Historic Pelham

Presenting the rich history of Pelham, NY in Westchester County: current historical research, descriptions of how to research Pelham history online and genealogy discussions of Pelham families.

Thursday, February 08, 2018

Thirteenth Anniversary of the Historic Pelham Blog

Today begins the fourteenth year of the Historic Pelham Blog.  It is the thirteenth anniversary of the blog that began with its first posting on February 8, 2005.  That first article was a tutorial on how to use a portion of the searchable newspaper database offered by ProQuest through the online presence of the New York Genealogical & Biographical Society to research Pelham history.  See Tue., Feb. 08, 2005:  Searching Historic Newspapers Online for Information About PelhamToday's Historic Pelham article provides some statistics regarding the Historic Pelham Blog.

So far there have been 2,173 Pelham history articles prepared and posted to the Blog.  If printed, the articles would comprise about 10,000 pages of text dealing with countless issues related to Pelham History.  All are full text searchable, either by searching the blog itself at its homepage ( http://historicpelham.blogspot.com/ ) or by searching at Google.com and including the phrase "Historic Pelham" (using quotation marks around Historic Pelham) with your search terms.  

The pages of the blog have been viewed nearly three-quarters of a million times in the last thirteen years -- 722,980 times to be exact.  The number of monthly page views continues to grow.  Last month the pages of the blog were viewed 20,091 times.  Yesterday the pages of the blog were viewed 2,717 times.  So far today, as of 6:45 a.m., the pages of the blog have been viewed 238 times.

December, 2016 was the busiest month ever for the Historic Pelham Blog.  That month the blog experienced 26,025 page views.  During an ordinary month, the Blog experiences roughly 20,000 page views.

The five most popular Historic Pelham articles since the Blog began on February 8, 2005 are the following:

Mon., Dec. 04, 2017:  The Sad Tragedies that Marked the Opening and First Week of Willson's Woods Swimming Pool in 1928 (1,999 Views)

Thu., Oct. 27, 2016:  Did Google Maps Camera Capture the Ghost of the Elegant Lady of the Old Stone House at 463 First Avenue? (1,947 Views)

Mon., Sep. 26, 2016:  Battles over Razing the Fifth Avenue Station, the Highbrook Avenue Bridge, and Embankments After Failure of New York, Westchester & Boston Railway (1,798 Views)

Thu., Feb. 06, 2014:  A Description of the Revolutionary War Battle of Pelham Published in 1926 for the Sesquicentennial Celebration (1,394 Views)

Mon., Feb. 06, 2017:  Why is the Lovely Home at 467 Pelhamdale Avenue Only 18 Feet Wide on a 25-Foot-Wide Lot? (1,329 Views) 

Top referring Web sites from which visitors reach the Historic Pelham Blog include:  Facebook.com, Google.com, and ResearchGuides.Case.Edu.  Recent searches on the site have included:

"charles pelham revolutionary war"
"history of the wartburg orphanage"
"John Starin Glen Island"
"Steam Ship Pioneer Contractor"
"US Train Crashes"

The Historic Pelham Blog is accessed by visitors all over the world.  In the last few days, visitors from the following countries have viewed pages from the Historic Pelham Blog:

United States (2171 Page Views)
France (477 Page Views)
Brazil (452 Page Views)
Belgium (393 Page Views)
Poland (222 Page Views)
Philippines (221 Page Views)
Kuwait (155 Page Views)
Russia (114 Page Views)
Japan (97 Page Views)
Ukraine (76 Page Views)

The dashboard for the Blog generates a color-coded map showing accesses from countries throughout the world.  This morning's map appears immediately below.

As the Historic Pelham Blog enters its fourteenth year, interest in the history of the tiny little town of Pelham, New York remains high.  Hopefully the Blog can continue to tell the history of the little town for years to come.

Archive of the Historic Pelham Web Site.

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Friday, February 06, 2015

Index to Historic Pelham Blog Postings with Links to Articles -- 2005 Through 2008 (Part I)

Index to Historic Pelham Blog Postings
with Links to Articles -- 2005 Through 2008 (Part I).

Index to Historic Pelham Blog Postings with Links to Articles -- 2009 Through 2021 (Part II of II).
Index to Historic Pelham Blog Postings with Links to Articles -- 2005 Through 2008 (Part I of II).

NOTE: Each of the two indices is in reverse chronological order. The text of each of the two indices can be searched by opening each index page separately and, while on each, depressing the "Ctrl" and "f" keys on your keyboard simultaneously then inputting in the floating dialog box that appears the word or phrase to be searched and using the up and down carrot signs to move from search result to search result.

Thu., Mar. 6, 2008:  Auctioning the Tantivy's Horses at the Close of the 1886 Coaching Season

Wed., Mar. 5, 2008:  Coaching to Pelham: The Tantivy Has an Accident on its Way to Pelham in 1886

Tue., Mar. 4, 2008:  Another Brief Reference to 19th Century Baseball in Pelham

Mon., Mar. 3, 2008:  1891 Advertisement May Reflect Summer Rental of One of the Dormitories of Mrs. Hazen's School for Girls.

Fri., Feb. 29, 2008:  Advertisement for Sale of Newly-Developed Lots Along Pelhamdale Avenue in 1891

Thu., Feb. 28, 2008:  Presbyterian Conference at the Little Red Church in Pelham Manor on March 20, 1889

Wed., Feb. 27, 2008:  Brief Obituary of Edwin R. Bertine of Pelham Manor Published on August 7, 1888

Tue., Feb. 26, 2008:  Disputed Pelham School Board Election of 1882 Led to Charges of Fraud

Mon., Feb. 25, 2008:  Town of Pelham School Board Trustee Election of 1881

Fri., Feb. 22, 2008:  Burglary Spree in Pelham Manor in 1880

Thu., Feb. 21, 2008:  Obituary of Cornelius W. Bolton Published in 1906

Wed., Feb. 20, 2008:  Pelham Teachers Threatened to Strike for a Pay Increase in 1906 -- All Eleven of Them

Tue., Feb. 19, 2008:  Foul Play Suspected in Disappearance of the Head of the Pelham Ice Company in 1905

Mon., Feb. 18, 2008:  The Night Nearly Everyone in the Town of Pelham Died: April 17, 1904

Fri., Feb. 15, 2008:  Village of North Pelham Saved From a Flood in 1903

Thu., Feb. 14, 2008:  True Love: Man Risks Being Shot To Visit His Sweetheart

Wed., Feb. 13, 2009:  North Pelham Election That Ended in a Tie in 1901 Was Decided by Drawing Lots

Tue., Feb. 12, 2008:  He Fought the Bull and the Bull Won: Mad Bull Killed North Pelham Farmer in 1900

Mon., Feb. 11, 2008:  Prison Escapee Foiled in Effort to Kidnap Two Small Boys in North Pelham in 1900

Fri., Feb. 8, 2008:  The New-York, Westchester and Connecticut Traction Company Begins Building a Trolley Line in North Pelham in 1900

Thu., Feb. 7, 2008:  Village Elections in Pelham in 1900 - New York Athletic Club Members' Campaign Against the Prohibition Ticket in Pelham Manor

Wed., Feb. 6, 2008:  More on the Application of the New-York, Westchester and Connecticut Traction Company Application to Operate a Trolley Line in North Pelham

Tue., Feb. 5, 2008:  Trolley Franchises: The New-York, Westchester and Connecticut Traction Company Applies for a Franchise in North Pelham in 1900

Mon., Feb. 4, 2008:  Hurt Due to Bad Road on Prospect Hill in Pelham, Wagon Driver Sued Town of Pelham in 1883

Fri., Feb. 1, 2008:  Battle Royal in Pelham Manor to Stop the Westchester Lighting Trust from Erecting Electric Light Poles in 1902.

Thu., Jan. 31, 2008:  Lucky To Be Alive: David Pettet of North Pelham Struck by Train on December 16, 1901 and Lived

Wed., Jan. 30, 2008:  Confusion Over Where Residents of Hart's Island in Pelham Should Vote in 1884

Tue., Jan. 29, 2008:  Brief Obituary of Rev. Washington Roosevelt of Pelham Published February 13, 1884

Mon., Jan. 28, 2008:  1884 Burglary and Gun Fight at the Pelham Manor Depot

Fri., Jan. 25, 2008:  Obituary of Richard L. Morris of Pelham Published on June 15, 1880

Thu., Jan. 24, 2008:  An Account of the First Trip of Colonel Delancey Kane's Tally-Ho to Open the 1880 Coaching Season

Wed., Jan. 23, 2008:  1901 Notice of Foreclosure Sale of Properties in Pelham Belonging to the New York & Westchester Water Company

Tue., Jan. 22, 2008:  Townspeople of Pelham Vote Down Bond Proposal at the First Prospect Hill School in 1891

Mon., Jan. 21, 2008:  Litigation Over Compensation for Pelham Property Owners Whose Lands Were Taken by New York City for the New Pelham Bay Park

Fri., Jan. 18, 2008:  Studies Created by Noted Architect Cass Gilbert for the Pelham Manor Station

Thu., Jan. 17, 2008:  A Little More Information About John Hunter of Hunter's Island

Wed., Jan. 16, 2008:  Plans To Annex Pelham and Make it Part of New York City in 1870

Tue., Jan. 15, 2008:  Golf at Pelham Manor in 1903

Mon., Jan. 14, 2008:  Golf at Pelham Manor in 1895

Fri., Jan. 11, 2008:  Brief Biography of Henry Heywood Fox Published in 1915

Thu., Jan. 10, 2008:  Brief Biography of Reginald Pelham Bolton, Local Historian

Wed., Jan. 9, 2008:  The Aftermath of the Pelhamville Train Wreck of 1885

Tue., Jan. 8, 2008:  Brief "History of Coaching" Published in 1891 Shows Ties of Sport to Pelham, New York

Mon., Jan. 7, 2008:  1878 Article Describing the "Attractions of Little-Known City Island" in the Town of Pelham

Fri., Jan. 4, 2008:  Letters Carried by John Pell, So-Called "Second Lord of the Manor of Pelham", When He Arrived in America in 1670

Thu., Jan. 3, 2008:  Charges in 1808 Against Lieutenant-Colonel David J. Pell of Pelham that He "Indulges in Inebriety and Habitual Drunkeness." 

Wed., Jan. 2, 2008:  New York State Senate Report on Petition by Inhabitant of Westchester To Allow Construction of Toll Bridge Across Eastchester Creek in 1834

Tue., Jan. 1, 2008:  Biographical Sketch of the Reverend Robert, Jr. of Pelham Published in 1878.

Mon., Dec. 31, 2007:  Research Regarding Anhooke, One of the Native Americans Who Signed the Treaty by Which Thomas Pell Acquired Lands That Became the Manor of Pelham

Fri., Dec. 28, 2007:  February 1, 1689 Order by Lieutenant Governor Jacob Leisler and His Council Directing Inventory of John Pell's Gunpowder

Thu., Dec. 27, 2007:  March 8, 1691 Letter from John Pell and Other Magistrates to the New York Attorney General

Wed., Dec. 26, 2007:  The "Rediscovery" of the Deed Reflecting John Pell's Sale of the Lands That Became New Rochelle

Tue., Dec. 25, 2007:  Biography of Theodore Montgomery Hill, Justice of the Peace in Pelham in Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries

Mon., Dec. 24, 2007:  1923 Magazine Article About Edward Penfield's Mosquito Extermination Efforts in Pelham Manor

Fri., Dec. 21, 2007:  1886 Poem Representing Fictionalized Account of the Pelhamville Train Wreck of 1885

Thu., Dec. 20, 2007:  Two 17th Century Fairfield Probate Records Referring to Thomas Pell

Wed., Dec. 19, 2007:  The Pelham Electric Light and Power Company and Its Incorporation Into the Westchester Lighting Company

Tue., Dec. 18, 2007:  1648 Commercial Record Involving Claim Against Thomas Pell for Three Hundred Pounds

Mon., Dec. 17, 2007:  1649 Record Whereby Thomas Pell Appointed Agent to Recover Bond Due from Pewterer Ambrose Adlam of the City of Bristoll

Fri., Dec. 14, 2007:  Additional 17th Century Shipping and Commercial Records Mentioning Thomas Pell

Thu., Dec. 13, 2007:  Abstract of Will of William Rodman Dated Oct. 28, 1782

Wed., Dec. 12, 2007:  Another Biography of Frederick Hobbes Allen, President of Pelham Manor and Owner of Bolton Priory in the Early 20th Century

Tue., Dec. 11, 2007:  Photograph and Biography of Edgar C. Beecroft, Pelham Town Supervisor in the Early 20th Century

Mon., Dec. 10, 2007:  Data Regarding the Town of Pelham in 1898

Fri., Dec. 7, 2007:  Another Biography of Congressman Benjamin Fairchild of Pelham, a Founder of Pelham Heights

Thu., Dec. 6, 2007:  Biography of John F. Fairchild, Engineer of the Pelham Heights Company During the 1890s

Wed., Dec. 5, 2007:  Photograph of the Old Wooden City Island Bridge

Tue., Dec. 4, 2007:  Philip Pell of Pelham Elected To Chair Meeting of Supporters of the New York Gubernatorial Candidacy of George Clinton in 1789

Mon., Dec. 3, 2007:  Notice of Chancery Court Order Directing Auction Sale of Nicholas Haight's Farm in Pelham in 1820.

