
Thursday, September 18, 2014

A History of the Hutchinson School and its Predecessors in Today's Village of Pelham Published in 1926

Understanding the history of the Hutchinson School and its predecessors in the Village of Pelham can be maddeningly difficult particularly when dealing with old images of the various school buildings that have stood on the site of today's Hutchinson School.  Thankfully, in 1926 a former member of the Board of Education (and future Town Historian), William R. Montgomery, published a detailed history of the original one-room schoolhouse that stood on the site and each successive structure that stood there, together with images.  Montgomery's work has made it immensely easier for historians today to follow the evolution of the various school buildings that have been built on the site.

Today's posting to the Historic Pelham Blog transcribes the text of Montgomery's article and includes a number of the images used in his article.  The text is followed by a citation to its source.

"The Old Schoolhouse On The Hill
By Wm. R. Montgomery formerly a member of the Board of Education

It might be of interest to state at the beginning of this article that a large part of North Pelham was originally owned by Colonel David I. Pell [sic, David J. Pell], who lived in the Old Stone House near Wolf's Lane, Pelham Manor.  The land adjacent to Hutchinson Creek was used as a stock farm and a race track.  On February 1, 1833, we find that the estate of Colonel David I. Pell [sic] sold part of this land to Anthony Wolf.  Mr. Wolf built a homestead where Fifth avenue and Third street intersect, and conducted a farm for many years until he sold it to the 'PELHAMVILLE VILLAGE ASSOCIATION' in 1851.  From that time a good part of what is now known as North Pelham was called Pelhamville.  Pelhamwood and Chester Park were not developed up to this time.  Pelhamville was owned by Col. Richard Lathers of New Rochelle, being part of the estate well known at that time as Winyah Park.

In 1896, a mass meeting was held in the Town Hall, North Pelham.  Mr. John H. Young acting as chairman and Mr. Isaac C. Hill as secretary, at which, after considerable discussion the proposition to incorporate the village was carried by a vote of 65 to 2 and the name PELHAMVILLE was changed to NORTH PELHAM.  Jacob Heisser was elected its first president.

In mapping out the original village of Pelhamville, a park was laid out, in size about 300 x 500 feet and named 'Pelham Square.'  This was located between Fourth and Fifth streets and Second and Third avenues.  For some years the children of this fast growing village had to go nearly two miles to the school on Split Rock Road in Pelham Manor, it being the only school house at that time in Union Free School District No. 1, the District No. 2 being City Island.

The inhabitants justly complained about the remoteness of the school and finally persuaded the trustees of the Pelhamville Village Association to deed part of the square previously mentioned to School District No. 1.  On November 19, 1860, a deed was duly executed for 250 x 150 feet of the 'Pelham Square' by the Hon. Lewis C. Platt of White Plains, and Mr. Henry Marsden of Brooklyn, as trustees, representing the Pelhamville Village Association to the Board of Education of Union Free School District No. 1 of the Town of Pelham, represented by the following trustees:

Rev. Wm. S. Coffey, Mr. Wm. S. McClellan, Mr. John M. Lockwood, Mr. James Hinman, Mr. Edward A. Campbell, Mr. J. W. Tavina.

We might add here the fact that in March, 1912, the title to this school site was pronounced perfect and was insured by the Lawyers Title Co., 160 Broadway, New York City.  This was necessary as the Board of Education intended issuing bonds to the extent of $25,000 covering the property.

In 1861 a school house was erected as pictured in Cut No 1.  This building was a typical school building of its period, one large room, poorly lighted and badly ventilated.  It was heated by a large round stove in the center, which nearly roasted those unfortunate enough to be near it, while giving no heat to those at a distance.

Note:  This Is a Color Image Detail of the Painting of the
Pelhamville School House by Edward Penfield that
Appears as a Black and White Image at this Point
in Montgomery's Article.

We are greatly indebted to the late Mr. Edward Penfield, who after many months of research succeeded in drawing a picture of the old school house on the hill, as it probably looked at that time.  Cut No. 1 shows the porch which was added in 1873 and the room to the right added in 1875 for the primary department.

In 1874 a well was sunk at the foot of the stone steps leading up the hill to the school.  Previous to this time two boys were usually sent for a pail of water.  They would sometimes take this opportunity to waste a couple of hours of precious time.  Therefore the Board of Education decided to spend a few dollars of the taxpayers' money.  Even the emergency of the situation did not appeal to many of the taxpayers.  The estimate of the original cost of this school can be judged from the insurance policy taken out in 1867 for $1,200.

