlisted in the Continental Army in the town of Oakham, Massachusetts in 1775.  During the first months of the War, he served near Boston and reenlisted several times.  On October 18, 1776, however, during the Battle of Pelham, a British musket ball tore through Swinnerton's neck and lodged in one of his shoulders.  He survived and was carried to Bedford, New York where he recuperated. 

Swinnerton recovered and, on March 2, 1780, married Eleanor Guilford in Pittsfield, Berkshire County, Massachusetts.  The couple had several children including James Guilford Swinnerton (born on June 7, 1785 in Vermont and died on January 1, 1865 in Grant County, Wisconsin).  James Swinnerton died on December 6, 1824 in Marion County, Ohio and is buried at the Grand Prairie Cemetery in Brush Ridge, Marion County, Ohio.  

A brief biography of James Swinnerton appeared in a book published in 1883.  It says:

"JAMES SWINNERTON settled in Grand Prairie Township in 1819.  He was born in Salem, Mass., August 13, 1757, and in 1808 settled in Delaware, Ohio.  He was the first settler in Grand Prairie Township; he entered one half of Section 20; on this land, in a log cabin, he settled with his wife, one son and two daughters.  He was a man of sterling good qualities, and a leader in his community.  With the Indians who were then very numerous, he was always a favorite.  He served as a soldier in the war of the Revolution.  Four of his children founded colonies, one in Seneca County, Ohio, one in Wisconsin, and the other two in other counties in Ohio.  He died at his homestead in Grand Prairie Township December 6, 1824.  His wife and all of their fifteen children are now deceased.  His grand-daughter, Mrs. S. N. Titus, with her husband and family, now reside on the old homestead."

Source:  JAMES SWINNERTON, The History of Marion County, Ohio, Containing a History of the County; its Townships, Towns, Churches, Schools, Etc.; General and Local Statistics; Military Record; Portraits of Early Settlers and Prominent Men; History of the Northwest Territory; History of Ohio; Miscellaneous Matters, Etc., Etc. -- Illustrated, pp. 776-77 (Chicago, IL:  Leggett, Conaway & Co., 1883).

According to one genealogist who has studied James Swinnerton's life:

"On May 1, 1775, twelve days after the battles of Lexington and Concord, a seventeen year old boy named James Swinnerton enlisted in the Continental Army in the town of Oakham, Massachusetts. During the war, James Swinnerton reenlisted several times, and on October 18, 1776, was wounded in the neck and shoulder by a British musket ball fired at him in the battle of Pell's Neck on Long Island, New York. Following his injury, he was transported to Bedford, Massachusetts, where he recovered in a hospital. After his release from the hospital, he again enlisted in the army. 

When the war was finally winding down, James Swinnerton married Eleanor Guilford in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, on March 2, 1780. By 1800 James and Eleanor Swinnerton had moved to Leicaster, Vermont, and had seven children living (six other children all died shortly after birth). Their fourth oldest living daughter, Mercy Swinnerton, was born March 30, 1792, probably in Leicaster. During the years following 1800, the family evidently spent some time living near Paradox Lake in New York, but by July 31, 1806, were clearly living in what was then Franklin County, Ohio, near the town of Delaware. On this date, James Swinnerton's oldest living son, James Guilford Swinnerton, Jr., was married to Lucy Carpenter in Franklin County. 

On March 12, 1810, the Swinnerton family witnessed the marriages of two of its daughters in (I believe) Hartford, Ohio. Lucinda Guilford Swinnerton married Ira Carpenter, brother of the Lucy Carpenter who James, Jr., had married four years earlier, and Mercy Swinnerton married a young man who had also grown up in Vermont, Merriness Willet Loveland. 

Merriness and Mercy Loveland established a residence near Delaware, Ohio, where Mercy became pregnant with their first child in January of 1811. This child was born on October 8, 1811, in Delaware, Ohio, and was named Mercy Caroline Loveland after her mother. Tragically, the nineteen year old mother lived only thirteen days after the birth of her daughter after evidently experiencing complications during childbirth. She is buried in the Oak Grove Cemetery in Delaware, Ohio. Merriness Loveland must have been overwhelmed by the situation in which he found himself. His own family was still in Vermont, and he suddenly had a thirteen day old daughter to care for. He ended up turning to his deceased wife's parents, James and Eleanor Swinnerton for help raising his daughter. On June 2, 1812, before his daughter's second birthday, Merriness Loveland enlisted in the army and fought in the War of 1812. After a three month stint in the army, Merriness returned to civilian life and married for a second time - this time to Ruby Sturdevant, the daughter of Roswell Sturdevant. Merriness and Ruby Loveland, and Roswell Sturdevant and his wife subsequently moved to Madison County, Illinois, where their names appear in the 1818 Illinois State Census. 