Fri., Nov. 30, 2007:  1820 Advertisement for Sale of Nicholas Haight's Farm on Rodman's Neck. 

Thu., Nov. 29, 2007:  John Bartow Offers His Pelham Farm for Sale in Advertisement Published in 1807

Wed., Nov. 28, 2007:  1786 Advertisement Offering for Sale the 300-Acre Farm of James Pell in the Manor of Pelham

Tue., Nov. 27, 2007:  Thomas Pell Was Elected a Freeman of Connecticut on October 9, 1662, the Day the Crown's Connecticut Charter Was Read to the Public

Mon., Nov. 26, 2007:  Box Score of a Baseball Game Played on Travers Island in Pelham Manor in July 1896

Fri., Nov. 23, 2007:  The Festivities of the Huckleberry Indians of the New York Athletic Club Off the Shore of Pelham Manor on July 12, 1896

Thu., Nov. 22, 2007:  August 1896 Description of Cycle Route to Travers Island in Pelham Manor

Wed., Nov. 21, 2007:  Baseball on Travers Island During the Summer of 1897

Tue., Nov. 20, 2007:  Photograph of Bolton Priory Gardens Published in 1902

Mon., Nov. 19, 2007:  1901 Obituary of Charles Henry Roosevelt, Grandson of Elbert Roosevelt, One of the Early Settlers of Pelham Manor

Fri., Nov. 16, 2007:  Photograph and Biography of William E. Barnett, a Founding Member of the Pelham Manor Protective Club

Thu., Nov. 15, 2007:  1819 New York Statute Authorizing David Pell and Benjamin Underhill To Build Mills on Eastchester Creek in Pelham Manor

Wed., Nov. 14, 2007:  1890 Advertisement for Taft's School for Boys in Pelham Manor

Tue., Nov. 13, 2007:  Construction of the Highbrook Avenue Stone Arch

Mon., Nov. 12, 2007:  An Account of the Great Election of 1733 Held on the Village Green at St. Paul's Church in Eastchester

Fri., Nov. 9, 2007:  Text of the 1687 Grant That Formed the Lordship and Manor of Pelham

Thu., Nov. 8, 2007:  Brief History of St. Paul's Church in Eastchester Published in 1886

Wed., Nov. 7, 2007:  A Secondary Source To Follow Up On Regarding When John Pell, Nephew of Thomas Pell, Died

Tue., Nov. 6, 2007:  Is This Another Dead End in the Search for the Text of an Indian Deed to Lands That Included Today's Pelham Sold to the Dutch

Mon., Nov. 5, 2007:  References To Philip Pell in the Minutes of the Commissioners for Detecting and Defeating Conspiracies in the State of New York

Fri., Nov. 2, 2007:  Information About William Newman, One of the Englishmen Who Signed Thomas Pell's Treaty on June 27, 1654

Thu., Nov. 1, 2007:  Information About John Ffinch, One of the Englishmen Who Signed Thomas Pell's Treaty on June 27, 1654.

Wed., Oct. 31, 2007:  Information About Richard Crabb, One of the Englishmen Who Signed Thomas Pell's Treaty on June 27, 1654

Tue., Oct. 30, 2007:  Information About Henry Accorly, One of the Englishmen Who Signed Thomas Pell's Treaty on June 27, 1654

Mon., Oct. 29, 2007:  Brief Genealogical Information Regarding Abigail Pell, Born in 1751, Who Married Samuel Lawrence of Eastchester

Fri., Oct. 26, 2007:  Mystery: Why Would John Pell Travel to Porte Royall in Carolina in November 1671

Thu., Oct. 25, 2007:  Request by Native Americans To Be Permitted to Retrieve Corn from John Pell's Estate in the Manor of Pelham During King Philip's War in 1676

Wed., Oct. 24, 2007:  July 3, 1666 Letter on Behalf of the Governor of the Province of New York To Thomas Pell

Tue., Oct. 23, 2007:  1664 Petition of Inhabitants of Westchester to Commissioners for the Affairs of New England Mentioning 1654 Purchase by Thomas Pell

Mon., Oct. 22, 2007:  Dutch Authorities Demand That Thomas Pell Halt His 'Intrusion' at Westchester in 1656

Fri., Oct. 19, 2007:  Thomas Pell Was Feared Drowned or Lost at Sea in 1656

Thu., Oct. 18, 2007:  April 19, 1655 Dutch Protest Against Thomas Pell's Efforts To Settle Englishmen on Lands the Dutch Called Vreedlandt

Wed., Oct. 17, 2007:  1669 Map of Lands in Dispute Between Thomas Pell and John Richbell

Tue., Oct. 16, 2007:  Information About Thomas Pell's Treaty Oak Published in 1912

Mon., Oct. 15, 2007:  Town Proclamation Recognizes Celebration of the 250th Anniversary of Pelhamdale at 45 Iden Avenue

Fri., Oct. 12, 2007:  Images of The Lord Howe Chestnut That Once Stood in the Manor of Pelham

Thu., Oct. 11, 2007:  Biographical Data and Photographs of Clifford B. Harmon Who Developed Pelhamwood

Wed., Oct. 10, 2007:  Thomas Pell Accompanies Delegation of Dutch from New Haven to Hartford in October, 1663

Tue., Oct. 9, 2007:  Biographical Data About William Jay Bolton of Pelham

Mon., Oct. 8, 2007:  American Troops Who Guarded Pelham's Shores in October 1776

Fri., Oct. 5, 2007:  Abstract of 1770 Will of Duncan Campble of Minefords Island in Pelham

Thu., Oct. 4, 2007:  Biography of John M. Shinn, Pelham Town Supervisor in Late 19th Century. 

Wed., Oct. 3, 2007:  Book by George Reapelje, Pelham Resident Along With His Father, Rem Rapelje, Published in 1834

Tue., Oct. 2, 2007:  Biography and Portrait of Theodore B. Comstock, A Professor of Natural Sciences at Pelham Priory, 1871-1872

Mon., Oct. 1, 2007:  Pelham Manor, A Lovely Summer Resort of the 1890s.

Fri., Sept. 28, 2007:  When Incorporated, The Original Village of Pelham Needed More Elected Officials Than It Had Voters

Thu., Sep. 27, 2007:  Findings of the Coroner's Inquest That Followed the Pelhamville Train Wreck of 1885

Wed., Sep. 26, 2007:  The Pelhamville Train Wreck of 1885 Continued . . . 

Tue., Sep. 25, 2007:  More About the 1885 Train Wreck in Pelhamville

Mon., Sep. 24, 2007:  The Pelhamville Train Wreck of 1885

Fri., Sep. 21, 2007:  The Ringing of the Bell of St. Paul's Church of Eastchester on the 100th Anniversary of the First Service in the Stone Church

Thu., Sep. 20, 2007:  Difficulties Follow the Foreclosure Sale of the Old Le Roy Mansion in Pelham in 1879

Wed., Sep. 19, 2007:  The New York Times Makes Searchable Historic Newspaper Collection for Period 1851 - 1922 Available for Free

Tue., Sep. 18, 2007:  Installation of the First Full-Time Pastor of Huguenot Memorial Presbyterian Church in Pelham Manor in 1877

Mon., Sep. 17, 2007:  Articles About the 19th Century Boundary Dispute Between Pelham and New Rochelle

Fri., Sep. 14, 2007:  Malicious Vandals Imperil Lives on a Passenger Train Passing Through Pelhamville in 1893

Thu., Sep. 13, 2007:  Dedication of St. Catharine's Roman Catholic Church in the Village of Pelham in 1896

Wed., Sep. 12, 2007:  Announcement of Planned Construction of St. Catharine's Roman Catholic Church in Pelhamville in 1895

Tue., Sep. 11, 2007:  Abstract of 1798 Will of Thomas Pell of Pelham

Mon., Sep. 10, 2007:  Abstract of 1799 Will of Samuel Rodman, Jr. of Pelham

Fri., Sep. 7, 2007:  1816 Advertisement for Sale of Two Farms in the Manor of Pelham

Thu., Sep. 6, 2007:  Information About St. Paul's Church, the Battle of Pelham and Other Revolutionary War Events Near Pelham Contained in An Account Published in 1940

Wed., Sep. 5, 2007:  More About the Opening of the Harlem and Portchester Railroad Line Through Pelham in 1873

Tue., Sep. 4, 2007:  Construction of the New Haven Branch Line in 1873

Mon., Sep. 3, 2007:  A Pelham Lawyer Charged with Defrauding the Railroad in 1871.

Fri., Aug. 31, 2007:  Announcement of the First Services Held in the Little Red Church of the Huguenot Memorial Presbyterian Church on July 9, 1876

Thu., Aug. 30, 2007:  More About the Wartburg Orphans' Farm School on the Border of Pelhamville

Wed., Aug. 29, 2007:  Construction of Main Building on Grounds of The Wartburg Orphans' Farm School Near Pelhamville in 1869

Tue., Aug. 28, 2007:  The Laying Out of Pelham Avenue from Fordham to Pelham Bridge in 1869

Mon., Aug. 27, 2007:  1861 Judicial Decision Involving Collision of Two Ships in Pelham Waters

Fri., Aug. 24, 2007:  More About The Wreck of the Steamer Plymouth Rock in Pelham Waters in 1856

Thu., Aug. 23, 2007:  The Wreck of the Steamer Plymouth Rock in Pelham Waters in 1856

Wed., Aug. 22, 2007:  Israel Pinkney of the Manor of Pelham, Held in Confinement for Debts in 1769

Tue., Aug. 21, 2007:  1752 Advertisement for Sale of Home on Boston Post Road in the Manor of Pelham

Mon., Aug. 20, 2007:  Canadian Records of Claim Asserted by Joshua Pell, Formerly of Pelham Manor, A Loyalist Who Fought for the British in the Revolutionary War

Fri., Aug. 17, 2007:  Advertisement Offering Alexander Henderson's Island Estate To Let Published in 1807

Thu., Aug. 16, 2007:  Biographical Data About Rev. Charles Eliphalet Lord Who Served as an Acting Pastor of Huguenot Memorial Presbyterian Church, 1874-79

Wed., Aug. 15, 2007:  Plan of Pews in St. Paul's Church 1790

Tue., Aug. 14, 2007:  Biographical Data About Thomas Pell, His Brother, John, and His Nephew, John Pell of the Manor of Pelham

Mon., Aug. 13, 2007:  1865 Comments of Rev. William Samuel Coffey of St. Paul's Church in Eastchester Regarding the Tenure of Rev. Robert Bolton of Pelham

Fri., Aug. 10, 2007:  Information About William Newman: A Witness to the Signing of Thomas Pell's Treaty with Local Native Americans on June 27, 1654

Thu., Aug. 9, 2007:  Information About John Ffinch: A Witness to the Signing of Thomas Pell's Treaty with Local Native Americans on June 27, 1654

Wed., Aug. 8, 2007:  A Description of an Eyewitness Account of the Interior of St. Paul's Church in Eastchester During the Revolutionary War

Tue., Aug. 7, 2007:  An Account of the Battle of Pelham on October 18, 1776 Contained in The McDonald Papers Published in 1926

Mon., Aug. 6, 2007:  1714 Letter Reporting on the Establishment of the Church at East Chester Built in 1692

Fri., Aug. 3, 2007:  Abstract of Sale of Lands of Joshua Pell of Pelham Manor by the Commissioners of Forfeitures in the Southern District of New York State in August, 1784

Thu., Aug. 2, 2007:  Biography of Arthur Middleton Hunter of Pelham, A Descendant of John Hunter of Hunter's Island

Wed., Aug. 1, 2007:  1805 Real Estate Advertisement Offering Prevost Estate in Pelham for Sale.

Tue., Jul. 31, 2007:  City Island Historical Society Nautical Museum Expected to Recover From Arson Fire That Damaged it on July 13, 2007

Mon., Jul. 30, 2007:  1885 Report Notes Decline of Oyster Industry Near City Island in the Town of Pelham

Fri., Jul. 27, 2007:  Possible Origins of the Oyster Feud Between City Islanders and Huntington, Long Island

Thu., Jul. 26, 2007:  Pelham's City Island Oystermen Feud with Long Islanders in 1869.

