
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Advertisements for Two Nineteenth Century Sales of Large Properties on Rodman's Neck in the Town of Pelham

Today's posting to the Historic Pelham Blog includes images of two nineteenth century newspaper advertisements offering major sections of Rodman's Neck in the Town of Pelham for sale.  The first is an advertisement placed in the April 10, 1820 issue of The New York Evening Post offering the farm of Nicholas Haight on Rodman's Neck for sale.  Clearly Nicholas Haight had some difficulty selling this property.  I have written of his efforts to sell the property before.  See:

Mon., Dec. 03, 2007:  Notice of Chancery Court Order Directing Auction Sale of Nicholas Haight's Farm in Pelham in 1820.

Fri., Nov. 30, 2007:  1820 Advertisement for Sale of Nicholas Haight's Farm on Rodman's Neck.

Immediately below is the image and the transcribed text of another advertisement in the long series of advertisements placed in connection with efforts to sell Haight's farm on Rodman's Neck in 1820.  


On Friday, the 14th day of April, at the Tontine Coffee House, at 12 o'clock, will be sold at auction, by JAMES BLEECKER, a farm belonging to the subscriber, situate at Pelham, in the county of Westchester, about 15 miles from the city of New York, commonly called Rodman's Neck.  This farm contains about 130 acres of as good land as any in this state, is in good cultivation & repair, and is well watered.  There are on the premises two farm houses, good barns and out-houses; there are also several sites for dwelling houses, commanding extensive and beautiful prospects.  The farm also contains a thriving young peach orchard, plenty of cherry trees, and about 100 bearing apple trees; also, from 12 to 15 acres of wood-land.  The title is indisputable. -- A map of the premises is left with the auctioneer, and upon application to him the terms of sale may be known.


Source:  A FARM FOR SALE AT AUCTION, The N.Y. Evening Post, Apr. 10, 1820, No. 5556, p. 4, col. 5.  

Below is a second nineteenth century advertisement for the sale of another estate on Rodman's Neck in the Town of Pelham.  The advertisement appeared in the November 30, 1846 issue of the Evening Mirror published in New York City and offered the estate of Elisha W. King on Rodman's Neck known as Hawkswood for sale.  I have written about Elisha W. King and Hawkswood on a number of occasions.  See:

Fri., Feb. 14, 2014:  Martin Euclid Thompson, the Architect of the Pelham Mansion Known as Hawkswood and the Marshall Mansion.

Thu., Feb. 13, 2014:  More Information About Elisha W. King, the Builder and Original Owner of Hawkswood.

Mon., Feb. 10, 2014:  Hawkswood, Also Known as the Marshall Mansion, Colonial Hotel and Colonial Inn, Once Stood in Pelham Near City Island

Wed., Apr. 5, 2006: "Hawkswood", Later Known as the Marshall Mansion on Rodman's Neck in Pelham.  

Thu., Jun. 28, 2007: 19th Century Notice of Executor's Sale of "Hawkswood" After Death of Elisha W. King

Fri., May 07, 2010: Image of Hawkswood Published in 1831

Thu., June 28, 2007: 19th Century Notice of Executor's Sale of "Hawkswood" After Death of Elisha W. King

Mon., Apr. 26, 2010: Public Service Commission Couldn't Find Marshall's Corners in 1909.

"We invite the attention of capitalists and others to the sale of real estate belonging to the estate of the late Elisha W. King, which takes placce TO-MORROW, at 12 o'clock, at the Merchant's Exchange, ANTHONY J. BLEECKER, Auctioneerr.  The property is eligibly situated in Gold street, and corner of Beekman street, on Ferry street, on Water street, on Cherry street, on Lewis street; also, in Brooklyn, in the village of New Rochelle, and the very desirable country residence at Rodman's Neck, in the town of Pelham, Westchester county.  Maps of the whole of this improved estate, can be had of the auctioneer.

Also, the valuable lot and buildings thereon, No. 55 East Broadway, the five story house and rear buildings, No. 39 East Broadway, and the buildings known as No. 192 and 194 Division street, occupied as stores and dwellings, the sale of which will be positive."

Source:  [Untitled], Evening Mirror [NY, NY], Nov. 30, 1846, Vol. V, No. 46, p. 2, col. 4. 

Archive of the Historic Pelham Web Site.

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