It is likely, therefore, that Mercy Caroline Loveland, the subject of this essay, knew neither of her parents. The first public documentation of her existence I have discovered is in the Revolutionary War pension application of James Swinnerton, dated October 4, 1820, in which he describes the members of his family: "My family consists of my wife aged fifty-nine years, one son aged eighteen years rather sickly (William B. Swinnerton), two daughters Elmira age twenty-two, Adeline age twenty-one, both unhealthy, and an orphan grandchild, Caroline Loveland, aged nine years." On October 13, 1821, Eleanor Guilford Swinnerton, grandmother of Mercy Caroline Loveland, was the first white person to die in the Grand Prairie Township of Marion County, Ohio. She is buried in the Grand Prairie Cemetery. The job of raising Mercy Caroline Loveland was probably assumed by James Swinnerton's two daughters still at home, Adeline and Almira. James Swinnerton continued receiving his Revolutionary War pension until his death on December 6, 1824. He is buried next to his wife."

Source:  Miller, Donald F., Biography of Mercy Caroline (Loveland) Holderman, Granddau. of James Swinnerton (once available at with copy available at (copy visited Feb. 16, 2015).

At the end of today's posting I have quoted additional documentary resources and citations that provide more detail regarding the long life of American hero James Swinnerton.  Immediately below, however, I have transcribed excerpts from Swinnerton's extensive 1820 pension application mentioning his participation in the battle of "Pells Neck."

"The State of Ohio Delaware County }  ss

Be it remebered that on this twentieth day of May in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighteen came James Swinnerton of the town and county of Delaware in the State of Ohio, in his own proper person before me Samuel Hughes an associate judge in and for the said county of Delaware County who being sworn in due form of law Deposeth and saith that in the month of May of the year seventeen hundred and seventy five he regularly enlisted in the service of the United States under Capt John Granger whose company belonged to Col. B. Learned's Regiment on the Massachusetts or Boston line and in said company served eight months, the term of his enlistment -- that immediately after said term expired he enlisted under Capt Asa Danford whose company belonged then to the regiment and line aforesaid that he continued in said company and on the eighteenth day of October in the year seventeen hundred & seventy six in an engagement with the Common Enemy at a place then called Pells Neck near East Chester when under the command of said Capt Danford and general Glover Commandant he, this Deponent, was severely wounded by a musquet ball in the neck which lodged in his shoulder and was conveyed and left in Bedford sick and wounded as aforesaid and there continued until the regiment to which he belonged was broken up towards spring, that he was not, after being wounded, able to join his company or find an opportunity to apply for or receive a Discharge.  This Deponent further saith htat he never applied for a pension or received any from the United States or otherwise nor did he ever receive any land or patent therefor from the United States -- that he rendered the above service in the capacity of a private Soldier -- that he has since the time of his being wounded and particularly since he has arrived to an advanced age been afflicted by and in consequence of said wound -- and further this Deponent saith not.

James Swinnerton [Seal]

Sworn to and subscribed before me as aforesaid on the Day and year first above written.

Saml Hughes } Associate Judge D. County

The State of Ohio Delaware County ss

I Samuel Hughes associate judge of said County do hereby certify that the above named James Swinnerton Deponent is known to me - that he is a frail indigent and aged person - that I have seen and examined the scar deeply and evidently visable [sic] produced by the wound he alludes to in his Deposition and I believe that in consequence of his age his frailty and indigent and destitute circumstances I consider him a proper object to receive his countrys assistance and that I am satisfied that the said applicant served as aforesaid in the Revolutionary war against the Common Enemy  The above deposition is all the evidence and proceedings which in a formal manner have been entrusted to or performed before or by me.  Given under my hand this day & year first herein written.

Saml. Hughes }  Associate Judge D. County

The State of Ohio Delaware County ss

I Gordon P. Hughes clerk of the court of Comn [i.e., "Common"] Please in and for said County do hereby certify that Samuel Hughes before whom the foregoing deposition was taken and signed and who has added his certificate thereto was at the time of the taking thereof and certifying thereto and is now an associate judge of the Court of Common Pleas in and for said County legally commissioned and sworn and that due faith and trust may be placed in his official acts as such  In testimony whereof I have hereto set my hand and official seal thiss 20th day of May 1818.