Wed., Jul. 25, 2007:  Yesterday Was the 100th Anniversary of the Inauguration of Regular Rail Service to Pelham

Tue., Jul. 24, 2007:  Article About the Pell Treaty Oak Published in 1909

Mon., Jul. 23, 2007:  1906 Article in The Sun Regarding Fire That Destroyed the Pell Treaty Oak

Fri., Jul. 20, 2007:  Account of Early Baseball in Pelham: Pelham vs. The New York Athletic Club on Travers Island in 1897

Thu., Jul. 19, 2007:  Members of The New York Athletic Club Were Duped Into Believing the Club Created a Small Nine-Hole Golf Course in Pelham Manor in 1897

Wed., Jul. 18, 2007:  Another British Military Unit History that Notes Participation in the Battle of Pelham on October 18, 1776

Tue., Jul. 17, 2007:  Mention of the Battle of Pelham on October 18, 1776 in Writings of Francis Rawdon-Hastings, Aide-de-Camp to British General Clinton

Mon., Jul. 16, 2007:  Mention of the Battle of Pelham on October 18, 1776 in Revolutionary War Diary of David How

Fri., Jul. 13, 2007:  Midnight Fire Destroyed Pelham's Town Hall in October 1908

Thu., Jul. 12, 2007:  The Infamous Burglary of the Girls of Mrs. Hazen's School for Girls in Pelham Manor in 1905

Wed., Jul. 11, 2007:  Using the Free "Chronicling America: Historic American Newspapers" Database to Perform Local History Research

Tue., Jul. 10, 2007:  An Early Event in the History of Pelhamwood

Mon., Jul. 9, 2007:  Burglars Learn To Use Technology to Rob Pelham Manor Homes in 1901

Fri., Jul. 6, 2007:  Fatal Train Wreck Near Pelham Manor in 1902

Thu., Jul. 5, 2007:  An Odd Incident in Pelham Manor in 1902

Wed., Jul. 4, 2007:  1857 Real Estate Advertisement for Sale of the Pelham Bridge

Tue., Jul. 3, 2007:  1855 Tax Collection Notice for Pelhamville and Prospect Hill Village

Mon., Jul. 2, 2007:  Notice of Auction Sale of Lots at Bartow-on-the-Sound in Pelham in 1874.

Fri., Jun. 29, 2007:  Murder of a Member of the Secor Family in Pelham in 1843

Thu., Jun. 28, 2007:  19th Century Notice of Executor's Sale of "Hawkswood" After Death of Elisha W. King

Wed., Jun. 27, 2007:  Dissolution of Firm of Black, Starr & Frost and Reconstitution of the Firm as Corporation After Robert Clifford Black's Death

Tue., Jun. 26, 2007:  Herman Le Roy of Pelham Offers Reward for Stolen Ewe in 1814

Mon., Jun. 25, 2007:  1841 Notice of Administrators' Sale of Real Estate Including the So-Called "Sacket Farm" in Pelham

Fri., Jun. 22, 2007:  1857 Real Estate Advertisement for Sale of 'Country Seat' at Pelham Bridge

Thu., Jun. 21, 2007:  Information About 'Aeronautics' Exploits of Clifford B. Harmon Who Developed Pelhamwood in Pelham

Wed., Jun. 20, 2007:  John Pell's Early Public Service in the Late 1600s

Tue., Jun. 19, 2007:  A Brazen Burglary at The Little Red Church in 1904

Mon., Jun. 18, 2007:  Information About Slaves Owned by Joshua Pell, Jr. of the Manor of Pelham

Fri., Jun. 15, 2007:  Photograph of St. Paul's Church in Eastchester Published in 1914

Thu., Jun. 14, 2007:  Report of Cholera Epidemic on Harts Island in Pelham in 1866

Wed., Jun. 13, 2007:  Brief Biography of James Jay Bolton of Pelham Published in 1886

Tue., Jun. 12, 2007:  Amorous Exploits of Captain Samuel Tredwell Pell of the Manor of Pelham in 1778

Mon., Jun. 11, 2007:  Biography of Rev. William Hague, Born in Pelham in 1808

Fri., Jun. 8, 2007:  Photographs of Pelham Manor Station and the City Island Station on the Branch Line Published in 1916

Thu., Jun. 7, 2007:  Program Distributed at Dedication of the New Pelham Memorial High School on May 6, 1922

Wed., Jun. 6, 2007:  Proposed Layout of the Grounds of Pelham Memorial High School in 1920

Tue., Jun. 5, 2007:  Famed Flier Charles A. Lindbergh Visited Home on Highbrook Avenue in 1934

Mon., Jun. 4, 2007:  Abstract of 1797 Will of John Bartow, Sr. Who Owned Land in Pelham and Whose Family Became Early Pelham Residents

Fri., Jun. 1, 2007:  Article About 1896 Robbery and Shooting of J. H. Bertine of Pelham Manor.

Thu., May 31, 2007:  Fox Hunting Arrives at The Country Club in Pelham in 1885

Wed., May 30, 2007:  References to Pell Family Members in 'Biographical Sketches of Loyalists of the American Revolution

Tue., May 29, 2007:  British Ship Grounds on the Devil's Stepping Stones Near Pelham on April 23, 1777

Mon., May 28, 2007:  Brief Biography of Henry De Witt Carey, 19th Century Pelham Justice of the Peace

Fri., May 25, 2007:  Exchange of Prisoners in the Waters Off the Manor of Pelham During the Revolutionary War

Thu., May 24, 2007:  The New Haven Line Stone Arch Above Highbrook Avenue

Wed., May 23, 2007:  Exchange of Correspondence with State Department of Health in 1907 Regarding Sewage Pollution of Hutchinson River

Tue., May 22, 2007:  Photograph of Pelham Manor Station on the Branch Line Published in 1908

Mon., May 21, 2007:  More About the 'Mysterious Murder' in Pelham in 1870

Fri., May 18, 2007:  Celebration at Pelham Bridge in 1872

Thu., May 17, 2007:  A Mysterious Murder in Pelham in 1870

Wed., May 16, 2007:  Board of Supervisors of Westchester County Vote to Build New Iron Bridge to Replace Pelham Bridge in 1869

Tue., May 15, 2007:  The Owner of the Pelham Bridge Hotel Sold it for the Princely Sum of $22,000 in 1869

Mon., May 14, 2007:  Plans to Widen Shore Road in the Town of Pelham in 1869

Fri., May 11, 2007:  A Sad Attempted Suicide at Pelham Bridge in 1869

Thu., May 10, 2007:  Report That Pelham Favored Annexation of Much of Westchester County by New York City in 1870

Wed., May 9, 2007:  1870 Meeting of Residents of Pelham and Surrounding Areas To Encourage Construction of the Branch Line

Tue., May 8, 2007:  Rev. Francis Asbury, Methodist Minister, Preaches in Pelham in 1772

Mon., May 7, 2007:  1827 Statute Defining the 'Limits and Divisons' of the Town of Pelham

Fri., May 4, 2007:  Biography of Silas H. Witherbee Who Helped Develop the Village of Pelham Manor

Thu., May 3, 2007:  Obituary of William Robert Lamberton of Pelham Published in 1894

Wed., May 2, 2007:  Information About Thomas Pell's Treaty Oak Published in 1922

Tue., May 1, 2007:  The Year Pelham Had No School.

Mon., Apr. 30,.2007:  Reference to John Pell in 17th Century Records Relating to Settlement of the Boundary Between New York and Connecticut.

Fri., Apr. 27, 2007:  Announcing the Pelham History Guild -- First Newsletter Released.

Thu., Apr. 26, 2007:  John Pell Obtains Permission to Allow Native Americans On His Land to Use Canoes in 1676.

Wed., Apr. 25, 2007:  1675 Order by Court of Assizes and Consequent Proclamation Ordering Native Americans to Remove from the Manor of Pelham.

Tue.,. Apr. 24, 2007:  John Pell Ordered Not To Sell Powder and Shot to Native Americans For a Time in 1675.

Mon., Apr. 23, 2007:  An Armed English Sloop Patrolled the Sound Near Native Americans Settled in the Manor of Pelham in 1675.

Fri., Apr. 20, 2007:  1675 Order by Governor's Council Directing John Pell to Take Daily Account of Indians on His Land.

Thu., Apr. 19, 2007:  An Account of How Soldiers Were "Recruited" in Pelham in 1758 for the French and Indian War.

Wed., Apr. 18, 2007:  The Beginnings of the Water Supply System in the Village of Pelham Manor.

Tue., Apr. 17, 2007:  Executor's Notice Regarding the Estate of Samuel Rodman, Published in 1784.

Mon., Apr. 16, 2007:  History of Pelham Schools on the Web Site of the Pelham Union Free School District.

Fri., Apr. 13, 2007:  Oystermen of City Island (When it Was Part of the Town of Pelham) Pioneered Oyster Cultivation.

Thu., Apr. 12, 2007:  Advertisement Offering Lots on City Island Belonging to Peter Harrison for Sale in 1775.

Wed., Apr. 11, 2007:  1774 Notice of Public Sale of Applebee's Island, Later Known as Hunter's Island, in the Manor of Pelham.

Tue., Apr. 10, 2007:  1755 Advertisement Announcing Sale at "Publick Vendue" of Pelham Lands Along Boston Post Road.

Mon., Apr. 9, 2007:  1733 Account of the Election Victory of Lewis Morris in the So-Called "Great Election."

Fri., Apr. 6, 2007:  The Deed Reflecting John Pell's Sale of the Lands that Became New Rochelle.

Thu., Apr. 5, 2007:  A Brief History of Early Schools in the Manor of Pelham and Surrounding Areas Published in 1905.

Wed., Apr. 4, 2007:  Westchester County Archives Adds Pelham Materials to the "Historical Treasures of Westchester County" Section of its Virtual Archives.

Tue., Apr. 3, 2007:  The Birthplace of Scouting in Pelham:  305 Pelhamdale Avenue Where Pelham Scouting Began in 1910.

Mon., Apr. 2, 2007:  More Evidence That Thomas Pell Paid 500 Pounds Sterling for the Lands that Became the Manor of Pelham.

Fri., Mar. 30, 2007:  Biographical Information for Philip Pell Published in 1895

Thu., Mar. 29, 2007:  Index to Transcripts of Wills and Abstracts of Wills Prepared by Early Pelham Residents

Wed., Mar. 28, 2007:  Will of Esaie Guion of the Town of Pelham Made in 1816 and Proved June 2, 1819

Tue., Mar. 27, 2007:  1791 Will of Benjamin Guion of the Town of Pelham

Mon., Mar. 26, 2007:  Will of Elizabeth Guion of the Town of Pelham Made in 1789 and Proved on October 5, 1791

Fri., Mar. 23, 2007:  Abstract of Will of Samuel Rodman of the Manor of Pelham in 1779 and Proved May 8, 1780. 

Thu., Mar. 22, 2007:  Abstract of Will of John Hunt, Owner of Land on 'Mineford's Island' in the Manor of Pelham Prepared in 1776 and Proved June 17, 1777

Wed., Mar. 21, 2007:  Abstract of Will of Rebecca Palmer, Owner of Land on City Island in Pelham, Prepared in 1771 and Proved April 10, 1773

Tue., Mar. 20, 2007:  Abstract of 1768 Will of John Pugsley of the Manor of Pelham, Proved December 31, 1768

Mon., Mar. 19, 2007:  Abstract of 1768 Will of Caleb Pell of the Manor of Pelham, Proved April

Fri., Mar. 16, 2007:  Abstract of Will of Thomas Pell of Eastchester, Owner of Lands in Pelham Manor, Prepared in 1753 and Proved in 1754

Thu., Mar. 15, 2007:  Abstract of Will of Isaac Contine of the Manor of Pelham Prepared in 1752 and Proved in 1753

Wed., Mar. 14, 2007:  Abstract of Will of Andrew Allaire of the Manor of Pelham Prepared in 1752 and Proved in 1753

Tue., Mar. 13, 2007:  Abstract of 1752 Will of Joseph Pell of the Manor of Pelham, Proved September 28, 1752

Mon., Mar. 12, 2007: Abstract of Will of Thomas Pell Sr. of the Manor of Pelham Prepared in 1739 and Proved in 1752

Fri., Mar. 9, 2007: Abstract of Will of Philip Pell, Sr. of the Manor of Pelham Prepared in 1751 and Proved in 1752

Thu., Mar. 8, 2007:  Abstract of Will of Thomas Pearsall of Spectacle Island Prepared in 1723 and Proved in 1732

Wed., Mar. 7, 2007:  Published Abstract of 1669 Will of Thomas Pell, Followed by Entire Text of Will of Thomas Pell

Tue., Mar. 6, 2007:  Abstract of Will of William Kerke of Pelham Manor Prepared in 1713 and Proved in 1719

Mon., Mar. 5, 2007:  An Ode to the Toonerville Trolley and its Skipper Published in 1921

Fri., Mar. 2, 2007:  A Brief Account by American Author Margaret Deland of Her Education at Pelham Priory in the 19th Century

Thu., Mar. 1, 2007:  Biographical Data Regarding Frederick Hobbes Allen, President of Pelham Manor and Owner of Bolton Priory in the Early 20th Century.

Wed., Feb. 28, 2007:  Lord Cornbury Installs John Bartow as Rector of the Parish of Westchester, Eastchester, Yonkers and the Manor of Pelham in 1702

Tue., Feb. 27, 2007:  Excerpt of 1917 Report to Board of Education Regarding Distribution of Student Population in Pelham

Mon., Feb. 26, 2007:  Invitation to Pelham Country Club's 'Tercentennial Terpsichor' on October 9 1954

Fri., Feb. 23, 2007:  1846 Notice of Sheriff's Sale of Land Owned by William McClellan of the Town of Pelham

Thu., Feb. 22, 2007:  An 1843 Plan To Annex Southern Portion of Pelham To Queens County? 

