
Monday, March 16, 2015

Newspaper References and Advertisements Regarding Development of Pelhamwood

Located just north of the Pelham station on the New Haven Line is the lovely neighborhood known as Pelhamwood.  Almost triangular in shape, the neighborhood is bordered on the north by Lincoln Avenue, on the west by Harmon and Highbrook Avenues, on the south by the railroad tracks and on the east by the New Rochelle border.  In 1909, Clifford B. Harmon & Co. bought from the Winyah Park Realty Company this one-hundred acre tract and began development of Pelhamwood.  

Harmon's vision for the development was fascinating.  He tried to leave the countryside as pristine as possible with its many hills, rock outcroppings and massive trees.  He then portrayed the development as an idyllic and rustic country setting that could be reached from New York City more easily, more quickly, and more conveniently than most developments in Brooklyn, the Bronx, and New Jersey.

Pelhamwood seems to have been the most heavily-marketed development in all of Pelham even to this day.  Advertisements appeared in many regional newspapers for several years.  Post cards were mailed to prospective purchasers.  Advertising booklets were printed and distributed.  A miniature mock-up of the development was created and displayed in New York City.  Advertisements ranged from small entries to quarter-page, half-page, and full-page newspaper advertisements.  

Today's posting to the Historic Pelham Blog transcribes a couple of early references to Clifford B. Harmon's early efforts to organize and create the new development.  Thereafter, the images of three interesting early Pelhamwood advertisements are included with each followed by a transcription of its text to facilitate search as well as a citation and link to its source.


The firm of Clifford B. Harmon & Co., of which Clifford B. Harmon is president, has been formed to market a new development known as Pelhamwood at Pelham station, on the main line of the New Haven road."

Source:  Miscellaneous, The Sun [NY, NY], Mar. 11, 1909, p. 9, col. 2.  

"Clifford B. Harmon & Co., who opened up a local office at the Windsor Hotel, Port Chester, last week, found that their new property at Pelhamwood met with such general favor that they have decided to continue their office for another month.  Mr. F. L. Egger, their local representative, will be represented by Mr. Daniel J. Hickey at Rye, N. Y.  He will be very glad to supply information and transportation to any of our readers who may be interested in this property.  The results so far have been very gratifying to Mr. Harmon, who is the president of the company, and he expects that within a very short time the entire tract will be disposed of."

Source:  [Untitled], The Rye Chronicle, Apr. 24, 1909, p. 2, col. 4.  

Pelhamwood Advertisement Published in 1911.
Source:  PELHAMWOOD [Advertisement], N.Y. Herald,
May 7, 1911, p. 8, cols. 3-4.  NOTE:  Click Image to Enlarge.

The text of the advertisement above is transcribed immediately below to facilitate search.


Pelhamwood Is the Place to Dwell

Between Mt. Vernon and New Rochelle

Pelhamwood is not a promise -- but a fulfilment; improvements there are made -- not planned.  Every city convenience combined with every country joy -- and so near the heart of New York it's hardly fair to call it a suburb.

Those wonderful Pelhamwood trees -- a sight alone worth the trip.  Never will they look so beautiful -- except, of course, when it's your own home that peeps from behind them.  Come out -- look!

Free Tickets if You Write, Phone or Call.

315 Madison Av., Corner 42d St."

Pelhamwood Advertisement Published in 1910.
Source:  PELHAMWOOD [Advertisement], N. Y. Herald,
May 8, 1910, Fourth Section, p. 6, cols. 5-7.
NOTE:  Click Image to Enlarge.

The text of the advertisement above is transcribed immediately below to facilitate search.



30 minutes out.          Three lines of Electric Road.
75 trains per day.       Station on Property.
The second stop out from Grand Central Station.

Sunday trains from Grand Central Station direct to Pelhamwood: -- 
10:06 and 11 A. M., 12:04, 1:05 and 2:30 P. M.
Our agents will be at all trains.

Pelhamwood is mighty attractive to those who wish the comfort and pleasures of suburban life, but who need to be near the office and the city at all hours.

Pelhamwood is nearer, in time, than Brooklyn, the Bronx or Jersey City, and trains are almost as convenient as subway expresses (75 per day).