After the Civil War the Board of Education seems to have been a close family corporation judging from the names of the trustees:  

Mr. Peter Roosevelt, Mr. James W. Roosevelt, Mr. Fred Case, Sr., Mr. John Case, Mr. David Lyon, Sr., Mr. Joseph Lyon, Mr. Charles H. Roosevelt, Counselor; Mr. Elbert I. Roosevelt, Treasurer.

Many of the old records are missing and it is not possible to give the names of all the early teachers who taught in the old school house.  We are indebted to the late Mr. Wm. Allen Smith, President of the Board in 1888, and to Mr. Isaac C. Hill, for such as we have now.

The first teacher was Miss McClellan, 1861-1863; others were Mr. Watson E. Knox, Mr. Amos Towle, Mr. Gore, Mr. Orrin Baxxter, 1866; Mr. edward Gallagher, 1867-1869; Mr. Bartlett; Mr. Jared Barhete, 1869-1870.

Mr. Francis A. Lafferty was appointed in 1870 at a salary of $1,000 a year, and Mrs. Agnes Lafferty, Nov. 17, 1871, as an assistant at a salary of $200 a year.  The first night school was held for four weeks, from Nov. 21, 1870, also for the month of January, 1871.  Mr. Lafferty was appointed teacher at one dollar a night.  This night school was a success and the Board of Education on Nov. 6, 1871, directed Mr. Lafferty to open it again for a period of 100 nights, for which he would be paid $100 in addition to his salary.  The Board also ordered that a fee of two dollars be paid in advance for all persons of 21 years and over who attended the school.  Mr. Lafferty retired in 1872 and the following teachers came after him:  Mr. Charles J. Carlisle, 1872; Mr. D. H. Campbell, 1873; Mr. L. Reynolds, 1873; Mr. Thomas C. Clark, 1873.

On January 9, 1874, Mr. Clark made the first report that we have been able to locate.  'The number of pupils in Pelhamville school registered was 48 with an average attendance of 84 per cent.  Miss S. H. Sparkks was appointed assistant teacher.  Mr. Clark resigned Deember 31, 1877.  We come now to the period of our most successful teacher, Mr. Isaac C. Hill, who was transferred from the school in Pelham Manor on the Split Rock Road and assumed charge on January 7, 1878.  Mr. Hill was succeeded in the Pelham Manor School by our esteemed citizen, Mr. John M. Shinn.  The Pelhamville School had evidently declined in so far as the number of pupils were concerned, as we find in Mr. Hill's first report April, 1878, the average attendance was 39.  The December record, however, showed an improvement, the average being 53.  Miss Kate Donlon was appointed assistant teacher in 1878.  At the annual meeting which was held October 8, 1878, a large bell was voted for and the same was bought from Fairbanks & Co., for $71.  It is interesting to note here that the total budget in 1884 for the three schools, one at Pelhamville, one at Pelham Manor and one at Bartow in the old Town Hall, was $4,135.  [NOTE:  This is the first reasonably reliable secondary source reference I have seen confirming that the old Town Hall that once stood on today's Shore Road was used as a school house to serve the children of the tiny settlement of Bartow-on-the-Sound, at least during the year 1884.]  

The question of the education of the youth has been uppermost in the minds of the people since the original settlement of Pelham.  The span of 66 years, since the first house of Pelhamville was erected, has been a complete revolution in the education of the children; from the old Red School House of a single room and one teacher to the massive structure of Hutchinson School, containing 20 rooms or more, with its large corps of teachers.

The Old Red School House had some advantages as well as many handicaps.  One outstanding advantage was the fact that the school master had complete supervision over the child from the lowest class until he graduated.  He knew the pupil and he knew his weak points as well as his strong ones, which is not possible under the larger system.  It was under the above conditions that Mr. Hill made such a successful teacher, beloved by all his pupils.  Mr. Hill had full supervision over the course of studies until about 1905, when the State adopted a syllabus for all schools.

The school became so crowded, however, that even the window sills had to be used to seat the pupils.  It was not until Dec. 20, 1887, that the Board of Education decided that a new building was needed.  

A special meeting of the voters of the District was held in the Pelham Manor School on May 8, 1888.  Rev. C. Winter Bolton was elected chairman, and Mr. Henry E. Dey as clerk of the meeting.  