Wed., Feb. 21, 2007:  A Pelham Mystery Solved: The Pelham Trading Company Incorporated in 1901

Tue., Feb. 20, 2007:  The Formation of the Village Improvement Association of Pelham Manor in 1901

Mon., Feb. 19, 2007:  Another Manor of Pelham Ghost Story: The Whispering Bell

Fri., Feb. 16, 2007:  1802 Advertisement May Show Image of Pelham Farmhouse. 

Thu., Feb. 15, 2007:  Text of January 1, 1885 Annual Report of the Pelham Manor Protective Club

Wed., Feb. 14, 2007:  Abstract of 1772 Will of Mary Pell of the Manor of Pelham

Tue., Feb. 13, 2007:  Abstract of 1773 Will of John Pell of the Manor of Pelham

Mon., Feb. 12, 2007:  Saint Paul's Church National Historic Site Opens New Exhibition: "Overlooked Hero: John Glover and the American Revolution." 

Fri., Feb. 9, 2007:  Extract of October 23, 1776 Letter Describing British Troops in Eastchester After the Battle of Pelham on October 18, 1776

Thu., Feb. 8, 2007:  Second Anniversary of the Commencement of the Historic Pelham Blog

Wed., Feb. 7, 2007:  Information About Thomas Pell in the Catalogue of the Names of the First Puritan Settlers of the Colony of Connecticut Published in 1846

Tue., Feb. 6, 2007:  October 14, 1772 Quaker 'Marriage Contract' of Bersheba Pell of the Manor of Pelham and Moses Quinby. 

Mon., Feb. 5, 2007:  Abstract of 1735 Will of David Pell of the Manor of Pelham. 

Fri., Feb. 2, 2007:  1670 Letter to John Winthrop, Governor of Connecticut, Describing the Arrival of John Pell in America to Receive Thomas Pell's Estate. 

Thu., Feb. 1, 2007:  An Account of Operations in the 'Neutral Ground' that Included the Area in and Around Pelham During the Revolutionary War.

Wed., Jan. 31, 2007:  A Large Distillery Once Stood on the Prevost Farm in Pelham During the 1790s. 

Tue., Jan. 30, 2007:  Interesting Advertisement for Sale of Land on City Island in the Town of Pelham in 1800. 

Mon., Jan.6, 2007:  A History of the Early Years of City Island When it Was Part of the Town of Pelham, Published in 1927. 

Thu., Jan. 25, 2007:  A Brief Account of the Early History of City Island, Published in 1909. 

Wed., Jan. 24, 2007:  An Account of the October 18, 1776 Battle of Pelham and the "Grand Review" that Followed It, Published in 1897. 

Tue., Jan. 23, 2007:  Another Brief Reference Regarding the Siwanoy Tribe. 

Mon., Jan. 22, 2007:  Information About Siwanoy Native Americans Published in 1872. 

Fri., Jan. 19, 2007:  The Harp of Pelham:  A Book Published in 1844 by William Jay Bolton of Pelham Manor. 

Thu., Jan. 18, 2007:  Three More British Military Unit Histories that Note Participation in the Battle of Pelham on October 18, 1776. 

Wed., Jan. 17, 2007:  1799 Advertisement Offering 225-Acre Farm of Caleb Pell For Sale. 

Tue., Jan. 16, 2007:  Brief Biography of British Officer Who Served During the Battle of Pelham on October 18, 1776. 

Mon., Jan. 15, 2007:  Brief Biographies of Henry Waters Taft and Horace Dutton Taft of Pelham Manor (and Other Family Members). 

Fri., Jan. 12, 2007:  A Brief Description of Scott's Grocery Store at Bartow Village in Pelham. 

Thu., Jan. 11, 2007:  More 17th Century Commercial Records Involving Thomas Pell and Edmund Leach .

Wed., Jan. 10, 2007:  17th Century Commercial Records Involving Thomas Pell and Edmund Leach. 

Tue., Jan. 9, 2007:  1648 Notarial Record by Boston Merchant Providing Power of Attorney to Collect Debt from Thomas Pell of New Haven. 

Mon., Jan. 8, 2007:  Dutch Authorities Decide To Station a Ship with Men Off Today's City Island on February 9, 1654 To Keep Watch on the Activities of the English.

Fri., Jan. 5, 2007:  The Early Years of Grace Church, City Island -- Once a Church in Pelham. 

Thu., Jan. 4, 2007:  Annual Report of The Office of The Historian of The Town of Pelham for 2006. 

Wed., Jan. 3, 2007:  World War I Memorial Tree Plaques Honoring Pelham Citizens Who Died in World War I. 

Tue., Jan. 2, 2007:  The Little Red Schoolhouse In Pelhamville -- Predecessor to Today's Hutchinson Elementary School. 

Mon., Jan. 1, 2007:  Dating an Undated Glass Lantern Slide Showing the Little Red Church (Huguenot Memorial Presbyterian Church).

Fri., Dec. 29, 2006:  Native Americans Ordered to Remove from the Manor of Pelham in 1675. 

Thu., Dec. 28, 2006:  Description of Pelham Contained in 'Gazeteer of the State of New York' Published in 1860. 

Wed., Dec. 27, 2006:  Photograph of Grounds of New York Athletic Club Facility on Travers Island Published in 1904. 

Tue., Dec. 26, 2006:  1775 Statute Authorizing Samuel Rodman and Benjamin Palmer to Build City Island Drawbridge. 

Mon., Dec. 25, 2006:  Early Organizations That Evolved Into the Pelham Parents Teachers Association (PTA).

Fri., Dec. 22, 2006:  Brief Biographies of Thomas Pell, First Lord of the Manor of Pelham, and His Nephew, John, Published in 1912. 

Thu., Dec. 21, 2006:  Thomas Pearsall, Owner in 1723 of Harts Island, Also Known as Spectacle Island, Bequeaths it To His Son, Henry Pearsall. 

Wed., Dec. 20, 2006:  A Brief History of St. Paul's Church in Eastchester Published in 1907. 

Tue., Dec. 19, 2006:  A Few Examples of Interesting Patents Issued to Pelham Residents. 

Mon., Dec. 18, 2006:  What May Be The Earliest Patent Awarded to a Resident of Pelham: Patent Issued to Elbert J. Roosevelt on May 29, 1866. 

Fri., Dec. 15, 2006:  References to John Hunter of Pelham Manor in the Papers of President Martin Van Buren. 

Thu., Dec. 14, 2006:  Items from Bolton Priory in the Collections of The Henry Luce III Center for the Study of American Culture, The New-York Historical Society. 

Wed., Dec. 13, 2006:  More About Isaac Roosevelt of Pelham Who Carved His Name on a Glacial Boulder in 1833. 

Tue., Dec. 12, 2006:  Did Thomas Pell Avoid Taxes by Maintaining a Medical Practice? 

Mon., Dec. 11, 2006:  Microsoft Releases the Beta Version of Its "Live Search Books." 

Fri., Dec. 8, 2006:  An Interesting Power of Attorney Executed in Favor of Thomas Pell on October 29, 1651 Plus Other Records. 

Thu., Dec. 7, 2006:  Additional Authorities Supporting Assertions that Thomas Pell Conducted Trade by Ship Along the East Coast. 

Wed., Dec. 6, 2006:  When Did Thomas Pell Arrive in America? 

Tue., Dec. 5, 2006:  Where Is Evidence of the 1640 Dutch Purchase from Native Americans of the Lands That Became Pelham? 

Mon., Dec. 4, 2006:  Abstract of 1768 Will of John Pugsley of the Manor of Pelham.

Fri., Dec. 1, 2006:  Abstract of 1779 Will of John Pell of the Manor of Pelham. 

Thu., Nov. 30, 2006:  Abstract of 1768 Will of Caleb Pell of the Manor of Pelham. 

Wed., Nov. 29, 2006:  Abstract of 1752 Will of Joseph Pell of the Manor of Pelham. 

Tue., Nov. 28, 2006:  Abstract of 1752 Will of Thomas Pell, Jr. of the Manor of Pelham. 

Mon., Nov. 27, 2006:  The 19th Century Ejectment of Henry Piepgras from Land Beneath the Waters Surrounding City Island. 

Fri., Nov. 24, 2006:  1788 Advertisement by Jemima Pell Offering 8 Acres on City Island for Sale. 

Thu., Nov. 23, 2006:  New York Implements the New U.S. Constitution in 1788 by, Among Other Things, Electing a Pelham Manor Resident to the Continental Congress. 

Wed., Nov. 22, 2006:  Young Thomas Pell Unjustly Accused of "Extortion or Sinfull Unrighteousness." 

Tue., Nov. 21, 2006:  John Hunter Loses a Debate in the State Senate During the Winter of 1841. 

Mon., Nov. 20, 2006:  A Biography of John Pell, Second Lord of the Manor of Pelham, Published in 1861. 

Fri., Nov. 17, 2006:  Images Reflecting the History of Pelham. 

Thu., Nov. 16, 2006:  Robert Bolton, Jr.'s Inscription to His Father Inside Book He Authored That Was Published in 1855. 

Wed., Nov. 15, 2006:  Another Letter by Fontaine Fox Describing How the Pelham Manor Trolley Inspired Him To Create the Toonerville Trolley. 

Tue., Nov. 14, 2006:  Early Photographs of Loutrel Briggs Garden at Home Located at 180 Pelhamdale Avenue. 

Mon., Nov. 13, 2006:  The Isaac Roosevelt Stone Carved in 1833. 

Fri., Nov. 10, 2006:  The Location of Another Early Baseball Field in Pelham. 

Thu., Nov. 9, 2006:  Accounts of Two Witnesses to Skirmish That Occurred Off the Shores of New Rochelle and Pelham in the War of 1812. 

Wed., Nov. 8, 2006:  The Time Capsule in the Cornerstone of the Church of the Redeemer in the Village of North Pelham. 

Tue., Nov. 7, 2006:  Tour of City Island and Portions of Pelham Published in 1909. 

Mon., Nov. 6, 2006:  The Source of Confusion Over the Date Thomas Pell Acquired the Lands That Became the Manor of Pelham. 

Fri., Nov. 3, 2006:  More About Richard Crabb, the 'Magistrate' Who Witnessed the Signing of Thomas Pell's Treaty with Local Native Americans on June 27, 1654. 

Thu., Nov. 2, 2006:  Signature of Captain John Underhill Who Led Thomas Pell and Others During the Massacre of Pequots at Mystic on May 26, 1637. 

Wed., Nov. 1, 2006:  Two British Military Unit Histories that Note Participation in the Battle of Pelham on October 18, 1776.

Tue., Oct. 31, 2006:  Minor Revolutionary War Incidents Near Pelham. 

Mon., Oct. 30, 2006:  Brief Biographical Data About Sir Thomas Musgrave, British Lieutenant Colonel Wounded at the Battle of Pelham on October 18, 1776. 

Fri., Oct. 27, 2006:  Orders Issued by British Major General The Honourable William Howe While Encamped in Pelham After the Battle of Pelham on October 18, 1776. 

Thu., Oct. 26, 2006:  Genealogical Data Regarding David Jones Pell of the Manor of Pelham, Revolutionary War Officer. 

Wed., Oct. 25, 2006:  A Biography of the Rev. Henry Randall Waite, Ph. D., a 19th Century Pastor of Huguenot Memorial Presbyterian Church. 

Tue., Oct. 24, 2006: Thomas Pell's and John Pell's Land Dispute with John Richbell in the Late 1660s and Early 1670s 

Mon., Oct. 23, 2006:  More Early Evidence That Thomas Pell Had a House Later Used by His Nephew, John Pell, on Rodman's Neck. 

Fri., Oct. 20, 2006:  John Pell, Second Lord of the Manor of Pelham, Sells City Island and Then Buys It Back. 

Thu., Oct. 19, 2006:  The Governor of the Colony of New York Visits John Pell, Second Lord of the Manor of Pelham, in 1672. 

Wed., Oct. 18, 2006:  18th Century Statutes Appointing Philip Pell, Sr. of Pelham To Collect Taxes on "Strong Liquors Retailed in this Colony." 

Tue., Oct. 17, 2006:  Philip Pell, Sr. and Joseph Rodman of Pelham Appointed in 1750 as Commissioners to Oversee Public Roads in Pelham. 

Mon., Oct. 16, 2006:  17th Century Papers Relating To Westchester County Published in 1849 Contain References Important to Pelham. 

Fri., Oct. 13, 2006:  A Biography of Revolutionary War Veteran Thomas Hunt, Lieutenant, 4th New York Regiment. 

Thu, Oct. 12, 2006:  Biographical and Genealogical Information Regarding Revolutionary War Officer Samuel Tredwell Pell of the Manor of Pelham. 

Wed., Oct. 11, 2006:  Image of an Ornamental Pot Reportedly Found in Pelham in the 19th Century in a Native American Grave .

Tue., Oct. 10, 2006:  Yet Another Account of the Capture of the British Ship Schuldham Off Pelham Shores During the Revolutionary War. 

Mon., Oct. 9, 2006:  Reminiscences of Val Miller Shed Light on Late 19th Century Baseball in Pelham and the Early Development of the Village of North Pelham. 

Fri., Oct. 6, 2006:  Additional Evidence That Thomas Pell Acquired His Lands At the Behest of English Authorities. 

Thu., Oct. 5, 2006:  Additional Evidence That Thomas Pell Paid 500 Pounds Sterling for the Lands That Became the Manor of Pelham. 

