
Friday, September 12, 2014

Reference to an 1884 Baseball Game Between the Country Club of Pelham and Calumet

From the mid-1860's through the end of the 19th century, the Town of Pelham was a hotbed of baseball activity.  Citizens of the town embraced the national pastime with gusto.  There were baseball grounds at Pelham Bridge, Bartow, City Island, in today's Pelham Manor, and in Pelhamville.  In short, there were baseball grounds all over the Town of Pelham.  Ballplayers from all over the region from as far away as Staten Island  and Yonkers and as near as Mount Vernon and New Rochelle traveled to Pelham to play ball.  

One of the principle reasons that baseball grew in popularity as a spectator sport in Pelham during the latter half of the nineteenth century was the Country Club at Bartow and its baseball team known as the Country Club Giants and, informally, as the Country Club Nine.

For years I have collected even the tiniest references to nineteenth century baseball in Pelham.  Today's posting to the Historic Pelham Blog includes one such reference.  Transcribed at the end of today's posting is an article that recounted the news of the day in Pelham and City Island in early August, 1884.  At the close of that article, there is a reference to a baseball game during the summer of 1884 between the Country Club Nine and the "Calumet Nine."  According to the reference, the Country Club Nine lost the game, though no score is provided in the article.  The pertinent excerpt from the full article that is transcribed below is as follows:

"The Country Club, at Bartow, has been wonderfully successful and is constantly crowded with members and guests.  The membership of 250 is within four or five of being filled, and its future seems assured.  The bathing beach, the tennis courts and polo field connected with the club add greatly to its attractions and are well patronized.  Since its recent defeat by the Calumet Club nine, the baseball team of the club have been resting, but are looking forward to several matches in the autumn, in which they expect to be more victorious. . . ."

1887 Baseball Game Like Those Played in Pelham.
Source:  Harper's Weekly, Sep. 10, 1887.


--Numerous complaints are being made against owners of dogs, who allow the same to run at large unmuzzeled.

--Justice Martin seems to be doing a thrifty business.  Promptness and dispatch are indispensible [sic] in furthering the ends of justice.

--City Island continues to attract many visitors.  It certainty possesses decided advantages over surrounding places along Long Island Sound.

--The old draw of the Harlem bridge is still doing service at City Island.  Time is beginning to play sad havoc with it and it will scarcely last another decade.

--On Monday next the Board of Excise of the town will meet at the Court house.

--Married--On Tuesday last, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. Cable Nash, of Philadelphia, to Miss Lina, daughter of Mr. Simon Baxter.--Chronicle.

--The steamer Joshua Leviness, to have been sold on Saturday, as mentioned in the last issue of the PIONEER, was not sold, but will again be offered for sale on Tuesday next.

--Von Liehn's Bay View Hotel is receiving due notice from lovers of fine Rhode Island clam roast.  He knows how to make it and serves it in style that is the envy of many hotel keepers.

--Some of the principal streets of the town of Pelham are sadly in need of repairs.  One would hardly expect this to be the case with such an efficient Board of Commissioners, as the town of Pelham has a right to feel proud of.

--The Grand Jury on Saturday found a presentment against G. W. Hazeltine for the murder of Mamie Thorpe on the 19th inst., at which time he shot and wounded Mamie White, both of whom reached Baltimore with him that day from Toronto.

--John Sawbridge formerly in the employ of banker Belden, on Saturday last became involved in an altercation with Robt. Brown.  He subsequently caused Brown's arrest, but failed to appear before Justice Martin on Monday, when the case was called for trial.

--The Merry Ten Social Club intend to have a grand excursion to Roton Point, on Wednesday, the 13th of August.  The steamer, C. Meyers, and the double deck barge, Geraldine, have been engaged for the occasion and everything will be done by the arrangement committee to make the affair an enjoyable one.

--The assessment roll of the town of Pelham will be open for public inspection until August 20th.  Let all desirous of examining the same, present their objections on the above date.  It will be seen by the roll that the Assessors in the discharging of their official duty, have almost entirely omitted assessing personal property.  No wonder real estate owners of the town of Pelham complain of the high rate of taxation.  If personal property of this town bore its portion, taxation on real property would doubtless be reduced to one-half of the present rate.

