On September 5, 2005, I published to the Historic Pelham Blog a posting entitled "
The Pelham Republican: Official Newspaper of The Villages of Pelham and North Pelham in 1902". In it I conveyed a little about the history of this early Pelham newspaper published from 1901 until about 1906.
Below is an image of the front page of Volume I, Issue No. 25 of
The Pelham Republican published on May 12, 1902. Additionally, below the image of the front page I have transcribed the text of the weekly "ABOUT TOWN" column that typically appeared on the front page of the weekly newspaper.

An Exciting Smash Up.
About six o'clock Wednesday evening a smash-up took place at the junction of Wolf's Lane and First St. A wagon driven by a driver for Mr. Benjamin Fairchild was coming from North Pelham and was run into by a truck driven by Smith Bros' man, which was coming down First street. Mr. Fairchild's wagon was pretty well wrecked and his horse so badly cut that he will not be able to be used for some weeks to come.
After the collision Mr. Fairchild's rig was taken into Vaughan's livery stable and L. F. Barker was sent for.
Men Arrested for Child's Play.
Wednesday morning officer Marks saw three men throwing stones at the sign which stands at the entrance of the Pelham Heights property at Wolf's Lane and Third street. He warned the men, but not knowing he was an officer they paid no attention to him until he made an attempt to arrest them. They then jumped on a car bound for Mount Vernon, but the officer followed, and when they saw he meant business, two of them jumped off and ran towards New Rochelle. The third man Marks 'nailed' in the car and took him before Judge Karbach. About half an hour afterward the officer got the other two men on a car coming from New Rochelle.
The three men were kept in the 'cooler' until seven o'clock that evening when the judge let them off with a severe lecture. They gave their names as C. Stevens, John O'Brien and James Reilly, and occupations as conductors. They plead and almost cried for mercy, and promised to be good if they were released.
North Pelham Trustees meet.
Friday evening the board of trustees of North Pelham met at the town hall. The meeting was more harmonious than the previous one, the trustees agreeing on all the resolutions and motions except one.
The bonds of the tax collector and the village treasurer of $5,000 each were accepted.
All bills were laid over until the next meeting as the treasury was low.
An application was made by the Inter Urban Water Company to open the streets through which their water mains are to pass from Mamaroneck to New York city. A resolution was passed, allowing the company to open the streets on condition that they put the same in as good a condition as they found them and keep said streets in repair for one year after excavation. A time limit was embodied in the resolution, and the company's representative accepted it.
A telephone bill of $26.50 was presented to the board for foreign calls. A motion was made that the telephone company remove the telephone now placed in the town hall, as they were not disposed to pay for calls which could be made by anyone who chose to use the phone.
A resolution was passed to pay Mr. Henry Rupert $150 for services in the Marshall case, and that he should turn over all papers connected with it.
The treasurer notified the board that a certificate amounting to $2,136.58 was due, and a resolution was passed to take up another to cover that one with six months interest amounting altogether to $2,200.08.
The village clerk's report which we print in other columns, was read and accepted, a perusal of which will show how irregularly business was managed under the old board.
The street commissioner reported three hydrants out of place and several leaks in the water pipes. The clerk was instructed to notify the water company to make the necessary changes and repairs.
The meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.
Arrests in Prize Fight Case.
Tuesday afternoon four men who were principals in the recent Kerwin-Gleacher prize fight were brought before Judge Karback [sic]. It was generally believed that nothing would be done about the affair, as it was said the local constables were bribed to keep away, but by the untiring efforts of officer Marks the miscreants are gradually being brought to justice.
The alleged manager of the fight, Geo. Roberts, was arrested in White Plains. He plead guilty, saying that he was only a witness and not the manager. He was represented by counsellor VerPlank, of White Plains. 'Joe' Gleacher, one of the pugilists, was arrested a week ago in Mount Vernon. He was paroled until next Saturday in the custody of his counsel, Mr. Riggs, to appear at the time for examination.
M. Silverstein, one of the seconds of the prize fight, was arrested last Saturday in Yonkers. He was put under bonds to appear last Tuesday and was paroled in the custody of his attorney, George Higgs, for examination next Saturday.
Joe Kerwin, one of the fighters, is said to have gone to Philadelphia. 'Joe' Lackey, another principal in the fight, is said to have gone to Philadelphia also. If they do not return requisition papers will be gotten out for them.
A Musical Treat in Store.
Those who are desirous of joining a Ladies Choral Club will be interested in the announcement of a concert given for the benefit of the Laides Choral Club of New Rochelle at the Trinity Parish House on Tuesday evening, May 20th. The club will render a cantata and are to be assisted by several well known artists. Mr. Carl. V. Lachmund's Women's String Orchestra will be engaged to accompany the club. It consists of thirty-five musicians who are individual artists and have played in the most exclusive circles of Washington and New York society including those of the late President and Mrs. McKinley and all the foreign and home diplomats.
Residents of the town of Pelham seldom have musical entertainments of such a high order come within such a short distance of their homes. The prices of tickets are ridiculously low for such an entertainment but the object of the entertainment is more to introduce the club than a means of making money. The sale of tickets are limited and it would be well to apply at the New Rochelle pharmacies at once for them.
Fire Notes.
The Fire Commissioners have held no meeting this month so far, and the chances are they never will. The new members want keys and badges. There are two or three badges left, but no keys. The Hose Company offered to purchase a quantity of keys for their door -- exact duplicates of the ones now in use -- but the commissioners will not grant them the power. They will not stand competition.
It is understood that the residents of the village of Pelham are considering the [page 2 begins here].
Tomorrow the Historic Pelham Blog will carry an image of page 2 of the same issue of The Pelham Republican and will transcribe the contents of that page, including the remainder of the "Fire Notes" article.
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