Wed., Oct. 4, 2006:  Did Thomas Pell, First Lord of the Manor of Pelham, Act as an Attorney? 

Tue., Oct. 3, 2006:  Two Interesting Photographs of Bolton Priory in Pelham Manor. 

Mon., Oct. 2, 2006:  The Revolutionary War Diary of Loyalist Joshua Pell, Jr. of the Manor of Pelham.

Fri., Sep. 29, 2006:  Intriguing Evidence of the Amount Thomas Pell Paid Native Americans for the Manor of Pelham. 

Thu., Sep. 28, 2006:  A Brief Biography of Mary Grace Witherbee Black of Pelham Manor. 

Wed., Sep. 27, 2006:  Abstract of 1779 Will of Samuel Rodman of the Manor of Pelham in Westchester County. 

Tue., Sep. 26, 2006:  John Pell's Sister-in-Law, Bathsua Makin. 

Mon., Sep. 25, 2006:  As the Hutchinson River Grew More Fetid, James F. Secor Jr. of Pelham Manor Raised a Stink in 1901. 

Fri., Sep. 22, 2006:  Henry Accorly: A Witness to the Signing of Thomas Pell's Treaty with Local Native Americans on June 27, 1654. 

Thu., Sep. 21, 2006:  A Paper Addressing the Battle of Pelham, Among Other Things, Presented in 1903. 

Wed., Sep. 20, 2006:  Brief Biographical Data About Elbert Roosevelt of the Manor of Pelham. 

Tue., Sep. 19, 2006:  Toonerville Trolley Cartoons Available For Free Viewing Online. 

Mon., Sep. 18, 2006:  A Brief Description of Oystering in Eastchester Bay and at Pelham Published in 1881. 

Fri., Sep. 15, 2006:  William Newman: A Witness to the Signing of Thomas Pell's Treaty with Local Native Americans on June 27, 1654. 

Thu., Sep. 14, 2006:  Records of the Service of John Pell, 2nd Lord of the Manor of Pelham, in the New York House of Representatives in the 1690s. 

Wed., Sep. 13, 2006:  Early Efforts of the Town of Eastchester To Obtain Cooperation of John Pell For Construction of a Saw Mill. 

Tue., Sep. 12, 2006:  Evidence Sheds Light on Location of An Early Home of John Pell, 2d Lord of the Manor of Pelham. 

Mon., Sep. 11, 2006:  An Image of Fred Case's Hotel on Fifth Avenue Near 3rd Street Before it Burned in About May 1892. 

Fri., Sep. 8, 2006:  An Image of The Brotherton Store in Pelhamville Before It Burned in 1890. 

Thu., Sep. 7, 2006:  Google Unveils Search Feature to Allow Searches of 18th, 19th and 20th Century Newspapers. 

Wed., Sep. 6, 2006:  Pelham Hall Shelter, a 'Refuge for Erring Girls', Founded by Alumnae of Mrs. Hazen's School for Girls in Pelham Manor. 

Tue., Sep. 5, 2006:  Will Prepared by Joshua Pell, Sr. in 1758 Included Disposition of Slaves. 

Mon., Sep. 4, 2006:  Google Books Adds Download Feature Making Local History Research Even Easier. 

Fri., Sep. 1, 2006:  An 1889 "Tour" of Pelham Bay and Areas Then Part of the Town of Pelham.

Thu., Aug. 31, 2006:  Pelham Preservation Society Distributes Historic Architecture Plaques. 

Wed., Aug. 30, 2006:  1786 Notice Requiring Filing of Creditors' Claims Against Forfeited Estates of Loyalists Including Joshua Pell of the Manor of Pelham. 

Tue., Aug. 29, 2006:  Another Brief Account of the Capture of the British Ship Schuldham in Pelham Waters During the Revolutionary War. 

Mon., Aug. 28, 2006:  John Hunter of Hunter's Island in Pelham Obtained Special Tax Relief in 1826. 

Fri., Aug. 25, 2006:  Thomas Pell, First Lord of the Manor of Pelham, Traded Tobacco Along the East Coast by Barque. 

Thu., Aug. 24, 2006:  Philip Pell of the Manor of Pelham: An Early Victim of the 'Spoils System' in New York at the Turn of the 19th Century. 

Wed., Aug. 23, 2006:  An Article Published in 1910 About the Life of Anne Hutchinson in New York. 

Tue., Aug. 22, 2006:  Early Advertisements for Mrs. Hazen's School for Girls in Pelham Manor. 

Mon., Aug. 21, 2006:  Efforts To Sell Rodman's Neck in 1774 and 1775, Apparently Due to Financial Difficulties of Joseph Rodman, Jr. 

Fri., Aug. 18. 2006:  The Ghost Gunship of Pelham: A Revolutionary War Ghost Story. 

Thu., Aug. 17, 2006:  Captain of British Sloop Scorpion Stationed Off City Island on July 23, 1777 Gave Notice No Flags of Truce Would Be Permitted to Pass. 

Wed., Aug. 16, 2006:  1805 Notice of Public Sale of 50 Acres on City Island. 

Tue., Aug. 15, 2006:  Another Biography of Benjamin L. Fairchild of Pelham Heights. 

Mon., Aug. 14, 2006:  An Early Account of a Visit to Hunter's Island and John Hunter's Mansion in Pelham. 

Fri., Aug. 11, 2006:  Article by William Abbatt on the Battle of Pelham Published in 1910. 

Thu., Aug. 10, 2006:  The New Development of Pelhamwood Gets Approval for its Proposed Sewage System in 1912. 

Wed., Aug. 9, 2006:  The Saddest Day in the History of Pelham Manor's "Toonerville Trolley." 

Tue., Aug. 8, 2006:  The 'Old Stone House' on Hunter's Island. 

Mon., Aug. 7, 2006:  1691 Statute Dividing Province of New York Into Shires and Counties and Placing Pelham in Westchester. 

Fri., Aug. 4, 2006:  Early Images of the Original and Current Clubhouse Structures of the Manor Club in the Village of Pelham Manor, New York. 

Thu., Aug. 3, 2006:  Images of Colonel Delancey Kane and His 'Pelham Coach' Published in 1878. 

Wed., Aug. 2, 2006:  The 19th Century Grenzebach Homestead in Pelham. 

Tue., Aug. 1, 2006:  Reid's Mill Built in 1739 on Eastchester Creek Adjacent to Pelham.

Mon., Jul. 31, 2006:  Sale at Auction of P. L. Rogers Estate on Mainland Across from Hunter's Island in Pelham in 1869. 

Fri., Jul. 28, 2006:  Image of Bolton Priory in the Town of Pelham Published in an 1859 Treatise on Landscape Gardening. 

Thu., Jul. 27, 2006:  1799 Notice of Foreclosure Sale of Pelham Manor Lands Owned by Augustus James Frederick Prevost, Stepson of Aaron Burr. 

Wed., Jul. 26, 2006:  A Brief Account of Visits to Bolton Priory in the Early 1880s. 

Tue., Jul. 25, 2006:  A Walking Tour of Pelham and Surrounding Areas Published in 1878. 

Mon., Jul. 24, 2006:  A Statute Enacted in 1666 Seems to Have Prompted Thomas Pell To Seek a Royal Grant Confirming His June 27, 1654 Land Acquisition. 

Fri., Jul. 21, 2006:  Patriots Saved Pelham's Cattle from the British Early in the Revolutionary War. 

Thu., Jul. 20, 2006:  Efforts To Sell The Bernard Rynlander Farm in the Manor of Pelham in 1767 and 1770. 

Wed., Jul. 19, 2006:  Pelham Manor Runaway Slave Notice in June 30, 1777 Issues of The New-York Gazette; and The Weekly Mercury

Tue., Jul. 18, 2006:  Aaron Burr Tries to Pull a Fast One in the 1790s and Must Sell His Farm in Pelham. 

Mon., Jul. 17, 2006:  1780 Letter to George Clinton from American Patriot Philip Pell of Pelham Manor, Commissary of Prisoners of the State of New York. 

Fri., Jul. 14, 2006:  Capture of the British Ship Schuldham in Pelham Waters During the Revolutionary War. 

Thu., Jul. 13, 2006:  Notice of Public Sale of Island Known Today as City Island, Published in 1754. 

Wed., Jul. 12, 2006:  A Brief History of City Island Published in a Book by Stephen Jenkins in 1912. 

Tue., Jul. 11, 2006: Genealogical and Family History Information Regarding Members of the Horton Family of City Island, Once Part of Pelham. 

Mon., Jul. 10, 2006:  Streetcar Strike of 1916 Included Violence in Pelham. 

Fri., Jul. 7, 2006:  The Involvement of Thomas Pell's Family in the Witchcraft Persecution of Goody Knapp. 

Thu., Jul. 6, 2006:  Who Was the Skipper on the Pelham Manor Trolley the Day Fontaine Fox Rode the Line and Was Inspired? 

Wed., Jul. 5, 2006:  Bricks Laid by Washington Irving and Ivy from Kenilworth Castle at the Bolton Priory in Pelham Manor. 

Tue., Jul. 4, 2006:  Seth T. Lyman, Pelham's Own Medicine Man of the Late 19th Century. 

Mon., Jul. 3, 2006:  Where Is Thomas Pell's Handwritten Copy of the Treaty Signed With Local Native Americans on June 27, 1654?

Fri., June 30, 2006:  Long Lost Silent Film Filmed, in Part, in Pelham in 1911? 

Thu., June 29, 2006:  A Biography of Lewis Gaston Leary, Early 20th Century Pastor of Huguenot Memorial Presbyterian Church in Pelham. 

Wed., June 28, 2006:  A Biography of Mathematician John Pell, Brother of Thomas Pell (First Lord of the Manor of Pelham). 

Tue., June 27, 2006:  Land Owned by Thomas Pell and His Wife in New Haven, Connecticut in the Mid-17th Century. 

Mon., June 26, 2006:  1834 Statute Authorized Herman Le Roy, Jr. to Dam Creek for an Oyster Bed. 

Fri., June 23, 2006:  More About Martin J. Condon of the American Snuff Company Who Owned an Estate in Pelham Manor. 

Thu., June 22, 2006:  Pelham Manor Submitted Sewage Plans to the New York State Board of Health in 1894. 

Wed., June 21, 2006:  Local Elections in Pelham in 1843. 

Tue., June 20, 2006:  Mystery: A Lawsuit Filed Against the Dissolved Pelham Manor & Huguenot Heights Association in 1915. 

Mon., June 19, 2006:  Court Decision Issued in 1894 Sheds Light on Finances Behind the Development of Chester Park in the Early 1890s. 

Fri., June 16, 2006:  Period News Reports Shed Some Light on Pelham During the War of 1812. 

Thu., June 15, 2006:  Repainting of Historic Signs Marking New Rochelle's Borders, Including Those With Pelham, Temporarily Halted. 

Wed., June 14, 2006:  Text of Deed by Which Aaron Burr Acquired Pelham Lands in 1790. 

Tue., June 13, 2006:  Sketch Showing Hunters Island Mansion in 1853. 

Mon., June 12, 2006:  Early Deed of Land to the Pelham Manor & Huguenot Heights Association. 

Fri., June 9, 2006:  Pelham-Related Franchise Records of the Westchester Electric Railroad Company - Part II. 

Thu., June 8, 2006:  Pelham-Related Franchise Records of the Westchester Electric Railroad Company - Part I. 

Wed., June 7, 2006:  1881 Description of Repairs to Ship on Premises of Pelham Shipwright Located on City Island. 

Tue., June 6, 2006:  More Early Photographs of Chester Park Recently Donated to The Office of The Historian of The Town of Pelham. 

Mon., June 5, 2006:  More Early Photographs of Chester Park Recently Donated to The Office of The Historian of The Town of Pelham. 

Fri., June 2, 2006:  Several of the Early Photographs of Chester Park Recently Donated to The Office of The Historian of The Town of Pelham. 

Thu., June 1, 2006:  Early Photographs of Chester Park Among Materials Donated to The Office of The Historian of The Town of Pelham.

Wed., May 31, 2006:  Two Views of the Pelhamville School House Built in the 1850s. 

Tue., May 30, 2006:  A Biography Published in 1906 on the Life of Horace Dutton Taft, Founder of the Taft School for Boys in Pelham Manor. 

Mon., May 29, 2006:  Yet Another Mid-Eighteenth Century Advertisement by Thomas Pell Offering Lands in Pelham. 

Fri., May 26, 2006:  The 27th Conference on New York State History Will Include Presentation of Paper on Pelham Manor & Huguenot Heights Association. 

Thu., May 25, 2006:  1763 Deed Executed by Executors of the Estate of Joseph Pell Accused Caleb Pell of Fraud. 

Wed., May 24, 2006:  Program for January 8, 1889 Opening of the Hutchinson School in Pelhamville. 

Tue., May 23, 2006:  Special Postal Cancellation on October 17-18, 1976 to Commemorate the Bicentennial of the Battle of Pelham During the Revolutionary War. 

Mon., May 22, 2006:  Early References to Pelham Roads in the Road Commissioners' Book Maintained in the Westchester County Archives. 