The district voted $6,000 for the erection of a new school building at Pelhamville.  On May 15, 1888, a building committee was appointed consisting of Mr. Robert C. Black, Mr. E. H. Gurney, and Mr. Henry N. Babcock.  The architect selected was Mr. F. C. Merry.  

The new school (see Cut. No. 2) was completed at a cost of about $6,500, the size of the building being 67.4 x 64 x 58.  It was finally dedicated with much ceremony.  The terra cotta tablet which was placed on the building to the right of the entrance, is now set in the south wall of the assembly room of the present Hutchinson building.  This tablet bears the following inscription:

Union Free School District No. 1
Town of Pelham, Erected 1888.
Wm. Allen Smith
E. H. Gurney
Frank Beattie
Robert C. Black
Wm. Barry
H. N. Babcock 
Architect, F. C. Merry
Masons, John New & Son
Carpenter, James Thompson

"HUTCHINSON SCHOOL, No. 2, 1889-1900"
Source:  Montgomery, William R., The Old Schoolhouse On
The Hill - Pelhamville, The Pelham Sun (Christmas Supplement),
Dec. 17, 1926, p. 15, cols. 1-7.

We reproduce here for future reference the program of this eventful occasion:

(1) Prayer, Rev. C. Winter Bolton.
(2) Hymn, 'Father in Heaven,' by the children of the district.
(3) Address, Wm. Allen Smith, president of the Board of Education.
(4) Chorus, 'The Mellow Horn,' by the pupils.
(5) Class Exercises, conducted by Principal I. C. Hill and Miss Julia L. Wilson, assistant teacher.
  (a) Algebra, Class A.
  (b) Grammar Analysis, Class B.  Chorus, 'Aim High,' by the pupils; Miss Rachael Heisser at the organ.
  (c) Reading, Primary Class C.
  (d) Arithmetic Fractions, Class B.
(6) Chorus, 'Sweet and Low,' by the pupils.  Miss Ida E. Hill at the organ.
(7) Address, Jared Sandford, School Commissioner.
(8) Chorus, 'Chiming Bells,' by the pupils.
(9) Address, Rev. D. N. Freeland.
(10) Benediction, Rev. Charles Higbie [sic].

President Smith in his address, spoke of how much the district needed the new building and brought out many interesting facts regarding the history of the school in the village of Pelhamville.

School Commissioner Jared Sandford was then introduced by President Smith.  It might be interesting to state here that this ceremony was the only dedication of a school building which Commissioner Sandford had the pleasure of attending in the seven years he was commissioner.  It is quite evident that building school houses was not a popular occupation in those days.  Mr. Sanford delivered a very interesting address on this occasion.  We quote from the Mount Vernon Chronicle, January 11, 1889, the following, relative to the town of Pelham:

'The material wealth and prosperity of the district warranted the inhabitants in indulging themselves with pleasant and commodious school surroundings.  Good school buildings, good teachers, and the best teaching add greatly to the prosperity, moral worth and greatness of communities, and contribute to the true glory of the State.'

Commissioner Sandford completing his address paid a glowing tribute to Principal I. C. Hill for his great work in building up a most efficient school.

After the exercises were completed a very welcome surprise was in store for the townspeople.  A reception committee consisting of Mrs. I. C. Hill, Mrs. E. H. Gurney, Mrs. J. Waugh, Mrs. Robert H. Scott, Mrs. R. C. Black, Mrs. Geo. Pearson, Mrs. Wm. Allen Smith, Mrs. A. Anderson, and Mrs. T. Scott were busy in the old school (Cut No. 1) which was only a few feet north of the new one, preparing a fine collation which was served for the benefit of the inner man.  This affair lasted until early in the morning, every one going home happy, and glad that he was a Pelhamite.

In September, 1889, there were 59 pupils enrolled with Mr. I. C. Hill as principal, and Miss Julia L. Willson, assistant teacher.

The new school house (Cut No. 2) was greatly admired, and many came from all parts of the State to see the arrangement of rooms.

Notwithstanding the appearance of great durability, many questioned the safety of the roof and the architect was finally ordered to add more uprights to support it.  The building had no lighting system and oil lamps were bought in 1891 at a cost of $12.  A new pump was installed in the building.  In 1891 the Board of Education insured this building for $5,000.  

Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Hill, in 1892, arranged an entertainment for the purpose of raising funds to buy a flag pole and flag.  The pole and flag were dedicated with patriotic ceremonies on July 4, 1892, and many of the leading citizens of the county were present.  This flag pole was placed directly in front of the entrance and was supposed to have been incentive for the Legislature of the State of New York passing a flag law:  Chapter 222 Laws of 1895.:  'Compelling school authorities to display the U.S. Flag on or near school hours on fair days and holidays, also specifying the standard sizes required as follows:  Garrison Flag, 36x20; Post Flag, 20x10; Storm Flag, 8x4 1/2.

The newly formed Fire Department of Pelhamville requested permission of the Board to use the school bell in case of fire, which was granted on March 7, 1893.

Still Pelhamville kept on growing and it was necessary in 1894 to make a new class room in the building and two more in 1897.  There were 147 pupils attending the Pelhamville school in 1899.

Nothwithstanding the continual increase of pupils and the lack of proper accommodations for them, their high scholarship was not in any way interfered with.  It is refreshing to read at times, what others outside of our own school system had to say especially one who was acknowledged as a leader among school men.  Mr. Joseph S. Wood, president of the Mount Vernon Board of Education, made a most extensive survey of the schools in the State, especially those of Mount Vernon.  He delivered a most interesting address on August 9, 1898, in which he said:  

'Recently four pupils have applied for admission to the High School (Mount Vernon) from the public school at North Pelham.  Every one of them passed the required examinations and was admitted.  They came from a school which has only four teachers and only 125 pupils on register.  They have been taught not only the studies taught in our Mount Vernon grammar schools, but algebra through quadratic equations and bookkeeping.  Their average age is thirteen years.  

'Why can't the pupils in our (Mount Vernon) schools be taught as much in the same time.  It would seem that the larger the school and greater the number of pupils, the longer it takes to complete the course of study.

'The average age of graduation from the North Pelham School is 13 years and from the Mount Vernon Schools 15 years.  This loss of two years in each child's life not only discourages the parents and the children, and prevents the latter from obtaining all the benefits our grammar schools and high schools afford, but it causes an immense loss of money as well as of time and energy.'

President Wood's address created quite a sensation in Mount Vernon at the time, as he was recognized as an authority on school matters.  Although no public report was given out concerning the High School entrance examinations in 198 [sic], rumors were freely circulated in Mount Vernon that North Pelham's four pupils were first, second, third and fourth out of a class of about 30.  This of course is only conjecture.  At that time Pelham, having no High School of its own, sent pupils to Mount Vernon and New Rochelle upon their graduation from its grammar schools and paid their tuition.  

The village of Pelhamville seemed to be determined to worry the Board of Education by outgrowing School No. 2, and it was necessary to call a special meeting on May 5, 1900, for the purpose of issuing four bonds of 41,000 each, to build an annex to the school.  We will not go into the details of this meeting, except to state that the proposition was lost by a vote of 31 to 4.

A resolution was passed at the meeting requesting the Board to prepare estimates and plans for an additional story with a new roof and submit the same at a special meeting to be held June 12, 1900.  

On June 12th the District meeting was duly held with Mr. H. G. K. Heath, president of the Board of Education in the chair, and Mr. Harry A. Anderson acting as clerk.

The Board of Education submitted a proposition to issue 10 bonds of $1,000 each for the purpose of adding a new story to the school from the plans made by Mr. A. G. C. Fletcher.  This proposition was likewise defeated and the Board of Education asked to call another meeting, for the purpose of voting $6,000 for the enlargement of the school.

In compliance, the Board called a special meeting on July 10, 1900, to be held in the North Pelham School.  Hon. Benjamin L. Fairchild was elected chairman, and Mr. S. Gregor, clerk; 75 votes were cast, 58 were in favor of the proposition and 17 opposed it.

It might be well to mention here that at the same time in 1900 the Board of Education was increased to 7 members, formerly being only 6; 3 from Pelham Manor and 3 from North Pelham, the new one representing the then growing village of Pelham (Heights).  Later at a special district meeting held in 1906 two additional trustees were added, so that the village of Pelham (Heights) would have the same representation as North Pelham and Pelham Manor.

No time was lost in building an addition to school (No. 2) and it was completed by September, 1900 (see Cut No. 3).  This building was insured for $12,000.

"HUTCHINSON SCHOOL, No. 3, 1900-1910"
Source:  Montgomery, William R., The Old Schoolhouse On
The Hill - Pelhamville, The Pelham Sun (Christmas Supplement),
Dec. 17, 1926, p. 15, cols. 1-7.