G. P. Hughes clerk

The State of Ohio
Delaware County   ss }

On the fourth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty, personally appeared in open court in the court of common pleas in and for the County of Delaware aforesaid in said state being a court of record in said state James Swinnerton of the fourth township in the fifteenth range in the county of Marion in said State aged sixty-three the sixteenth day of August last who first being duly sworn according to law upon his oath he doth day and declare that he served in the revolutionary war as follows "  under Brigadier Green in the regiment of Col. Larned [Learned] under Capt. John Grainger in the Massachusetts line or continental establishment the term of eight months and in the same regiment commanded by Col. Larned [sic] under Capt. Asa Danforth the term of one year and in the Regt. commanded by Col. Henry Luddenton [sic, should be Henry Ludenton] in the N. York line under the command of Capt. Noah Bouton one year and in Col. Graham's regiment under Capt. Richard Sacket [sic, should be Richard Sackett] one year, that he received a pension certificate, that he received a pension under the late law of the United States dated January 28, 1819 number 5862 and I do solemly [sic] swear that I was a resident citizen of the United States on the 18th day of March 1818, and that I have not since that time by gift, sale or in any manner disposed of my property or any part thereof, with intent thereby to diminish it so that I should bring myself within the limits and provisions of an act of Congress entitled 'an act to provide for certain persons engaged in the land and naval services of the revolutionary war' passed on the 18 day of March 1818, and that I have not nor had any person in trust for me any property or security, contracts or debts due to me nor have I any income other than said pension and what is contained in the schedule hereto annexed and by me subscribed as follows to wit one half quarter of land recently purchased to pay for which this applicant borrowed of his friends all the money except ten dollars and must  owe the same, one hundred acres of lands wild that produce income worth twenty five dollars, to local lots in Delaware unimproved worth fifty dollars - two horses worth sixty dollars, five cows and three calves, six kitchen chairs, one pot and iron kettle, one bake kettle, one Spider, six plates, two hogs twenty four pigs  My occupation is a cordwainer [i.e., shoemaker] but am unable to pursue any business by reason of age infirmity and a severe wound in the shoulder received October 18th 1776 at Pell's Neck near East Chester in the revolutionary war.  -----  My family consists of my wife age fifty nine years, one son aged eighteen years rather sickly, two daughters Elmira age twenty-two, Adelina aged twenty-one, both unhealthy, and an orphan grandchild, Carla Lolin [sic, should be Caroline Loveland], aged nine years, -- These children are unable to contribute to the support of myself and family by reason of ill health -- this applicant justly ows the sum of two hundred and ninety two dollars.

James Swinnerton [Seal]

The State of Ohio Delaware County ss.

On this 4th day of October 1820 came James Swinnerton the signer above in open court and made solemn oath to this attachment and schedule due form of law.

Test.  G. P. Hughes Clerk DCPBC


1/2 quarter section of land $100 - $10 paid -----$10
100 acres land-----------25.
2 town lots in Delaware.------------50.
2 Horses----------60.
2 Cows------------20.
3 Calves----------9.
6 Kitchen Chairs---2.
1 Pot worth----------2.
1 Bake Kettle-------1.50.
1 Spider-------------1.
6 Plates      .75
2 Hogs       4.00
20 Pigs       8.

[TOTAL]    $193.25

James Swinnerton

The State of Ohio Delaware County ss.

I certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the Statement affidavit & schedule of James Swinnerton from the originals filed in my office and that the amount of property by him possessed as found by the court is one hundred ninety three dollars & twenty five cents -- his testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & official seal this 9th day of October 1820

G. P. Hughes Clerk

*          *          *          *          *

Immediately below are images of the six handwritten pension application pages that are transcribed immediately above.  Clicking on any of the images below will enlarge the image for further inspection.

*          *          *          *          *

Below are additional citations and documentary references that shed additional light on the life of American hero James Swinnterton, followed by a citation to the source of the list of resources.

"1775 May 1: James Swinnerton enlisted for the town of Oakham (Worcester), MA, in Capt. Grainger's Co., Col. Ebenezer Learned's Reg't. for a term of eight months in the siege of Boston. (Oakham Town Records i, 165; Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the Revolutionary War XV, 321(15)). 

1775 Dec.: James Swinnerton enlisted for one year in Capt. Asa Danforth's Company, Col. Learned's Regiment. 

1776 Oct. 18: James Swinnerton was wounded in the neck and shoulder by a musket ball in an engagement at Pell's Neck, N.Y. 