--The Country Club, at Bartow, has been wonderfully successful and is constantly crowded with members and guests.  The membership of 250 is within four or five of being filled, and its future seems assured.  The bathing beach, the tennis courts and polo field connected with the club add greatly to its attractions and are well patronized.  Since its recent defeat by the Calumet Club nine, the baseball team of the club have been resting, but are looking forward to several matches in the autumn, in which they expect to be more victorious.  The large cool reading room in the club house has been found an especially agreeable feature and the restaurant has greatly improved and is now in good running order.  The experiment of allowing ladies the privileges of the club has proved very successful, and many of the wives, sisters and cousins of the members have visited the club and enjoyed its hospitality."

Source:  PELHAM AND CITY ISLAND, New Rochelle Pioneer, Aug. 2, 1884, Vol. XXV, No. 18, p. 3, cols. 5-6.

*          *           *          *          *

Below is a listing, with links, of my previous postings and a published article on the topic of 19th century baseball in Pelham.

Thu., Jan. 28, 2010:   News About Pelham Manor and Pelhamville in 1895 - Lighting Districts, Gas for the Village, Baseball and More.

Tue., Dec. 15, 2009:  Baseball Games Played by the City Island Beldenites and the City Island Rivals in 1884.  

Mon., Dec. 14, 2009:  Baseball Games Played by the City Island Shamrocks in 1889.  

Fri., Dec. 11, 2009:  Earliest Reference Yet to Baseball Played in Pelham.  

Thu., Dec. 10, 2009:  More 19th Century Baseball and Firefighting References

Wed., Dec. 9, 2009:  City Island Shamrocks Base Ball Club Changed its Name to the Minnefords in 1888.

Wed., Nov. 25, 2009:  Even More Early References to Baseball Played in Pelham.

Tue., Nov. 24, 2009:  Yet Another Reference to Early Baseball in Pelham.

Mon., Nov. 23, 2009:  Additional Brief Accounts of Baseball Played in Pelham in the 19th Century.

Fri., Nov. 20, 2009:  More Accounts of Early Baseball Played in Pelham.

Fri., Nov. 13, 2009:  1894 Account of Developments in Pelham Including a Reference to a Baseball Game Played that Year.

Thur., Nov. 12, 2009:  More Early References to Baseball Played in Pelham.

Wed., Sep. 30, 2009:   Score of June 1, 1887 Baseball Game Between the Country Club and The Knickerbocker Club.

Fri., Mar. 20, 2009:   Another Reference to 19th Century Baseball in Pelham.

Tue., Mar. 4, 2008:   Another Brief Reference to 19th Century Baseball in Pelham.

Mon., Nov. 26, 2007:  Box Score of a Baseball Game Played on Travers Island in Pelham Manor in July 1896.

Wed., Nov. 21, 2007:  Baseball on Travers Island During the Summer of 1897.

Fri., Jul. 20, 2007:  Account of Early Baseball in Pelham: Pelham vs. the New York Athletic Club on Travers Island in 1897.

Fri., Nov. 10, 2006: The Location of Another Early Baseball Field in Pelham.

Mon., Oct. 9, 2006:   Reminiscences of Val Miller Shed Light on Late 19th Century Baseball in Pelham and the Early Development of the Village of North Pelham.

Thu., Mar. 23, 2006:  Baseball Fields Opened on the Grounds of the Westchester Country Club in Pelham on April 4, 1884.  

Tue., Jan. 31, 2006:  Another Account of Baseball Played in Pelham in the 1880s Is Uncovered.  

Thu., Oct. 6, 2005:   Does This Photograph Show Members of the "Pelham Manor Junior Base Ball Team"?

Thu., Sep. 15, 2005:  Newspaper Item Published in 1942 Sheds Light on Baseball in 19th Century Pelham.  

Thu., Feb. 10, 2005:  New Discoveries Regarding Baseball in 19th Century Pelham.  

Bell, Blake A., Baseball in Late 19th Century Pelham, The Pelham Weekly, Vol. XIII, No. 17, Apr. 23, 2004, p. 8, col. 2.

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