The following teachers were engaged for the school year of 1903, which will give an idea of the then prevailing salaries:

Mr. Isaac C. Hill. . . . . . . . . . $1,200
Miss Mina S. Ferman. . . . . .      700
Miss Flora Bass. . . . . . . . . .       600
Miss Etta M. Bornt. . . . . . . .       600
Miss Maria T. Raynes. . . . .        400

Again the question of additional room came up and in August, 1909, President R. A. Holmes Recommended an addition to the school (Cut No. 3) and the Board of Education voted to call a special meeting for May 13, 1910, for the purpose of voting a bond issue of $20,000.  Unfortunately there was an error in the publication of the legal notice.  

Another district meeting was called therefore, to be held June 10, 1910, for the purpose of voting the bond issue of $20,000.  The proposition was unanimously carried, the vote being 31 in favor.

The Building (Cut No. 3) was enlarged and opened in September, 1910, (see Cut No. 4), but was only used a short time, when for reasons unknown, it burned down on February 17, 1912.  In the meantime the pupils were taught in the Highbrook Avenue School, which then was unoccupied, also at the Town Hall in North Pelham.

"Hutchinson School, No. 4, 1910-1912"
Source:  Montgomery, William R., The Old Schoolhouse On
The Hill - Pelhamville, The Pelham Sun (Christmas Supplement),
Dec. 17, 1926, p. 15, cols. 1-7.

As every one was most anxious to see a new building erected quickly, the Board of Education submitted at the annual meeting, May, 1912, a proposition to issue bonds to the amount of $25,000 to build on the old foundations of the burned school.  This proposition was carried by a vote of 135 to 2.  But the old saying 'more haste less speed' 'was truly exemplified when Adams & Co., who purchased the bonds refused them on the ground that the advertisement appeared only 3 times, the law stipulating 4 public notices of bond issues.

This unfortunate error turned out, however, for the best, as the Board of Education, after further investigation, decided to increase the size of the proposed building.  At a special district meeting held September 20, 1912, the Board presented a resolution calling for an issue of bonds to the amount of $40,000, which was carried by a vote of 70 to 62.  Hemingway & Rohrs, local builders, were awarded the contract.

Mr. Isaac C. Hill reported that the school opened September, 1913, with 228 children,, including 22 for kindergarten.   

On September 9, 1913, the new school (see Cut No. 5), by a vote of the children was to be known as HUTCHINSON SCHOOL in memory of that illustrious woman, Anne Hutchinson, who settled in this vicinity in 1642.

About this time Pelham was honored by having this school selected by School Inspector S. J. Preston as an ideal place to hold the Annual Teachers' meeting for the first district, on Nov. 14, 1913.

Hutchinson School was not dedicated, however, until January 1914.  Not only was the assembly room crowded but both halls adjacent to it were likewise filled with people anxious to hear Dr. John H. Finley, then State Commissioner of Education, and Mr. Thomas W. Church, President of the New York Board of Education.  

Hutchinson School filled the requirements of North Pelham from 1913 until recently (1926) when the Board of Education decided to build a large addition which is in course of construction.

Before concluding, permit me to voice the feelings of those who attended the old school house on the hill and extend to Isaac C. Hill, one of the last of the old schoolmasters, the sincere thanks of a grateful community.

We hope that his days may be long so that his light shall still shine for many years to come, an example of loyalty, fidelity and uprightness, for the benefit of the youth of today."

Source:  Montgomery, William R., The Old Schoolhouse On The Hill - Pelhamville, The Pelham Sun (Christmas Supplement), Dec. 17, 1926, p. 15, cols. 1-7. 

*            *            *            *             *

Below are a few of the many examples of previous postings to the Historic Pelham Blog that deal with the history of schools and education in The Pelhams.

Tue., Aug. 12, 2014:  The Laying of the Foundation Stone at Prospect Hill School on Sunday, June 9, 1929.

Mon., Aug. 11, 2014: Excerpts of January 8, 1889 Remarks Dedicating a New School Building in Pelhamville.

Fri., Aug. 08, 2014: 1894 Pelham School Budget Vote: Stage Coach Authorized To Transport Pelham Students in Days Before Autos and Buses.

Thu., Mar. 27, 2014: The "Industrial School at Pelham" Hosted by Christ Church in 1884.

Tue., Mar. 11, 2014: An Early History of Mrs. Hazen's School For Girls in Pelham Manor, Published in 1913.