1777: James Swinnerton enlisted for one year in Capt. Noah Bouton's Company, Col. Henry Ludenton's New York Regiment. 

1778: James Swinnerton enlisted for one year in Capt. Richard Sackett's Company, Col. Graham's New York Regiment. 

1780 March 17: There is no marriage record on file for James and Eleanor at Pittsfield, MA, the site of the ceremony as indicated by DAR records.

1790: Federal Census shows James living near his brother Joseph in Leicester (Addison Co.), Vermont. 1 M < 16, 1 M > 16, 5 F. [note -- both James and Joseph listed as SWINNINGTON in 1790 VT census.] 

1806 June 8: James Swinnerton, Jr., of Liberty Twp. (Franklin Co.), OH, purchases Lot 11, Sec. 3, Twp. 4, Range 19 in Delaware Co., OH. 

1808: The James Swinnerton, Sr., family settled in Delaware Co., OH. 

1810 Sept. 25: Federal land records indicate that James Swinorton owned 100 acres of land based upon the army land warrant of Pvt. Samuel Griswold (#336). Registered by John Vance. From "Federal Land Series," vol. 2, 1799-1835. 

1812 Feb. 13: Federal land records indicate that James Swenorton owned 100 acres of land based upon the army land warrant of Pvt. Samuel Griswold (#336) located in the Military District of Virginia (later Ohio) at 16 6 1 38 (i.e., R16, T6, S1). The patent was issued 25 Feb. 1812. From "Federal Land Series," vol. 2, 1799-1835. The deed issued by President James Madison is recorded in Deed Book 3, p. 21, Delaware Co., OH.

1812 June 2: Capt. Joab Norton's Company of the 3rd Ohio Militia was formed for service in the War of 1812. Members of the company served until 19 Sept. 1812. The "Roster of Ohio Soldiers in the War of 1812," vol. 1, p. 63, lists among the company's members Sergt. Erastus Bowe, Sergt. Ira Carpenter, Sergt. M. McLoeland, and Sergt. John Dopson, all of whom are sons-in-law of James Swinnerton. I have confirmed Merriness Loveland's membership from his miltary record on file in the National Archives. I have confirmed the membership of John Dopson and Ira Carpenter from the miltary pension application filed by Electa Swinnerton Dopson (see 26 Aug. 1854, below). According to information filed with Electa Dopson's application, 'The company was ordered by the Governor of the State of Ohio to repair to Lower Sandusky to build Fort Stephenson -- that the Company obeyed the orders and built the fort. The Company was in advance of the main army and built the fort before Hull's army was raised. The said John H. Dopson was taken sick with the disease called the Sandusky fever while in the army and in the service of the United States, and that he never recovered from said disease, but died (as did almost everyone engaged in that expedition) soon after his return (24 Jan. 1813) home. He resided in the Town of Delaware at the time he enlisted, and he continued to reside in the same place at the time of his death. He was a farmer by occupation and a very faithful and patriotic fellow.'

1814: Delaware Co., OH, Tax Records show James Swinnerton living in R16, T6, S1. 

1816: From "History of Delaware County, Ohio," published by O. L. Baskin & Co., Chicago, IL, 1880, p. 417: "This eldest daughter [of Capt. Carpenter], Mrs. Swiniton, went to Illinois in 1816, and died in 1873, at the age of ninety-three years." This is James Swinnerton, Jr., and his wife Lucy Carpenter. 

1818 May 20: James Swinnerton was allowed pension (#S.40542) for his Revolutionary War service. 

1819: The James Swinerton family moved to Grand Prairie Township, Marion Co., OH. 

1820: James [Guilford] Swinnerton, Jr., is included in a list of persons arriving in 1820 in Morgan Co., Illinois, and his house was the first place chosen as a county seat -- located six miles southwest of the present city of Jacksonville, and a mile and a half northeast of Lynnville. (From "History of Morgan Co., Illinois," pp. 626, 646) 

1820 Oct. 4: In a letter supporting his pension, James Swinnerton stated: "My family consists of my wife aged fifty-nine years, one son aged eighteen years rather sickly (William B. Swinnerton), two daughters Elmira age twenty-two, Adelina aged twenty-one, both unhealthy, and an orphan grandchild, Caroline Loveland, aged nine years." James was living "in the fourth township in the fifteenth range in the county of Marion," Ohio. He lists his property as 1/2 quarter section of land, 100 acres of land, 2 town lots in Delaware, Ohio, 2 horses, 2 cows, 3 calves, 6 kitchen chairs, 1 bake kettle, 1 spider, 6 plates, 2 hogs, 20 pigs. Total value of his property was $193.25. 