Fri., May 19, 2006:  Possible Remains of a Soldier Killed in the Battle of Pelham on October 18, 1776 Found in 1921. 

Thu., May 18, 2006:  Richard Crabb, the 'Magistrate' Who Witnessed the Signing of Thomas Pell's Treaty with Local Native Americans on June 27, 1654. 

Wed., May 17, 2006:  More About Benjamin Palmer's Involvement With Raising Funds for a Free Bridge from Manhattan. 

Tue., May 16, 2006:  Using Excelsior To Search the Collections of the New York State Archives, New York State Library and the New York State Museum. 

Mon., May 15, 2006:  Resales of Lots in the 1760s on the Island Known Today as City Island. 

Fri., May 12, 2006:  Possible Evidence that Residents of the Manor of Pelham Were Acquitted in Rare 17th Century Witchcraft Trial in New York. 

Thu., May 11, 2006:  Thomas Pell Offers City Island, Then Known as Minneford Island, for Sale in the Mid-18th Century. 

Wed., May 10, 2006:  Horace Crosby, the Civil Engineer Who Laid Out the Chestnut Grove Division for the Pelham Manor & Huguenot Heights Association in the 1870s. 

Tue., May 9, 2006:  More Pelham Locations for Which Famous Landscape Designer Loutrel Briggs Executed Designs. 

Mon., May 8, 2006:  Edmund Gybbon Spilsbury Who Served as Engineer for the Pelham Manor & Huguenot Heights Association. 

Fri., May 5, 2006:  1763 Announcement That City Island in the Manor of Pelham Has Been Laid Out in Lots for Sale. 

Thu., May 4, 2006:  Harry S. Houpt, Builder of Homes in Pelham, NY in the Early 20th Century. 

Wed., May 3, 2006:  Another Pelham, New York Ghost Story. 

Tue., May 2, 2006:  Benjamin Palmer's Advertisement in 1756 To Raise Subscriptions To Fund a Free Bridge From Manhattan. 

Mon., May 1, 2006:  The Legend of the Recovery of Pirate's Treasure on an Island Off Pelham.

Fri., Apr. 28, 2006:  Important Web Site for History Researchers and Genealogists Available for Free Until May 31, 2006. 

Thu., Apr. 27, 2006:  Burial Place of John Hunter 1778 - 1852) of Hunter's Island. 

Wed., Apr. 26, 2006:  Two Early Photographs of the Village of North Pelham. 

Tue., Apr. 25, 2006:  More About 'Mammy Goose' of Goose Island. 

Mon., Apr. 24, 2006:  1901 Article From the Pelham Manor Review Concerning The Village Improvement Association of Pelham Manor. 

Fri., Apr. 21, 2006:  Locations of Pelham Homes (and a School) For Which Loutrel Briggs Prepared Designs. 

Thu., Apr. 20, 2006:  1788 Campaign Broadside Urging Support for Candidate Opposing Philip Pell of Pelham Manor. 

Wed., Apr. 19, 2006:  Possibly More Historic Loutrel Briggs Gardens Located in Pelham? 

Tue., Apr. 18, 2006:  Prospectus Issued by the Pelham Manor & Huguenot Heights Association in 1874. 

Mon., Apr. 17, 2006:  The Online "David Rumsey Map Collection" Adds a Number of Important Pelham Maps. 

Fri., Apr. 14, 2006:  Three of the Original Homes of the Prospect Hill Village Association Founded in 1851. 

Thu., Apr. 13, 2006:  Rumors in 1657 That Thomas Pell Manipulated Local Native Americans To Protect His Land Acquisition From Incursions by the Dutch. 

Wed., Apr. 12, 2006:  1712 Westchester County Census Documents Slave Ownership in Pelham. 

Tue., Apr. 11, 2006:  April 20, 1875 Marriage Certificate of Robert C. Black and Mary Grace Witherbee Black. 

Mon., Apr. 10, 2006:  A Mystery Yet To Be Solved:  The Pelham Trading Company Incorporated in 1901. 

Fri., Apr. 7, 2006:  A View from Prospect Hill Looking West Published in 1887. 

Thu., Apr. 6, 2006:  Alexander Bampfield Henderson: "Lone Lord of the Isle." 

Wed., Apr. 5, 2006:  Hawkswood, Later Known as the Marshall Mansion on Rodman's Neck in Pelham. 

Tue., Apr. 4, 2006:  More Information About the Prospect Hill Village Association Formed in the Early 1850s. 

Mon., Apr. 3, 2006:  1805 Will of William Bayley of Pelham Included Disposition of Slaves.

Fri., Mar. 31, 2006:  Text of 1804 Will of Alexander Henderson, Owner of the Island Later Known as Hunter's Island. 

Thu., Mar. 30, 2006:  Google Books Continues Addition of Content With Much More Now Available on the History of Pelham, NY. 

Wed., Mar. 29, 2006:  19th Century Improvements to East Chester Creek (Also Known as the Hutchinson River. 

Tue., Mar. 28, 2006:  More Reminiscences of Isaac C. Hill of Early Public Schools in Pelham. 

Mon., Mar. 27, 2006:  1057 Esplanade: One of the Original Homes Built by the Pelham Manor & Huguenot Heights Association. 

Fri., Mar. 24, 2006:  Preparations in 1954 for the Tercentennial Celbration of the Signing of the Pell-Siwanoy Treaty. 

Thu., Mar. 23, 2006:  Baseball Fields Opened on the Grounds of the Westchester Country Club in Pelham on April 4, 1884. 

Wed., Mar. 22, 2006:  Mona Freeman, Glamour Girl of the Silver Screen, Lived in Pelham. 

Tue., Mar. 21, 2006:  1920 Publication Listing Native American Sites Near Pelham. 

Mon., Mar. 20, 2006:  Charles J. Stephens and Henry C. Stephens of the Pelham Manor & Huguenot Heights Association. 

Fri., Mar. 17, 2006:  1854 Advertisement for the Sale of the Old Stone House at 463 First Avenue in Pelham. 

Thu., Mar. 16, 2006:  1869 New York Herald Article About Pelham's Boundary Dispute with New Rochelle. 

Wed., Mar. 15, 2006:  A Biography of Cornelius W. Bolton Published in 1899. 

Tue., Mar. 14, 2006:  A Potentially Significant Advertisement - Is This Hunter's Island? 

Mon., Mar. 13, 2006:  Two Photographs of Pelham's Town Hall That Once Stood On Shore Road. 

Fri., Mar. 10, 2006:  Legend Has It That Nimham, A Wappinger Chief and American Revolutionary War Hero, Was Buried in Pelham on Rodman's Neck. 

Thu., Mar. 9, 2006:  Photographs of the H Line and A Line Trolleys on and Near Pelhamdale Avenue. 

Wed., Mar. 8, 2006:  The 1939 Celebration of the 30th Anniversary of the Dedication of the Masonic Temple in Pelham, NY. 

Tue., Mar. 7, 2006:  The Church of the Covenant of Pelhamville Organized in 1888. 

Mon., Mar. 6, 2006:  Interesting Photographs from 1907 Program for Pelham's Fourth of July Celebration. 

Fri., Mar. 3, 2006:  1666 Letter from Thomas Pell to John Winthrop, Jr. Regarding Pell's 1654 Purchase of the Lands That Became Pelham. 

Thu., Mar. 2, 2006:  A Lecture in 1877 to Raise Money for the New Huguenot Memorial Church in Pelham Manor. 

Wed., Mar. 1, 2006:  1909 Real Estate Advertisement Showing Bolton Priory.

Tue., Feb. 28, 2006:  Westchester and Pelham Turnpike Road Company 'Builds' Shore Road in Pelham. 

Mon., Feb. 27, 2006:  Another Description of the Farm of Rem Rapelje of Pelham Published in 1806. 

Fri., Feb. 24, 2006:  Notice of Settlement of the Estate of Alexander Henderson of Pelham in 1805. 

Thu., Feb. 23, 2006:  Using the Collection Database of the Henry Luce III Center for the Study of American Culture. 

Wed., Feb. 22, 2006:  Doll Depicting Nanette Bolton in the Collection of The Office of The Historian of The Town of Pelham. 

Tue., Feb. 21, 2006:  Silas H. Witherbee and His Influence on the Village of Pelham Manor. 

Mon., Feb. 20, 2006:  Origins of The Pelham Village Club, An Early 20th Century Social Club. 

Fri., Feb. 17, 2006:  Runaway Slave Notice Published by John Pell in 1748 Comes To Light. 

Thu., Feb. 16, 2006:  Evidence of the Use of Thomas Pell's Insignia To Seal a Letter from Lion Gardiner in 1636. 

Wed., Feb. 15, 2006:  The First Lawsuit Ever Filed Against Pelham Manor? 

Tue., Feb. 14, 2006:  An Account of the Blizzard of 1888 by Pelham Manor Resident Henry W. Taft. 

Mon., Feb. 13, 2006:  Historic Snowfall in Pelham, NY: The Great Nor'easter of '06. 

Fri., Feb. 10, 2006:  Caleb Pell's Lost Silver Watch - An Advertisement Published in 1757. 

Thu.. Feb. 9, 2006:  Cortlandt W. Starr of Black Starr & Frost. 

Wed., Feb. 8, 2006:  The First Anniversary of the Historic Pelham Blog. 

Tue., Feb. 7, 2006:  February 6, 1893 Request to Allow Trolley Service in Pelham. 

Mon., Feb. 6, 2006:  Plans To Create a Horse-Drawn Trolley Car System in Pelham in Early 1890. 

Fri., Feb. 3, 2006:  Annual Report of The Office of The Historian of The Town of Pelham for 2005. 

Thu., Feb. 2, 2006:  January 2, 1888: The Day Residents of Pelham Manor Decided to Incorporate a Village. 

Wed., Feb. 1, 2006:  Notice of 1893 Vote on Proposal To Build Pelhamville's First Fire House.

Tue., Jan. 31, 2006:  Another Account of Baseball Played in Pelham in the 1880s Is Uncovered. 

Mon., Jan. 30, 2006:  Cleanup of Pelham Town Hall Basement Leads to Discoveries. 

Fri., Jan. 27, 2006:  Lectures to Raise Money to Build the "Huguenot Memorial Forest Church" Building in Pelham Manor. 

Thu., Jan. 26, 2006:  Notice of Sale at Auction of the Turnbull Farm in Pelham on March 23, 1820. 

Wed., Jan. 25, 2006:  The Pelham Manor Protective Club Flexed its Muscles in the 1886 Town Elections. 

Tue., Jan. 24, 2006:  1890 Circular of The Pelham Manor Protective Club on Lamp Lighting. 

Mon., Jan. 23, 2006:  The Beginnings of Organized Fire Fighting in Pelham Manor? 

Fri., Jan. 20, 2006:  The Fire Bell in the Tower of Pelham Manor Village. 

Thu., Jan. 19, 2006:  Pelham Manor's Earliest Fire Fighting Equipment. 

Wed., Jan. 18, 2006:  Newspaper Report of the Infamous Vaughan's Livery Stable Fire in North Pelham in 1907. 

Tue., Jan. 17, 2006:  John Pugsley, An Early Owner of Appleby's Island Later Known as Hunter's Island. 

Mon., Jan. 16, 2006:  Thomas Pell Offers Land for Sale in the Manor of Pelham in 1784. 

Fri., Jan. 13, 2006:  Detail of Pelham From Rare Map Published in 1851. 

Thu., Jan. 12, 2006:  The Beer Battle of 1933. 

Wed., Jan. 11, 2006:  1931 Artist's Rendering of the Planned Store Complex at Four Corners on Boston Post Road. 

Tue., Jan. 10, 2006:  Mrs. Aaron Burr Describes Roads in Pelham in 1791. 

Mon., Jan. 9, 2006:  The First Prospect Hill School in Pelham Manor. 

Fri., Jan. 6, 2006:  Pelham Loses Its Right To Use the Town Dock in the Early 1900s. 

Thu., Jan. 5, 2006:  Organizational Plans for North Pelham's Victory Gardens in 1943. 

Wed., Jan. 4, 2006:  Another Post Card Image of the Horse Car That Ran Between Bartow and City Island. 

Tue., Jan. 3, 2006:  Another Mystery Home: 1926 Real Estate Advertisement for "Italian Villa" in Pelham Manor. 

Mon., Jan. 2, 2006:  1910 Real Estate Advertisement for Home Located at Northwest Corner of Corlies Avenue and 2nd Street in Pelham.

Fri., Dec. 30, 2005:  Subdivision Development Map Created in 1873 for Bartow Village in the Town of Pelham. 

Thu., Dec. 29, 2005:  Efforts To Preserve Silent Film Made in Pelham in 1929. 

Wed., Dec. 28, 2005:  The Mystery of the 'Manor Club' Girl That Set Pelham Tongues Wagging in 1913. 

Tue., Dec. 27, 2005:  Mystery Home Depicted in 1925 Real Estate Advertisement. 

Mon., Dec. 26, 2005:  The Dutch Acquired Lands Including Pelham From Local Native Americans in 1640. 

Fri., Dec. 23, 2005:  The Pelham Manor Residence of Martin J. Condon of the American Snuff Company. 

Thu., Dec. 22, 2005:  Area Planned for Development by The Pelham Manor & Huguenot Heights Association in 1873. 