Mon., Mar. 10, 2014: Dedication of Pelham's New High School in 1911, Now Known as Siwanoy Elementary School.

Tue., May 11, 2010: Mystery Solved - Pelham Town Hall That Once Stood On Shore Road Was Used as a School.

Wed., Mar. 31, 2010: Request for Comment: What Pelham Manor School is This, Shown in 1907?

Tue., Feb. 23, 2010: A Brief History of the Development and Unveiling of Parkway Field in 1955 -- Known Today as Glover Field.

Tue., Feb. 16, 2010: Photograph of Only Known 19th Century Women's Baseball Team in Pelham, New York.

Thu., Feb. 04, 2010: Successful Appeal of Order Dividing the Union Free School District No. 1, Town of Pelham, Into Two School Districts in 1916.

Wed., Jan. 13, 2010: Celebration to Lay the Cornerstone of the New Pelham Memorial High School Building on October 18, 1919.

Fri., Jul. 24, 2009: Late 19th Century Photos of Students with Tennis Rackets at Mrs. Hazen's School for Girls in Pelham Manor.

Tue., Jan. 20, 2009: An Account of the Rev. J. L. Ver Mehr Regarding His Brief Stint as an Instructor of French and Italian at Pelham Priory in 1843.

Mon., Mar. 3, 2008: 1891 Advertisement May Reflect Summer Rental of One of the Dormitories of Mrs. Hazen's School for Girls.

Mon., Feb. 25, 2008: Town of Pelham School Board Trustee Election of 1881.

Wed., Feb. 20, 2008: Pelham Teachers Threatened to Strike for a Pay Increase in 1906 -- All Eleven Of Them.

Tue., Jan. 22, 2008: Townspeople of Pelham Vote Down Bond Proposal at the First Prospect Hill School in 1891.

Wed., Nov. 14, 2007: 1890 Advertisement for Taft's School for Boys in Pelham Manor.

Thu., Jul. 12, 2007: The Infamous Burglary of the Girls of Mrs. Hazen's School for Girls in Pelham Manor in 1905.

Wed., Jun. 06, 2007: Proposed Layout of the Grounds of Pelham Memorial High School in 1920.

Mon., Apr. 16, 2007: History of Pelham Schools on the Web Site of the Pelham Union Free School District.

Thu., Apr. 5, 2007: A Brief History of Early Schools in the Manor of Pelham and Surrounding Areas Published in 1905.

Fri., Mar. 2, 2007: A Brief Account by American Author Margaret Deland of Her Education at Pelham Priory in the 19th Century.

Mon., Jan. 15, 2007: Brief Biographies of Henry Waters Taft and Horace Dutton Taft of Pelham Manor (and Other Family Members).

Tue., Jan. 02, 2007: The Little Red Schoolhouse In Pelhamville -- Predecessor to Today's Hutchinson Elementary School.

Wed., Sep. 6, 2006: Pelham Hall Shelter, a "Refuge for Erring Girls", Founded by Alumnae of Mrs. Hazen's School for Girls in Pelham Manor.

Tue., Aug. 22, 2006: Early Advertisements for Mrs. Hazen's School for Girls in Pelham Manor.

Wed., May 31, 2006: Two Views of the Pelhamville School House Built in the 1850s.

Tue., May 30, 2006: A Biography Published in 1906 on the Life of Horace Dutton Taft, Founder of the Taft School for Boys in Pelham Manor.

Wed., May 24, 2006: Program for January 8, 1889 Opening of the Hutchinson School in Pelhamville.

Tue., Mar. 28, 2006: More Reminiscences of Isaac C. Hill of Early Public Schools in Pelham.  

Mon., Jan. 09, 2006: The First Prospect Hill School in Pelham Manor.

Fri., Oct. 14, 2005: A Reunion of Alumnae of Mrs. Hazen's School for Girls.

Mon., Oct. 03, 2005: Siwanoy School -- The Town of Pelham's Former High School.

Tue., Sep. 27, 2005: I. C. Hill's Reminiscences of Early Public Schools in Pelham.

Mon., Aug. 15, 2005: 952 Pelhamdale Served as a 19th Century School for Girls, Then a School for Boys.

Mon., May 09, 2005: The Historic Murals in the Pelham Memorial High School Library.

Bell, Blake A., Mrs. Hazen's School for Girls: Pelham Hall, The Pelham Weekly, Vol. XIII, No. 40, Oct. 8, 2004, p. 12, col. 1. 

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