Pelhamwood property is now selling at suburban prices, but, being in the direct line of New York's expansion, it is rising in value as quickly as city property.

Send for our book of views and for free round trip tickets to Pelhamwood.  Look over the property, then let one of our automobiles take you through Pelham Manor and New Rochelle, so you may see how beautiful the country is and clinch your desire to own property and live there.

$10 per lot starts ownership.  The balance on easy payments.

Office open Sundays from 9 A. M. to 2:30 P. M. "

Pelhamwood Advertisement Published in 1910.
May 29, 1910, Fourth Section, p. 8, cols. 6-7.
NOTE:  Click Image to Enlarge.

The text of the advertisement above is transcribed immediately below to facilitate search.


The main considerations that make a suburb attractive as a place to own property and live, besides its natural advantages of quiet, healthfulness and economy, are the length of time required to get to business and one's friends, the frequency of trains and the lines of transportation.  

In these factors Pelhamwood is ideal.  One can reach Pelhamwood in 30 minutes from the Grand Central Station, or 20 minutes from 125th Street Station.  The train service is as frequent as subway expresses, and Pelhamwood folks have three lines of Electric Railroad to the city -- one of which connects with the Lenox Avenue Subway.  Residents at Pelhamwood are nearer in time to their city friends and the theatres than are people living in the Bronx, Brooklyn or Jersey.

Pelhamwood is ideally located on one of America's finest railroads.  The station is just across the road from the property -- far enough below the level to be out of sight and sound, but so close that one can ready the station in a minute from the Gates of Pelhamwood.

Pelhamwood is in the grandest section of Westchester County.  Situated on high rolling ground, surrounded by old time magnificent estates, it affords natural opportunities for the exercise of the architect's cleverest designing and lends itself graciously to his art.

You should go out and see Pelhamwood.  It is the place to live -- to really live and enjoy life.

Property may now be bought at suburban prices -- figures that as an investment will yield a handsome profit in the natural course of events -- if bought solely as a saving or profit-making investment.

Should you desire to build immediately or in the future we will finance the erection of your house on very liberal terms.

A small percentage down secures any plot, the balance may be paid off monthly in amounts to suit your convenience and your income.

Send for our new Book of Views, or, if more convenient, call at our office and see a miniature reproduction of the property.  Our representatives will gladly give you all the time you require to thoroughly learn about Pelhamwood.

You will surely be interested, so why not learn about this suburb to-day?  Agents at property office daily.

FREE tickets at our office.  Open Sunday and Decoration Day, from 9 A. M. to 2 P. M."

*          *           *          *          *

Periodically I have written about Clifford B. Harmon and Pelhamwood.  For those interested in a comprehensive history of the development, see Bell, Blake A., The Early Development of Pelhamwood, The Pelham Weekly, Vol. XIII, No. 37, Sept. 17, 2004, p. 12, col. 2.  For earlier postings about Clifford B. Harmon and Pelhamwood, see:

Fri., Sep. 26, 2014:  1909 Advertisements Show How the New Development of Pelhamwood Was Marketed to New Yorkers.

Sat., Jan. 25, 2014:  Putting the Finishing Touches on the Lovely New Church in Pelhamwood in 1923.  

Mon., Feb. 1, 2010:  Obituary of Richard B. Ferris of Pelhamwood

Thu., Oct. 11, 2007:  Biographical Data and Photographs of Clifford B. Harmon Who Developed Pelhamwood

Tue., Jul. 10, 2007:  An Early Event in the History of Pelhamwood

Thu., Jun. 21, 2007:  Information About "Aeronautic" Exploits of Clifford B. Harmon Who Developed Pelhamwood in Pelham

Thu. Aug. 10, 2006:  The New Development of Pelhamwood Gets Approval for its Proposed Sewage System in 1912

Tue., Nov. 15, 2005:  Plaque Dedicated at the Historic Pelhamwood Clock Tower

Mon., Sep. 12, 2005: Pelhamwood Association Celebrated its 30th Anniversary in 1942

Thu., May 12, 2005: Clifford B. Harmon, Developer of Pelhamwood.

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