1821 May 17: James Swinnerton and his wife Eleanor sold Lot 38 in first quarter T6, R 16, amounting to 100 acres to Calvin Vining for $150. Deed Book 5, page 539, Delaware Co., OH.

1822 Jan. 29: James Swinnerton purchased a half pint of whiskey from Ezra Griswold, Sr., in Delaware (Delaware Co.), OH. On this same date James paid part of his bill with Griswold with 175 pounds of pork valued at $4.37-1/2. (From James Swinerton's will, on file in Marion Co., OH) 

1823 Feb. 28: James Swinnerton was charged for "Advertising Hire" by Ezra Griswold, Sr., in Delaware (Delaware Co.), OH. (From James Swinnerton's will, on file in Marion Co., OH) 

1823 Aug. 30: James Swinnerton sold Lots 7 and 10 in Delaware (Delaware Co.), OH, to William B. Swinnerton for $100. Lot 7 is on corner of ?Port and Werter Streets. Lot 10 adjoins Lot 7. (From JS pension application). On this same date, James Swinnerton sold NE 1/2 quarter (80 acres) of S20, T4, R15, Grand Prairie Twp. (Marion Co.), OH, to Adeline and Almira Swinnerton for $300. The land "being the same land that was lately patented to the said James Swinnerton by government." These sales may have been necessitated in order to continue his revolutionary war pension. 

1823 Sep. 21: Adeline, Almira, and William B. Swinnerton sold Lots 7 and 10 in the town of Delaware (Delaware Co.), OH. 9from Delaware County deed records.) 

1823 Oct. 23: James Swinnerton appeared in the Court of Common Pleas, Delaware County, Ohio, to justify the continuation of his pension. He was 66 years old and indicated that his "family consists of but one besides myself, and that person is a child of 12 years of age, a granddaughter of mine." The child was Mercy Caroline Loveland, who had just turned 12. His property consisted of 1 horse, 20 hogs, 6 chairs, 1 pot, 1 bake kettle, 1 spider, 6 plates, 1 plow, 1 drag, 1 yoke, 3 year old steers. Total value was $134.50.

1825 Feb. 26: Estate settlement for James Swinnerton was begun in the court of common pleas of Marion County, OH. (From James Swinnerton's will, on file in Marion Co., OH) 

1825 April 14: "All persons having just claims against the estate of James Swinnerton, late of Grand Prairie township, Marion Co. deceased, are hereby notified to exhibit the same, legally proved, for settlement, within one year from the date hereof; those indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment. William Swinnerton, Almira Swinnerton, Adaline Swinnerton, Ex't's." (First published on this date in the "Delaware Patron" in Town of Delaware (Delaware Co.), OH. 

1826 June 13: William B. Swinnerton made final settlement with Ezra Griswold for debts incurred by himself and his father. (From James Swinnerton's will, on file in Marion Co., OH) . . . "

Source:  Miller, Donald F., Supplementary Information on Family Group Sheet of James Swinnerton (1757-1824) and Eleanor Guilford (1761-1821), available at (visited Feb. 16, 2015).

*          *          *          *          *

I have written extensively about the Battle of Pelham fought on October 18, 1776.  See, for example, the following 37 articles:  

Bell, Blake A., The Battle of Pelham:  October 18, 1776, The Pelham Weekly, Vol. XIII, No. 41, Oct. 15, 2004, p. 10, col. 1.  

Bell, Blake, History of the Village of Pelham:  Revolutionary War, Archive (visited May 9, 2014).  

Mon., Feb. 28, 2005:  Glover's Rock on Orchard Beach Road Does Not Mark the Site of the Battle of Pelham.  

Mon., Apr. 18, 2005:  Restored Battle of Pelham Memorial Plaque Is Unveiled at Glover Field.  

Fri., May 27, 2005:  1776, A New Book By Pulitzer Prize Winner David McCullough, Touches on the Battle of Pelham.  

Thu., Jul. 14, 2005:  Pelham's 1926 Pageant Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Pelham.  

Wed., Oct. 26, 2005:  Remnants of the Battlefield on Which the Battle of Pelham Was Fought on October 18, 1776.  
Fri., May 19, 2006:  Possible Remains of a Soldier Killed in the Battle of Pelham on October 18, 1776 Found in 1921.  