Wed., Dec. 21, 2005:  An Early Sketch of the First Clubhouse of the New York Athletic Club on Travers Island in Pelham. 

Tue., Dec. 20, 2005:  An Early Description of Construction of the First Nine Holes of the Pelham Bay Golf Course. 

Mon., Dec. 19, 2005:  Second Loutrel Briggs Garden "Discovered" in Pelham. 

Fri., Dec. 16, 2005:  Pelham's Hutchinson River "Landing" in the Early 19th Century. 

Thu., Dec. 15, 2005:  Logging the Virgin Forest in Pelham in the Early 19th Century. 

Wed., Dec. 14, 2005:  New Information About John Hunter's Acquisition of Hunter's Island in the Manor of Pelham. 

Tue., Dec. 13, 2005:  The Manor Club's First Clubhouse Built in 1887-1888. 

Mon., Dec. 12, 2005:  19th Century Subdivision Map of Planned Bartow Village. 

Fri., Dec. 9, 2005:  Conveyance of Le Roy Lands in Pelham Between Pelham Bridge and New Rochelle in 1818. 

Thu., Dec. 8, 2005:  The First Stone Bridge Built Across Eastchester Creek in Pelham, 1814-1815. 

Wed., Dec. 7, 2005:  The Sale and Subdivision of the Bolton Priory Estate in the 1950s. 

Tue., Dec. 6, 2005:  The Origins of St. Catharine's Roman Catholic Church in the Village of Pelham, New York. 

Mon., Dec. 5, 2005:  The Fabled "No-Man's Land" of Pelham Manor: A Tiny Strip of New York City. 

Fri., Dec. 2, 2005:  John Hunter of Hunter's Island in Pelham, New York. 

Thu., Dec. 1, 2005:  The Horse Trough Installed on Boston Post Road in 1902.

Wed., Nov. 30, 2005:  The Pelham National Bank Building in the Village of Pelham. 

Tue., Nov. 29, 2005:  An Early, Interesting Photograph of Bolton Priory in the Village of Pelham Manor. 

Mon., Nov. 28, 2005:  The Historic Sanborn Map Building In The Village of Pelham. 

Fri., Nov. 25, 2005:  The End of Pelham's Boy Scout Cabin Near The Hutchinson River Parkway. 

Thu., Nov. 24, 2005:  Notes on Architects Responsible for Structures in the Town of Pelham: Part II. 

Wed., Nov. 23, 2005:  Notes on Architects Responsible for Structures in the Town of Pelham: Part I. 

Tue., Nov. 22, 2005:  Prospect Hill and Pelhamville Depicted on the 1868 Beers Atlas Map of Pelham: Part II. 

Mon., Nov. 21, 2005:  Prospect Hill and Pelhamville Depicted on the 1868 Beers Atlas Map of Pelham: Part I. 

Fri., Nov. 18, 2005:  In Memoriam: A List of Pelham's Civil War Dead. 

Thu., Nov. 17, 2005:  Proposal in the 1940s For Tunnel Beneath Boston Post Road To Carry Twelve-Lane Highway. 

Wed., Nov. 16, 2005:  New Theory Regarding Identity of the Architect of the Pelham Picture House Built in 1921. 

Tue., Nov. 15, 2005:  Plaque Dedicated at the Historic Pelhamwood Clock Tower. 

Mon., Nov. 14, 2005:  Historic Signs Mark Pelham's Border with New Rochelle. 

Fri., Nov. 11, 2005:  More on the History of Martha Emmons Weihman Memorial Park in Pelham Manor. 

Thu., Nov. 10, 2005:  More About World War II Victory Gardens in Pelham. 

Wed., Nov. 9, 2005:  The Historic Pelham Picture House at 175 Wolfs Lane in Pelham, New York. 

Tue., Nov. 8, 2005:  The Estate of W. T. Grant in Pelham Manor, New York. 

Mon., Nov. 7, 2005:  World War II Victory Gardens in Pelham. 

Fri., Nov. 4, 2005:  Google Print Adds Many Public Domain Books of Use to Local Historians to its Virtual Library. 

Thu., Nov. 3, 2005:  President Martin Van Buren's Visit to Pelham in July 1839. 

Wed., Nov. 2, 2005:  Engraving by P.M. Pirnie Showing Pelhamdale in 1861. 

Tue., Nov. 1, 2005:  The Mystery of The Ancient Boulder-Lined Road Near Beech Tree Lane.

Mon.. Oct. 31, 2005:  Remnants of Pelham's Boy Scout Cabin Near the Hutchinson River Parkway.

Fri., Oct. 28, 2005:  Westchester County 300th Anniversary Collectible Plate Included Pelham's Split Rock. 

Thu., Oct. 27, 2005:  The Camera Used by Town Historian William R. Montgomery. 

Wed., Oct. 26, 2005:  Remnants of the Battlefield on Which the Battle of Pelham Was Fought on October 18, 1776. 

Tue., Oct. 25, 2005:  Saint Paul's Church National Historic Site Hosts Encampment to Commemorate "Battle of Pell's Point." 

Mon., Oct. 24, 2005:  More Information on the Portrait of 17th Century Mathematician John Pell. 

Fri., Oct. 21, 2005:  Christ Church Dedicated its Columbarium in 1943 As Part of Its Centennial Celebration. 

Thu., Oct. 20, 2005:  Historic Loutrel Briggs Garden "Discovered" in Pelham Manor. 

Wed., Oct. 19, 2005:  Acquiring the Land for the Martha Emmons Weihman Memorial Park in Pelham Manor. 

Tue., Oct. 18, 2005:  Photograph of Farm House of Anthony Wolf After Whom Wolfs Lane Is Named. 

Mon., Oct. 17, 2005:  The Firemen's Memorial of the Pelham Fire Department. 

Fri., Oct. 14, 2005:  A Reunion of Alumnae of Mrs. Hazen's School for Girls. 

Thu., Oct. 13, 2005:  Two More Pelham Ghost Stories. 

Wed., Oct. 12, 2005:  Pelham's First Automotive Taxi Service from the New Haven Line Train Station. 

Tue., Oct. 11, 2005:  The Toonerville Trolley Pays its Bills -- Late! 

Mon., Oct. 10, 2005:  Photos of the Pelham of Yore: An Ice Truck and a Vintage Bus. 

Fri., Oct. 7, 2005:  Important Portrait of 17th Century Mathematician John Pell, Brother of Thomas Pell, is "Rediscovered." 

Thu., Oct. 6, 2005:  Does This Photograph Show Members of the "Pelham Manor Junior Base Ball Team"? 

Wed., Oct. 5, 2005:  Second Page of the May 12, 1902 Issue of The Pelham Republican. 

Tue., Oct. 4, 2005:  Front Page of the May 12, 1902 Issue of The Pelham Republican. 

Mon., Oct. 3, 2005:  Siwanoy School -- The Town of Pelham's Former High School.

Fri., Sep. 30, 2005:  Archaeological Survey Underway on Davids Island Reportedly Uncovers Evidence of Native American Occupation.

Thu., Sep. 29, 2005:  A Brief Biography of Henry Randall Waite, 19th Century Clergyman in Pelham.

Wed., Sep. 28, 2005:  Taunting the Tantivy Coach on its Way to Pelham in 1886.

Tue., Sep. 27, 2005:  I. C. Hill's Reminiscences of Early Public Schools in Pelham.

Mon., Sep. 26, 2005:  Brief History of The Pelham Country Club Published in 1954.

Fri., Sep. 23, 2005:  Pelham Tries To Kill The Plan To Create Pelham Bay Park:  1887.

Thu., Sep. 22, 2005:  1905 Poem About the Devil's Stepping Stones Off Shores of City Island.

Wed., Sep. 21, 2005:  The Nanette Bolton Memorial Chapel Building at Christ Church in Pelham Manor.

Tue., Sep. 20, 2005:  Pelham's "Toonerville Trolley" Goes To War.

Mon., Sep. 19, 2005:  The Long-Hidden Pastoral Mural Uncovered in Pelhamdale, a Pre-Revolutionary War Home.

Fri., Sep. 16, 2005:  The Legend of the Spy Oak on Pelham Road.

Thu., Sep. 15, 2005:  Newspaper Item Published in 1942 Sheds Light on Baseball in 19th Century Pelham.

Wed., Sep. 14, 2005:  Early Plans To Construct the New England Section of The New York Thruway Through Pelham.

Tue., Sep. 13, 2005:  A Lightning Bolt Out of the Blue - Electrical Storm in 1895.

Mon., Sep. 12, 2005:  Pelhamwood Association Celebrated Its 30th Anniversary in 1942.

Fri., Sep. 9, 2005:  Reminiscences of Lockwood Barr of Pelham Manor Published in 1940.

Thu. Sep. 8, 2005:  Glass Lantern Slides Included in the William R. Montgomery Glass Negatives Collection.

Wed., Sep. 7, 2005:  Using Google Print to Further Your Local History Research.

Tue., Sep. 6, 2005:  Pelham in Movies:  1942 Civil Defense Movie Filmed in Pelham.

Mon., Sep. 5, 2005:  The Pelham Republican:  Official Newspaper of the Villages of Pelham and North Pelham in 1902.

Fri., Sep. 2, 2005:  Westchester County Archives Launches Latest Addition to its Virtual Archives Web Site:  "Historical Treasures of Westchester County."

Thu., Sep. 1, 2005:  Probate Court Decision Involving the Estate of Pelham Resident Joseph Palmer in 1797.

Wed., Aug. 31, 2005:  Depiction of Pelham Farmhouse Published in 1794.

Tue., Aug. 30, 2005:  1807 Advertisement for Sale of 100-Acre Farm in Pelham.

Mon., Aug. 29, 2005:  The 1804 Elections:  Report of Pelham's Returns Published That Year.

Fri., Aug. 26, 2005:  Pelham's Reaction to the "Date Which Will Live in Infamy":  December 7, 1941.

Thu., Aug. 25, 2005:  1818 Sale of Lands to Herman and Hannah Le Roy of Pelham.

Wed., Aug. 24, 2005:  1807 Advertisement for Sale of Property of Rem Rapelje in Pelham.

Tue., Aug. 23, 2005:  Society Scandal:  The "Strange" Story of Mrs. Adele Livingston Stevens Who Acquired the Bolton Priory in Pelham Manor.

Mon., Aug. 22, 2005:  1935:  Pelham Manor Blocks Proposed Motorcycle Raceway.

Fri., Aug. 19, 2005:  The Special Postal Cancellation for Pelham's October 1954 Tercentennial Celebration.

Thu., Aug. 18, 2005:  The Opening of the New Iron "Pelham Bridge" in 1871.

Wed., Aug. 17, 2005:  More on the Village Blacksmith Who Won the 1906 North Pelham Election Election By Cornering the Market on Sleighs.

Tue., Aug. 16, 2005:  Riddle Me This:  How Well Do You Know Your Pelham History?

Mon., Aug. 15, 2005:  952 Pelhamdale Served as a 19th Century School for Girls, Then a School for Boys.

Fri., Aug. 12, 2005:  The Little Pelhamville Depot:  Forerunner to the Train Station Serving New Haven Line Passengers Today.

Thu., Aug. 11, 2005:  How Dry I Am:  Pelham Goes Dry in the 1890s and Travers Island Is At the Center of a Storm.

Wed., Aug. 10, 2005:  More on the Martha Emmons Weihman Memorial Park:  The Landscape Designer. 

Tue., Aug. 9, 2005:  Cock Fighting at Pelham Bridge in the 19th Century.

Mon., Aug. 8, 2005:  The Day the Earth Shook in Pelham:  July 11, 1872.

Fri., Aug. 5, 2005:  An Early Railroad Incident in 1852 Killed Pelham Resident John Middleton.

Thu., Aug. 4, 2005:  Early Reports Relating to Construction of the Branch Line (Part II).

Wed., Aug. 3, 2005:  Early Reports Relating to Construction of the Branch Line (Part I).

Tue., Aug. 2, 2005:  Report of the First Village Election of the Village of North Pelham in 1896.

Mon., Aug. 1, 2005:  An 1896 Inspection and Drill of the Fire Department in Pelham

Fri., Jul. 29, 2005:  Has Another Piece of the Treaty Oak Surfaced?

Thu., Jul. 28 , 2005:  Antique Fire Fighting Equipment Reflects History of Pelham Manor.

Wed., Jul. 27, 2005:  1882 Engraving Shows Opening of Coaching Season From Hotel Brunswick to Pelham Bridge.

Tue., Jul. 26, 2005:  Recent Views of Split Rock.

Mon., Jul. 25, 2005:  The Columbarium at Huguenot Memorial Church in Pelham Manor.

Fri., Jul. 22, 2005:  Editorial from the Pelham Manor Tribune Published on October 1, 1894.

Thu., Jul. 21, 2005:  Today's Remnants of the Bartow Station on the Branch Line Near City Island.

Wed., Jul. 20, 2005:  The Pelham Manor Village Board Decides To Dedicate Park as "Martha Emmons Weihman Memorial Park" on September 8, 1941.

Tue., Jul. 19, 2005:  Pelham's Boy Scout Cabin Near The Hutchinson River Parkway.