Fri., Aug. 11, 2006:  Article by William Abbatt on the Battle of Pelham Published in 1910.  

Thu., Sep. 21, 2006:  A Paper Addressing the Battle of Pelham, Among Other Things, Presented in 1903.  

Mon., Oct. 30, 2006:  Brief Biographical Data About Sir Thomas Musgrave, British Lieutenant Colonel Wounded at the Battle of Pelham on October 18, 1776.

Wed., Nov. 1, 2006:  Two British Military Unit Histories that Note Participation in the Battle of Pelham on October 18, 1776.

Tue., Jan. 16, 2007:  Brief Biography of British Officer Who Served During the Battle of Pelham on October 18, 1776.

Fri., Feb. 09, 2007:  Extract of October 23, 1776 Letter Describing British Troops in Eastchester After the Battle of Pelham on October 18, 1776.  

Mon., Feb. 12, 2007:  Saint Paul's Church National Historic Site Opens New Exhibition:  "Overlooked Hero:  John Glover and the American Revolution."  

Thu., Jan. 18, 2007:  Three More British Military Unit Histories that Note Participation in the Battle of Pelham on October 18, 1776.

Mon., Jul. 16, 2007:  Mention of the Battle of Pelham on October 18, 1776 in Revolutionary War Diary of David How.  

Tue., Jul. 17, 2007:  Mention of the Battle of Pelham on October 18, 1776 in Writings of Francis Rawdon-Hastings, Aide-de-Camp to British General Clinton.  

Wed., Jul. 18, 2007:  Another British Military Unit History that Notes Participation in the Battle of Pelham on October 18, 1776.  

Tue., Aug. 7, 2007:  An Account of the Battle of Pelham on October 18, 1776 Contained in the McDonald Papers Published in 1926.  

Wed., Aug. 8, 2007:  A Description of an Eyewitness Account of the Interior of St. Paul's Church in Eastchester During the Revolutionary War.  

Thu., Sep. 6, 2007:  Information About St. Paul's Church, the Battle of Pelham and Other Revolutionary War Events Near Pelham Contained in an Account Published in 1940.  

Mon., Oct. 8, 2007:  American Troops Who Guarded Pelham's Shores in October 1776.  

Fri., Oct. 12, 2007:  Images of The Lord Howe Chestnut that Once Stood in the Manor of Pelham.  

Fri., Oct. 27, 2006:  Orders Issued by British Major General The Honourable William Howe While Encamped in Pelham After the Battle of Pelham on October 18, 1776.

Thu., Jan. 22, 2009:  Another Brief Biography of Sir Thomas Musgrave, a British Officer Wounded at the Battle of Pelham on October 18 1776.  

Wed., Feb. 17, 2010:  British Report on Killed, Wounded and Missing Soldiers During the Period the Battle of Pelham Was Fought on October 18, 1776.  

Fri., Apr. 23, 2010:  Charles Blaskowitz, Surveyor Who Created Important Map Reflecting the Battle of Pelham.  

Thu., Feb. 06, 2014:  A Description of the Revolutionary War Battle of Pelham Published in 1926 for the Sesquicentennial Celebration.

Mon., May 19, 2014:  Biography of British Officer Who Fought in the Battle of Pelham on October 18, 1776.

Wed., Jun. 04, 2014:  An Account of the Battle of Pelham on October 18, 1776 Presented and Published in 1894.  

Fri., Jun. 27, 2014:  Newly-Published Account Concludes Colonel William Shepard Was Wounded During the Battle of Pelham on October 18, 1776.

Mon., Jun. 30, 2014:  A British Lieutenant in the Twelfth Foot Who Fought at the Battle of Pelham on October 18, 1776.

Fri., Sep. 19, 2014:  Abel Deveau, An American Skirmisher on Rodman's Neck as British and Germans Landed Before the Battle of Pelham.

Wed., Sep. 17, 2014:  References to the Battle of Pelham in 18th Century Diary of Ezra Stiles, President of Yale College.

Fri., Oct. 17, 2014:  First-Hand Diary Account of Battle of Pelham on October 18, 1776.

Mon., Oct. 20, 2014:  American Diary Account of Events Before, During, and After the Battle of Pelham on October 18, 1776.

Tue., Oct. 21, 2014:  November 1, 1776 Letter Describing the Battle of Pelham and Events Before and After the Battle.

Fri., Oct. 24, 2014:  October 21, 1776 Report to the New-York Convention Regarding the Battle of Pelham.

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