Mon., Jul. 18, 2005:  Pelham Manor Runaway Slave Notice in August 29, 1789 Issue of The New-York Packet.

Fri., Jul. 15, 2005:  Using Cornell University Library's "New York State Historical Literature" Digital Collection. 

Thu., Jul. 14, 2005:  Pelham's 1926 Pageant Commemorating the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Pelham.

Wed., Jul. 13, 2005:  11 Priory Lane:  The Rose Cottage.

Tue., Jul. 12., 2005:  The Pelham Preservation & Garden Society.

Mon., Jul. 11, 2005:  Pelham Cemetery on City Island.

Fri., Jul. 8, 2005:  How Did a Village Blacksmith Win the 1906 North Pelham Election by Cornering the Market on Sleighs?

Thu., Jul. 7, 2005:  The New York, Westchester and Boston Railroad Company Begins Construction of its Railroad.

Wed., Jul. 6, 2005:  The Third Street Carriage Crash in September 1898 (Part II).

Tue., Jul. 5, 2005:  The Third Street Carriage Crash in September 1898 (Part I). 

Mon., Jul. 4, 2005:  Pelham's Celebration of Independence Day in 1910.

Fri., Jul. 1, 2005:  The Sea Serpent of the Sound:  Spotted in Pelham Waters in 1877 (Part III)

Thu., June 30, 2005:  The Sea Serpent of the Sound:  Spotted in Pelham Waters in 1877 (Part II).

Wed., June 29, 2005:  The Sea Serpent of the Sound:  Spotted in Pelham Waters in 1877 (Part I).

Tue., June 28, 2005:  The Hotel and Bar Room at Pelham Bridge.

Mon., June 27, 2005:  The Precursor To Pelham's Town Hall on Fifth Avenue.

Fri., June 24, 2005:  Late 19th and Early 20th Century Pell Family Photographs Provided to Office of The Historian.

Thu., June 23, 2005:  Horse Cars Come To City Island in the Town of Pelham in the 1880s.

Wed., June 22, 2005:  Cabinet Card Photograph Showing Early View of Devil's Stepping Stones Lighthouse Is Uncovered.

Tue., June 21, 2005:  Life At Travers Island in the 1890s.

Mon., June 20, 2005:  Using Cornell University Library's "Making of America" Digital Library of Primary Sources To Perform Research Regarding Pelham.

Fri., June 17, 2005:  "Skipper Louie" of Pelham Manor's Toonerville Trolley.

Thu., June 16, 2005:  "German Village" Planned In Pelhamville Area In 1870.

Wed., June 15, 2005:  The New York Athletic Club Saved a Portion of the Kemble House Property on Shore Road in the 1920s.

Tue., June 14, 2005:  Ceremony in 1915 to Open Bartow-Pell Mansion as Headquarters of International Garden Club Marred by Tragedy.

Mon., June 13, 2005:  Martha Emmons Weihman Memorial Park:  More Pieces of the Puzzle.

Fri., June 10, 2005:  Pelham's Most Magnificent Wedding Gift:  The Bolton Priory.

Thu., June 9, 2005:  Coaching to Pelham:  Colonel Delancey Astor Kane Did Not Operate the Only Coach to Pelham.

Wed., June 8, 2005:  Lloyd Ultan's Book:  The Bronx In The Frontier Era From the Beginning to 1696.

Tue., June 7, 2005:  Obituaries of Robert C. Black and His Wife, Mary Grace Witherbee Black.

Mon., June 6, 2005:  Martha Emmons Weihman Memorial Park in Pelham Manor:  Origins of the Idea to Create a Park.

Fri., June 3, 2005:  David's Island Off the Coast of Pelham Manor During the Civil War.

Thu., June 2, 2005:  Obituary of Martha Emmons Weihman From The Pelham Sun, August 16, 1940.

Wed., June 1, 2005:  The June 6, 1940 Fire That Destroyed the George M. Reynolds Mansion (Part II of II).

Tue., May 31, 2005:  The June 6, 1940 Fire That Destroyed the George M. Reynolds Mansion (Part I of II).

Mon., May 30, 2005:  Early History of the Winyah Lodge U.D. of Pelham, New York.

Fri., May 27, 2005:  1776, A New Book By Pulitzer Prize Winner David McCullough, Touches on the Battle of Pelham.

Thu., May 26, 2005:  The New York Athletic Club's Opening of the New "Summer Home" on Travers Island in 1889.

Wed., May 25, 2005:  Clifford and Martha Weihman of Pelham (Part II of II).

Tue., May 24, 2005:  Clifford and Martha Weihman of Pelham (Part I of II).

Mon., May 23, 2005:  Thomas M. Kennett, Long Time Editor of The Pelham Sun.

Fri., May 20, 2005:  1888:  Pelham Fears Bankruptcy Due to the Creation of Pelham Bay Park.

Thu., May 19, 2005:  Scholarly Book About the Father of John Pell, 2nd Lord of the Manor of Pelham, Is Published.

Wed., May 18, 2005:  The Masked Burglar Robbery of the Emmett Home in Pelham on December 22, 1873 (Part II).

Tue., May 17, 2005:  The Masked Burglar Robbery of the Emmett Home in Pelham on December 22, 1873 (Part I).

Mon., May 16, 2005:  The Discovery of a Gold and Silver Treasure in the Backyard of a Pelham Home in 1889.

Fri., May 13, 2005:  Nathan F. Barrett, Famous Landscape Designer of the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries, Lived in Pelham.

Thu., May 12, 2005:  Clifford B. Harmon, Developer of Pelhamwood.

Wed., May 11, 2005:  The "Grey Mare" and "Mishow" Boulders -- Part of Pelham's Native American Past.

Tue., May 10, 2005:  Pelham's Only Known Example of a Home Designed by Master Architect William A. Bates. 

Mon., May 9, 2005:  The Historic Murals in the Pelham Memorial High School Library.

Fri., May 6, 2005:  The Great Furniture Battle at Pelhamville's Relief Hook and Ladder Company in 1896.

Thu., May 5, 2005:  John Thomas Brook, Real Estate Developer and Failed Bank President.

Wed., May 4, 2005:  Philip Gargan, Chief of Police of Pelham Manor, New York.

Tue., May 3, 2005:  Colonel Frederick Hobbes Allen, An Owner of Bolton Priory in Pelham Manor.

Mon., May 2, 2005:  Judge Edgar C. Beecroft of Pelham.

Fri., Apr. 29, 2005:  Mr. and Mrs. William Bradley Randall And Their Pelham Home Known as The Hermitage.

Thu., Apr. 28, 2005:  Ladies' Day on Travers Island in the 19th Century. 

Wed., Apr. 27, 2005:  Edward Penfield of Pelham Manor:  Famous Illustrator and . . . Mosquito Exterminator???

Tue., Apr. 26, 2005:  The Samuel Pell House on City Island, Once Part of Pelham.

Mon., Apr. 25, 2005:  A Brief History of Pelhamdale Avenue in Pelham.

Fri., Apr. 22, 2005:  Benjamin L. Fairchild of Pelham Heights -- A Notable Pelham Personage.

Thu., Apr. 21, 2005:  Can You Imagine What The Bride's Father Was Ready To Do?

Wed., Apr. 20, 2005:  Pelham's First Town Historian?

Tue., Apr. 19, 2005:  Pelham Manor Residents Fight Construction of the Toonerville Trolley Line.

Mon., Apr. 18, 2005:  Restored Battle of Pelham Memorial Plaque Is Unveiled at Glover Field. 

Fri., Apr. 15, 2005:  How Pelhamville "Lost" Its Name!

Thu., Apr. 14, 2005:  The Pelham Home for Children that Once Stood on Split Rock Road.

Wed., Apr. 13, 2005:  "The Dogwoods" - The Estate of Robert Clifford Black of Pelham Manor. 

Tue., Apr. 12, 2005:  Pelham and the Civil War Ironclad USS Monitor.

Mon., Apr. 11, 2005:  More From the William R. Montgomery Glass Negative Collection.

Fri., Apr. 8, 2005:  The Zeppelin Hindenburg Thrilled Pelham Before Its Fiery Crash in 1937.

Thu., Apr. 7, 2005:  Another Volume of William Jay Bolton's Sketches and Ruminations Located?

Wed., Apr. 6, 2005:  A Behemoth Looks to the Suburbs:  Talk of New York City Annexing Pelham As Early As 1870.

Tue., Apr. 5, 2005:  1821 Tax Assessment Roll of the Town of Pelham.

Mon., Apr. 4, 2005:  Art and Poetry of William Jay Bolton of Bolton Priory in Pelham.

Fri., Apr. 1, 2005:  The Earliest Newspaper in Pelham?

Thu., Mar. 31, 2005:  William Hahn Will Forever Be Known as the Least Intelligent Criminal Ever To Attempt To Prey On Pelham.

Wed., Mar. 30, 2005:  Prospect Hill Village -- Yet Another Early Hamlet Within the Town of Pelham.

Tue., Mar. 29, 2005:  The Earliest Telephone in Pelham Manor?

Mon., Mar. 28, 2005:  Split Rock:  A Pelham Landmark for Centuries. 

Fri., Mar. 25, 2005:  Tennis In Early Pelham.

Thu., Mar. 24, 2005:  The Bartow Area of Pelham in the 19th Century:  Where Was It?

Wed., Mar. 23, 2005:  Prize Fighting At Pelham Bridge in 1884. 

Tue., Mar. 22, 2005:  The 1790 U.S. Census Information for the Township of Pelham.

Mon., Mar. 21, 2005:  Pelham Was A Station Stop for the Stage Coach That Carried Mail from New York To Boston in the Early 19th Century. 

Fri., Mar. 18, 2005:  A Little History Concerning The Historic Pelham Web Site. 

Thu., Mar. 17, 2005:  Using the Westchester County Archives Web Site To Assist With Research Regarding the History of Pelham. 

Wed., Mar. 16, 2005:  Using the New York State and National Register of Historic Places Document Imaging Web Site To Research Pelham History.

Tue., Mar. 15, 2005:  The Oldest Tombstone in Westchester.

Mon., Mar. 14, 2005:  The Strange Disappearance -- and Reappearance -- of Mary Grote of Pelham in 1884:  Part II.

Fri., Mar. 11, 2005:  The Strange Disappearance -- and Reappearance -- of Mary Grote of Pelham in 1884:  Part I.

Thu., Mar. 10, 2005:  "Mammy Goose" of Goose Island.

Wed., Mar. 9, 2005:  Local Historical Societies and Related Organizations of Interest to Those Who Study the History of Pelham, NY.

Tue., Mar. 8, 2005:  New York Public Library Unveils "NYPL Digital" -- Online Collection Contains Many Images Relating To Pelham's History.

Mon., Mar. 7, 2005:  What is That Bell Resting on a Stone Pedestal in Front of the Richard J. Daronco Townhouse at 20 Fifth Avenue?

Fri., Mar. 4, 2005:  In 1909 Fear of "Sharp Lawyers" Prompted Cancellation of the Pell Family's "Fatt Calfe" Ceremony.

Thu., Mar. 3, 2005:  Using the Web To Find Books and Materials Relating to the History of Pelham. 

Wed., Mar. 2, 2005:  Using eBay© Web Site -- of All Things! -- To Assist You With Your Research Into Local History. 

Tue., Mar. 1, 2005:  The "Outrage" of June 10, 1882 -- A Sad Mystery Solved.

Mon., Feb. 28, 2005:  Glover's Rock on Orchard Beach Road Does Not Mark the Site of the Battle of Pelham.

Fri., Feb. 25, 2005:  Robert A. Bang Publishes New Book on The New York, Westchester & Boston Railway Company.

Thu., Feb. 24, 2005:  Building a Basic Library on the History of Pelham, NY.

Wed., Feb. 23, 2005:  The Westchester County Historical Society Acquires Records of The Pelham Manor Protective Club From Dealer in Tarrytown, NY. 

Tue., Feb. 22, 2005:  The Office of The Historian of The Town of Pelham. 

Mon., Feb. 21, 2005:  Presidents Day Post:  American Presidents and Their Connections To Pelham. 

Fri., Feb. 18, 2005:  Finding Photographs of Pelham in the Online "American Memory Collection" of the Library of Congress. 

Thu., Feb. 17, 2005:  The Glass Negatives of Former Town Historian William R. Montgomery. 

Wed., Feb. 16, 2005:  Studying Antique Maps of Pelham Using Online Services That Provide High Resolution Scans -- Part III. 

Tue., Feb. 15, 2005:  Studying Antique Maps of Pelham Using Online Services That Provide High Resolution Scans -- Part II.

Mon. ,Feb. 14, 2005:  Studying Antique Maps of Pelham Using Online Services That Provide High Resolution Scans -- Part I.

Fri., Feb. 11, 2005:  Col. Delancey Kane's "Pelham Coach", Also Known as The Tally-Ho, Is Located. 

Thu., Feb. 10, 2005:  New Discoveries Regarding Baseball in 19th Century Pelham.

Wed., Feb. 9, 2005:  Searching The Brooklyn Daily Eagle (1841 - 1902) for Information About Pelham. 

Tue., Feb. 8, 2005:  Searching Historic Newspapers Online for Information About Pelham.

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